Chapter Thirty-Two

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Gab's PoV

As my friends, a few other demigods, and I walked to the big house, I grabbed a plate from the dining pavilion. I was hungry. Sue me. It's not like I wasn't going to give it back.

Anyway, while we were walking, I kept glancing back at Annie. She was fiddling with her hands, and her face was still ghostly white. I wondered what she could have dreampt about to cause her to scream like that. Actually, when I thought about, it looked like none of my friends had a good nights sleep. Nelson's eyes were rimmed red as if he were about to cry. Ari tried not to show it, but she seemed nervous. She kept drumming her fingers on her leg as she walked. I know I hadn't had a restful sleep either. Those words keep hissing in my mind, keeping me on edge. The brightest soul's sacrifice shall make. I didn't know what the heck that meant, but I wasn't sure I wanted to find out.

When we got to the big house, Piper, Jason, Will, Nico, Connor, and Travis started walking up the steps. We started to follow, but Piper turned around and said, "Only Annie is allowed to come up. Even though she's not a councilor, she had a dream that is obviously important to Hades's disappearance or whatever is going on."

"I had a dream about that too."

I looked around, stunned. Ari and Nelson seemed to be just as surprised. We had all spoken the same thing at the same time. Nico raised his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything. Piper hesitated before saying, "Fine. The meeting is this way." We followed them inside and into a room with a ping pong table. All of the other councilors were already seated around the table. Reyna and what I assumed to be the senate were also seated in between the Greeks and standing around the room.

Reyna looked up at me and gave a small smile. I waved back slightly. I looked around and saw a guy with a rainbow tattoo on his arm looking in our direction. I turned to my friends to try and figure out who he might have been staring at when I saw Nelson blush. I smirked at him before going back to paying attention to what was going on in the room. Chiron called the meeting to order, and Grover started to explain what he told us yesterday about the abundance of monsters and the shadows and patches of death that were popping up everywhere.

The tension in the room increased after his report, but before anyone could say anything, Nelson rose his hand. "Speaking of the dead rising, I had a dream about the dead falling."

Nico frowned at him. "What do you mean falling?"

Nelson then explained his dream about watching his mom's soul fall into a crack in the ground that appeared in Elysium. Nico's face seemed to whiten at that news. "Where do you think the crack led to?" Nelson asked worriedly.

Before anyone could answer him, Annie said, "Probably the thing I had dreampt about." She started fidgeting with her hands again. We waited expectantly for her to continue. She sighed and told us about the pit and what it said about rising. As she talked, I noticed Nico, Percy, and Annabeth's faces getting whiter and whiter until I was sure they were going to pass out from blood loss. Finally, Annie finished with, "Oh yeah. It also said... It also said..." She took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves. "It said, 'Tell Nico, Percy, and Annabeth I said I missed their company and I'm sure they wouldn't want to forget me'." We all turned, horrified, to look at the three. Percy was shaking and holding a crying Annabeth who was also shaking in his arms. Nico was trying hard not to scream as Will held him close to his chest. Nico was shaking as well and crying. I had a bad feeling I knew what the pit was, but I really didn't want to be correct. However, judging by their reactions, I was probably right.

"That pit. That was Tartarus." Piper said uneasily. If he really is rising..." Her voice trailed off. The room fell into the loudest silence I had ever heard.

Finally, Ari spoke up. "I guess that explains my dream. In my dream, dad was at the edge of the pit. He was using his powers to hold the Underworld together, because Tartarus has a rift that is opening wider and trying to push through to the Underworld. I'm guessing your mom fell through the rift, Nelson. His power is fading, and monsters keep spilling through the rift, making it bigger. If this continues, then Tartarus can push his way out into the mortal world. Hades wants me to go down and help control the Underworld while someone goes on a quest to fix this. He said he would give me some of his power for now to do this since the spirits are trying to rebel and escape into the mortal world."

"How are we supposed to stop him then?" A tough looking girl threw her knife down on the table. I think her name is Clarisse. "We can't exactly beat up an opening!"

"That probably leads to my dream," I sighed. Everyone turned to stare at me, and I shifted uncomfortablely in my seat. I hated when people stared at me. Especially this many. "I was in a cave, and this green light started glowing deeper inside the cave. As I walked closer, I heard it whispering the same phrases over and over again. It sounded like a poem or something. It said,

The daughter of the world underneath the ground
Enlisted to ensure everything is safe and sound
A soul close to the brother of the daughter
Stands to claim the responsibility of the other
The secret a past life shall take
And a bright soul's sacrifice shall make

I don't know what a prophecy is supposed to sound like, but I'm betting that was one."

Hey guys. This is going to be my last update for tonight. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know the prophecy sucks, but at least it isn't one of Apollo's haikus. I hope you had a great day!

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