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Each full moon, a gathering within the clan, is held. This time is for competitions, events, chatting, announcements, boasting, and more. Just for the clan to mingle.

If a chief dies, the next is appointed by the council after completing a series of events. Cats hoping to be the chief will participate in a trial. They will be presented with various situations and they must come up with solutions. The rest of the clan will vote on which is the best, and the council will have the final say.

A mates ceremony must be done if two cats agree to become partners. Both cats in the relationship must agree to be mates for the mates ceremony to take place. This supposedly creates a stronger bond and trust between the partners. If a divorce is to happen, both cats must also agree, and their title as partners will be taken away. If only one cat wants this, they must have a strong reason. (Also includes polyamorous felines)

When a cat changes rank, there is to be a ceremony/present/event. Trainee's nests are usually decorated, warriors have a feast, queens have name tellings, veterans have stories, council members have events, and chiefs have all except for name tellings and stories. Sometimes gifts are given.

Name tellings are held when a queen is expecting kits or if they are already born. Any cat in the clan can suggest names for the queen's kits. Sometimes the queen chooses, or she wishes for it to be randomly chosen and events are held. She can choose whether to have one before or after the kittens are born.

The Breeze Race is held in Autumn. This is held to celebrate the coming of the colder season, the colors of leaves changing and falling of leaves, and more. Any cat of any rank can enter, a feast is held at the end, and the winner is given a varying prize.

Gift giving is held during Winter. This is to lighten up the spirits of the cats. Cats of any rank can enter, they are given a random clanmate to give a present to.

A Flower Festival is held during New-leaf. Cats create flower crowns, decorate their nests, and create paintings with berries. Anything to celebrate the coming back of prey and plants.

An official art contest is held during Summer. Any cat can enter any sort of piece of art and it will be judged by the veterans(who have not entered). It's a time to appreciate all that Blooming Meadows has given Meadowclan and the plentiful times.

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