Night Out P2

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Hino POV:

Once our fun at the park had died down, we decided to head back to Kiri's agency to get things sorted out with K.B. I did technically convince him to abandon his job to take me out, so it was the least I could do. Meanwhile, Vex seemed a lot more... ecstatic about seeing the hothead again. I was still anxious about what he'd say to me after my breakdown just outside his office doors. What kind of Mafia Boss am I...?

"Took you long enough, Sh*tty Hair." I hear the blond growl. Just the sound of his voice made my heart race. With anxiety, no doubt.

"Sorry, man. She was busy jumping the stepping stones and howling to her heart's content." Kirishima chuckled, walking in, leaving me an embarrassed mess.


"She spent our time in her wolf form."

"Oh.." Why'd he have to sound so unimpressed? I don't see him shifting into a hellhound with the constant need for blood.

"Yeah, sorry for taking up all his time. I really needed this... so thanks." I stated, bowing respectfully. Just because I'm higher in the ranks doesn't mean I'm not gonna treat him with respect, despite his angry demeanor.

"Tch... Whatever. He's back so I could give less of a damn where the hell you were." He spoke bluntly.

"Could I take you out, perhaps? Show you a fun time for the night?" I suggested. I did wish to get to know him further as I'd only known how strong he was and how tempered he could be.

"Why?" He looked at me with a suspicious gaze.

"To make up for it. I hear you're into card games. Maybe we could head down to a bar or cassino or something. We could invite the other Bosses, too!" Now I sold myself on the idea, but Bakugo didn't seem so keen on inviting the others.

"The hell? You wanna invite damn Deku?"

"Well yeah. A card game's no fun without multiple players." I pointed out.

"Yeah, come on, man! You haven't gone out in a while anyway. This'll do us all some good." Kirishima chimed in, making me smile at my best friend. He grinned his famous sharp tooth smile in return, making me chuckle softly. The male paused for a moment, thinking it over before growling.

"Fine... This place is lame anyway." He waved us off. My tail lashed behind me, now excited to see my friends again and get drunk.


Once we arrived at the bar, Mina and the so-called BakuSquad—as Kiri called them—had already made it and were waiting for us by the bar, drinks in hand. I groaned slightly, hating the idea of people waiting on me.

"HINO!!!" Mina exclaimed as she ran up and hugged me tightly. I laugh as her energy always seemed to lift my spirits. She and Kiri really are made for each other. "Is everything okay? You usually don't play card games and such like me and the boys." Of course....

"Y-yeah, I'm fine... Just wanted to try it out again. Get to know Blasty over here a little better, catch up some more with you and the guys." I quickly dodged.

"Oh really~? Is that so?" Mina smirked, knowingly.

"UH— Y-yeah, really. I can't let go of the fact he looks so familiar to me... I could swear I've seen that flaming red glare before." I muttered, looking over at said blond who was rolling his eyes and smirking as he joked with the guys. I will admit, he did look... pretty good with a smile on his face. Even if it was just a smirk.

"You like him, don't you?" I hear her say. I turn to face her with a heavy blush on my face.

"HAH??" I get silenced by Mina shoving a bottle of alcohol in my face.

"C'mon, girlie, you can't hide this from me. Take a few swigs and go talk to him!" She encouraged me.

"But he doesn't exactly seem the type to drink much..." I sighed.

"So what? Better drunk than sober, I always say." She shook her drink a bit.

"Always?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay once, but whatever." She waved me off.

"You really think he'd like me..?" I felt my insecurities start to take over.

"Girl, I know it." She winked at me. I gulped and decided to hell with it. I took a swig and slammed the bottle down on the bar before approaching him.

"Bakugo." I called, my confidence fading the longer I stared at him. He turned to look at me.

"What." He spoke bluntly. I gulped again and took a breath.

"I wish to get to know you better as a person. Not as my rival. But.. as a friend, if that's alright." I demanded.

"Haah?" He raised an eyebrow, making me cringe a little at my word choice. "All you need to know about me is if you double-cross me, it'll be more than your business that'll go six feet under." He scoffed. I couldn't help but chuckle at the half-threat. "What's so funny?" He demands.

"Don't worry about it, K.B. I just love how you always threaten death when you know I could easily overpower you. Even if some say I'm just teeth and fur." I wave him off, making him scoff and roll his eyes. "Seriously, though. I wish to know your likes and dislikes. Your goals and how you got them. How you made it even close to my position in less time than I."

"I doubt it. No one dares to talk to me, let alone want to get to know me." His doubts make me sigh.

"One word. BakuSquad." I smirked.

"Uh- Kiri never knew how to leave me the hell alone! Him and that other chick he used to hang around in high school." Bakugo scoffed. I tilted my head.

"Kirishima had another friend?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought he was mainly friends with 1-A in general. Minus that purple-headed pervert..." I growled softly. My days in 1-A were all a blur, so I only remember my close friends such as Kiri, the BakuSquad, and Ojiro. As well as Tokoyami and Deku, of course. However, there are a few I forgot to keep in touch with.

"Oh yeah. Mineta... Fvckin' bastvrd. Always tryna touch the girls and get up their skirt with his short azz..." Bakugo cursed, which amused me.

"You knew him, too?" I asked, cringing the more I remembered the freak-show.

"Who didn't? They must be lucky..." He rolled his eyes. "Good thing that Patchwork killed him."

"Honestly, yeah... the only good thing about him..." I muttered.

"The hell'd he do to you anyway?"

"No no. I'm getting to know you. Once I feel like I can trust you, maybe then I'll explain. Or Kiri'll do it for me..." I growled softly, knowing how easily Kiri would crack under pressure.

"And why should I trust you?" He countered.

"Yeah, true.. Could we at least go somewhere more private?" I suggested. He looked around and nodded, clearly just as uncomfortable as I was. I told Mina I'd be back in a bit while Bakugo just left the boys. Looks like tonight's gonna end with a lotta confessions...

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