5. Book Nerd // Kyo Soma { Fruits Basket }

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Kyo noticed how she never talked to people, she always had her nose stuck in a book. Kyo leaned his cheek into the palm of his hand watching the girl from across the room as she flipped the pages of her book.

Y/n L/n was her name, of course Kyo knew who she was but like most people, they know her as the quiet, smart girl that sat by herself with a book.

Tohru and her friends noticed the Soma boy staring into space or so they thought. Tohru was about to say something but Uotani spoke up.

"Whatcha starin at, Carrots?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

Kyo jetted his eyes away from the girl and turned his head to the window. "None of your business, Yankee." He growled a bit.

"You were staring at Y/n for quite some time." Hanajima said.

"Shut up! I was not!" He exclaimed.

"Wow, I didn't know you were into the quiet ones." Uotani chuckled.

Kyo huffed. "Whatever." He grumbled under his breath looking from the window back to Y/n, who still nose deep into the book she had then back to window.

^time skip^

After lunch, Y/n headed back to her classroom with a new book in her hand that she got from the library. She opened the door to the classroom and walked inside and closed the door again and when she looked up, Kyo was there, sitting in his chair at his desk.

Y/n blushed a bit when Kyo's amber, cat-like eyes shifted to her. "Kyo...hi..." She mumbled.

"Hey..." He said back. Y/n felt a bit awkward talking to Kyo. I mean she's good friends with Yuki but he's nothing like Kyo. And she wonders why she fell for Kyo and not Yuki.

She walked quick over to her desk and sat down in her chair. I guess you can say that her and Yuki have too much in common. Y/n liked Kyo because he's the total opposite of Yuki and oddly liked his hotheadedness.

She sighed and opened the new book and started reading. "Hey!" Kyo's voice made Y/n flinch when she realized he was behind her.

"What's with you and books and stuff?" He asked as Y/n looked behind her to look at him.

"I mean you don't talk to anybody other then Yuki." Kyo said sitting down in the desk beside her.

"Well, I read books because it helps me escape reality sometimes," Y/n said. "And do you have a problem with me talking to Yuki, Kyo?" She asked closing her book smirking a bit.

"No!" He exclaimed hitting the desk beside her which made Y/n flinch. "I mean, uh, no. You can talk to Yuki if you want to. I don't care." Kyo said looking down at the desk as a pink tint stained his cheeks.

Y/n smiled softly and she couldn't help but laugh at the boy. Kyo looked over at her, blushing deeper. Her laugh was something that he'd never thought he'd get out of her.

"So, you're not jealous of Yuki?" She asked, chuckling a bit.

Kyo smiled smugly. "Like hell. Why would I be jealous of dumb-Yuki?" Kyo asked.

Y/n laughed at the boy as Kyo smiled softly at the girl.

"Well, if you want me to talk to other people maybe I should start talking to you." Y/n said smiling at him.

Kyo gave the girl a shocked and blushy look. "Wha?! Why me?" He asked.

"I just think that a person like you can break through a book nerd's shell." She said.

"What are you talking about?" Kyo asked her as he stood up from the desk beside her.

"Huh?" She answered him, look up at him.

"You ain't a book nerd. You just have a interest, whatever, who cares." Kyo said.

"Kyo..." Y/n blushed softly and smiled. "Thank you...Kyo."

Kyo smiled softly, knocking her head gently with his knuckles. "Dope." He mumbled.

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