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Y/N Pov:

Currently I am in Union listening to the professor lesson of grimms when a bright light blind me forcing me to close my eyes.

Once I open my eyes I see that everyone from heroes and villains are in some white void.

Before the heroes or villains could attack a fake cough caught everyone attention which we look only to see an giant person.

Aspen: "Greetings Union, League of Darkness, and Y/N. We are Aspen the creator of omnipotent" the person said in multiple voices.

Bakugo: "Then take this!" He said but nothing happened which shock everyone except for me as I ain't that shock since I'm aware that if someone who claims to be the creator can take away powers.

Aspen: "Now I bring you here to send you to a world called Fallout where you all must survive. Good luck" they said then snap their fingers causing everyone to teleport except for me which confuses me.

Me: "Um what about me?" I said which Aspen chuckle or giggle.

Aspen: "I will give you a 'cheat' system called the Gamer. This will allow you to punish Union for their crimes since you suffer the worst" they said then I see a screen appear in front of me which said my name and something called special.

Me: "Special?" I said looking at Aspen who snap their fingers then I gain information on Fallout lore itself.

Aspen: "It much simpler to give you information than explaining it. Now you must select your starter then you will be given an few stuff to help you" he said which I nod then enter the points.

Strength: 1
Perception: 1
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 10
Intelligent: 4
Agility: 2
Luck: 2

Once done I was blinded thus forcing me to close my eyes.

After a few minutes I feel a breeze onto my back thus I open them to see that I am in some kind of church but near the church there is some stuff.

List of items:
Special book which I put into luck.
A combat rifle.
A hunting rifle.
A combat knife.
A Revolver.
A black jumpsuit.
Heavy combat armor.
And a bunch of ammo.

Once I equip everything I exit the church where I see something in the distance thus I went there.

Upon arrival I see it some kind of transit center where there is some people who called themselves Gunners.

So without hesitation I snipe many of them from the entrance.

Once the gunners are dead I head to the entrance where I see a guy called Harvey faking his injury and he begin to talk about some raiders having his family which I can tell are make up.

Me: "I know you're faking it so get up" I said which frighten the guy thus he stand up.

Harvey: "So how you knew I was faking it?" He said which I rolled my eyes.

Me: "Simple I ain't dumb and I don't see a wound" I said which he chuckle nervously.

Harvey: "Well if you're heading to Nuka World then the train your only way" he said then leave.

So without further ado I powered up the station and got on board the train which head to Massachusetts Nuka World.

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