Chapter Sixteen

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Gab's PoV

Oh. My. Gods.

I barely registered a bunch of people walking in to the building, but my main focus was on one girl who was one of the first to walk in. She was gorgeous. She had long, silky black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. She had a nice tan, and her smile lit up the room. Her eyes sparkled, but they also looked guarded. She was hiding something, but I couldn't tell what. She had bags under her eyes as if she hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time, but she looked absolutely stunning. I wanted to keep staring into her eyes to try and unlock what secrets she kept there. I also had the irrational urge to get up and touch her hair just to make sure it was as soft as it looked. I don't know how long I stared at her, but she turned to me quizzically, no doubt wondering what I was staring at. I quickly looked away and blushed. I didn't realize I had been holding my breath.

Come on, Gab. Not now. You don't even know what this place is like. For all you know, this could just end up as the high school situation. Plus, she's probably straight and now thinks you're weird and hates you.

I looked up at Nelson and Annie, scared that they had seen what had just happened. They only looked back at me just as scared. I don't think it had anything to do with the beautiful girl that was now sitting just a foot away from my bed. Oh my gods keep it together, Gab!

"Hey, Will. We needed to talk to you, so we figured that we would help you explain to the new demigods about gods and stuff before we talked to you about the current situation." A blonde girl with intense, calculating gray eyes explained. She looked around the room and took in Nelson and I laying in bed fully conscious, Annie sitting on the edge of my bed, and Ari still sleeping on the bed next to me. I told her not to use her powers. Seriously, was it wrong to try and keep just one person in my life from dying on me? Even if I didn't know her well, but no she had to be stubborn.

The blonde girl spoke again, bringing me back from my thoughts. "Why don't we start with introductions first. My name is Annabeth Chase. I'm a daughter of Athena."

The boy to her left with the black hair and sea green eyes put his arm around Annabeth's waist. "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Posiedon."

The boy to his left with blonde hair and electric blue eyes said, "My name is Jason Grace, and I'm the son of Jupiter." Jupiter... Who... Then the information clicked into place. Jupiter was the Roman form of Zeus. He was Roman, not Greek.

"I'm Piper McLean. My mom is Aphrodite." The girl to Jason's left said. She had choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope colored eyes. She looked at me for a second longer, and I could have sworn her eyes flickered to the girl that was sitting next to my bed before she smiled and laid her head on Jason's chest. I was going to have to be careful around her.

The boy to her left lit his hand on fire, making Nelson, Annie, and I shriek before the rest of the group yelled, "Leo!" And he put his hand out.

"My name is Leo Valdez, also known as the super hot McShizzle, and-" the girl to his left slapped him lightly on the arm.

"He is a son of Hephaestus," the girl said sweetly. I looked back at the Latino Santa's elf who had an impish grin on his face. Well, at least now I know that if I want to set a building on fire I could always ask him to do it. I looked back at the girl. She had caramel colored hair and dark almond eyes. "My name is Calypso."

"Wait, Calypso? The Calypso?" I asked incredulously. She only gave a shy nod, and was probably saved from further enthusiastic interrogation by the boy that sat to her left.

"It's a long story. We can talk about it later. My name is Frank Zhang, and I'm a son of Mars." Frank was a burly looking Chinese boy. Despite his appearance, however, his voice and eyes were only gentle, and he looked as if he wouldn't hurt a fly.

The girl to his left with chocolate brown skin, cinnamon colored hair, and golden eyes spoke next. "My name is Hazel Levesque. I'm the daughter of Pluto."

The small boy to her left with raven black hair, sickly pale skin, and deep brown eyes spoke in a soft voice. "My name is Nico Di Angelo, and I'm the son of Hades. Yes, Hazel is my half sister just on the Roman side, and no I do not have any other siblings." His voice grew a hard edge at the end of his statement. I looked at him curiously. I guess he's had to introduce himself a lot, and those were the most common questions. Questions he hated answering. Maybe I'll learn more about that later, but I wasn't going to push it. The blonde boy in the doctor's scrubs with sky blue eyes put his arm around the smaller boy. Nico stiffened, but then relaxed into the touch.

"My name is Will Solace," the blonde boy said. "My dad is Apollo."

Finally, it was the gorgeous girl's turn to speak. My heart leapt into my throat, and I forced it back down. This was so not happening. "My name is Reyna, and I am the daughter of Bellona. She's the Roman goddess of war." Reyna explained. I noticed she didn't give a last name. I wondered why.

"What are you're guys' names?" Annabeth asked.

Nelson cleared his throat nervously. "My name is Nelson Madera."

Annie rose her hand next. "My name is Annie Cortez."

Everyone turned to look at me. I tensed up, ready to run. I was going to have to explain the pronoun thing because I wasn't about to go around with people forcing me to be a girl on days that I felt like a guy, but I didn't know how they were going to take it. If I had to, I could try to outrun them, but I doubt I would get far before they caught me. I took a deep breath, then said cautiously, "My name is... Gab." I decided against giving them my full name. "My um... My pronouns are ze, em zeir, and I am genderfluid. I feel like my gender switches from a girl to a boy on different days..." I trailed off. I was starting to ramble. Everyone stared at me for a few seconds, taking the information in.

Just as I decided to bolt, everyone broke into a grin. "Okay." That's all they said. What?

"Um... Okay?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah. What did you expect? We were going to attack you? Why would we do that?" Annabeth asked gently. I just shook my head in surprise. I just told eleven more people about my gender identity, and they were okay with it. This was definitely a new one for me.

Nico cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "So... Yeah, the other girl... Her name is Ari right?" He asked. He looked at me in sympathy, and I smiled at him gratefully for changing the subject.

"Yeah," Annie confirmed. "She's-"

Whatever she was about to say was cut off when Ari sat up in the bed and started yelling again. "Where the actual fuck am I now? Who the hell are you guys?"

This, was going to be, a long afternoon.

Sorry most of that was only introductions, but it takes a while to go through eleven people. Plus, I figured I should wait until Ari woke up for them to start the actual explanation, so that she didn't miss much. I hope you guys have a good day!

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