15. Rainy Secrets // Hatsuharu Soma { Fruits Basket }

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E/c = eye color


The loud sound of thunder made Y/n jump as she looked out the window, seeing lightning flash across the sky. She shivered a bit, gripping the book that she had in her hands a bit tighter. Y/n was left alone at her home, her parents were currently on a business trip and they trusted everything to her, which she didn't mind. She was old enough to do things on her own.

Getting up from her spot on the couch, she walked over to the window. She pulled back the curtains and peered out the window watch the rain pour from the sky. Y/n sighed a bit.

"It sure is coming down out there..." She muttered to herself, still looking out the window peering up at the dark clouds the curtained the sky.

Y/n hoped that it didn't get too bad to the point where her house would lose power. She grumbled knowing that she couldn't fix those sort of things without her father's help. He's handy like that.

There was a knock at her front door that startled Y/n out of her thoughts and she whipped her head towards the door. She was expecting anyone, especially not at this hour, in this whether.

Cocking an eyebrow, she asked herself. "Who the hell could that be?" Putting her book off to the side on the table, moving away from window in the living room and walked over towards the door.

Opening it, Y/n answered the door with her eyes closed with a "yes" before opening them to see who has come to her house. Her eyes widened seeing her classmate and a close friend, Hatsuharu Soma.

She and Haru have been friends since they were young which was odd considering the fact that she and her family were outsiders, but Y/n's mother used to work as maid at the Soma Estate before she got a new job and Haru and Y/n met then and their friendship carried over, though Haru would always sneak away from the Estate to see her until now since they go to the same high school.

Dripping wet from the rain, Haru looked up at her through his hair that hung in his face. His brown eyes stared into her E/c ones. She couldn't read what emotion he was showing, it was always hard for Y/n though they've known each other for a long time but she still can never truly know.

"Haru..." She finally spoke and the male perked up to his name. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked him. It was seriously out of the blue and in this whether no less.

"I just... I just needed to see you." He said in a low tone.

Y/n frowned at this but then raised an eyebrow at the strange boy. "You needed to see me?" She asked him, confused at his action.

"Yeah." Haru replied back, very monotone but that's how he's always been.

"But, you see me every day at school, moron." Y/n said.

"It's not enough." Haru said back.

Y/n sighed out in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Alright then. Get in here before you drown out there. I'll get you a towel." She said, letting a rain soaked Haru in.

"Thanks, Y/n." He said with a small smile.

"Whatever," Y/n said. "Sit on the floor please I don't want my parents' furniture getting wet." Y/n left to the bathroom to fetch a clean towel for Haru.

*small time skip*

Haru sat on the floor, his back resting on the couch as Y/n dried his hair with a white hand towel. Y/n had a soft glare on her face as looked at the white haired boy. She cared for Haru but he's honestly was kinda hopeless as well as he is careless.

"You're tense," Haru's low voice and him grabbing her arm, snapped Y/n out of her thoughts as she lost her glare and it was replaced with a surprised look in her eyes. "Is something wrong?" He asked her looking up at her with worried look in his eyes.

"No. I'm not tense at all." Y/n said, her hands leaving the towel on Haru's head.

"You're lying." Haru said.

"How do you know that I'm lying?" Y/n asked the boy.

Haru frowned. "We've known each other for years now, Y/n and I know when you're lying. I thought we could tell each other anything." Haru said.

She flushed from embarrassment. He's right, she really can't lie to Haru, Haru might be a bit blunt and dense at times but that doesn't mean he's not observant. Y/n looked off to the side. She went into her thoughts as the two sat in collective silence until Haru spoke.

"Y/n," He called her name, making her turn her head to look at him. His saddened expression made Y/n's eyes widened a bit. "Do you not want to be around me anymore?" He asked.

Y/n turned to face him fully and shook her head frantically. "No, No, that's not it all, Haru! It's just... my family and I are so very different from you and yours. I mean we are from the outside, we're outsiders. In all honesty, I wonder why you're still friends with me." Y/n confessed.

Y/n felt arms wrapped around her small frame for a split second until a puff of colored smoke appeared around her and a black and white cow was in Haru's place with its head on her lap. She was shocked and honestly horrified. What just happened?!

"Why are you worried about what my family or anyone else thinks?" Haru's voice came from the cow.

'What, the cow is Haru?! What is going on? What is he not telling me?' Y/n thought.

"I-I don't know... I just didn't know if you're friends for real or this is all fake." Y/n replied.

"It's not true at all. I'm friends you because I want to be and I want to be more than just friends, Y/n." Haru said.

"Uh?" She asked not sure what he was getting at.

Cow Haru looked up at her. "I've fallen for you, Y/n. And I can't keep it a secret anymore."

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