Chapter 1: Escape and the Overlord!

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So let Draven's adventure begin! It's time for home to make a daring escape from his captors and finally be free to live his life! Although who might the young boy meet along the way?

Draven ran, ran as fast as his short legs would carry him as he heard the city guard approaching. The 10 year old boy quickly jumped into a nearby barrel as he waited for the guards to run past his hiding place. Draven quickly hopped out of the barrel before setting his sights on the gate that led out of the city. Draven was almost through the gate, this was his chance! "Hey! There's the little brat!" One of the guards shouted as they continued their pursuit of him. "How sloppy of me, I should have been more careful!" Draven thought to himself as he ran through the gate before turning to face the guards as they approached the gate.

"Glacial Wall!" Draven shouted as he put his hands out in front of him as a wall of ice formed, locking the guards in the city. Draven quickly turned on his heel before running down the dirt pathway. "The wall won't hold for long, if only I had a staff to enhance my spells! Although if my body wasn't so weak, it would be stronger!" Draven thought to himself once again as he continued to run. Draven has made it a good way away from the city as he finally thought he was free from the life of a tool to be used by others! Unfortunately Draven wasn't paying attention to the path in front of him as he bumped into someone.

Draven fell to the ground as he inhaled a sharp breath in pain. "Oh? What's a child like you doing out here by yourself?" Draven looked up at who he bumped into, only to find a skeleton in robes looking down at him.

Before Draven could answer the skeleton however the guards had gotten through the ice wall. "There you are you little brat!" The head guard said as he tried to reach for Draven, only for the Skeleton to cast a spell that burnt him to a crisp. The guard's charred body fell to the ground before breaking into dust. Draven looked over his shoulder as he witnessed what just happened.

               Ainz looked down at the human child with a curious look in his eyes. "I sense great magical power within this child. There is also this foreign power that seems connected to his magic power." Ainz thought you himself as he continued to study the boy. "Kill that monster!" One of the other guards shouted as he and the rest of the guards charged towards Ainz, only to to suffer the same fate as their leader. Ainz once again turned his attention back towards the child. Ainz grabbed the boy by the back of his clothes before gently placing him back on his feet.

"What is your name young one?" Ainz asked as he waited for the child to respond. "Draven sir." The boy responded as Ainz thought about what he should say next. "My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, the tyler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick." Ainz introduces himself to Draven as the boy's eyes went wide. "I heard of you, but I never thought I'd meet you." Draven said as Ainz was taken aback by his statement. "How could this child know about Nazarick? We have kept ourselves hidden from most of the inhabitants of this world." Ainz thought to himself as he studied Draven.

"So are you going to kill me Lord Ainz? Or do you plan to use me as a tool like they did?" Draven asked the skeleton as Ainz was surprised by his sudden question. "Don't compare me to them Draven. Although I am curious about this mysterious foreign power that is within you." Ainz said as Draven cracked a small smile. "It would be my pleasure to show you Lord Ainz." Draven said as he stood next to Ainz before placing his hands out in front of him. "Open the Gate to Infinite Wisdom!" Draven shouted as a large magical door appeared in front of Draven and Ainz.

(AN: Imagine the gateway by itself.)

             Ainz stares at the magic gateway as he tried to figure out just what it was. Suddenly the large double doors opened on their own as a bright light shined from the doorway. "Shall we go Lord Ainz?" Draven said as he walked through the gateway to whatever waited on the other side. Ainz followed Draven through the gateway as he felt himself being transported somewhere. Ainz took in his surroundings as he found himself in the grandest Library he has ever seen.

"Welcome Lord Ainz, to the Infinite Library. This is a Magic only I possess. The Library has information on everything in existence." Draven explained as Ainz looked at the seemingly endless floating bookcases. "I'm assuming this his how you knew about the Great Tomb of Nazarick?" Ainz asked as Draven smiled before turning to look at the floating bookcases.

             "Give me the knowledge of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and it's inhabitants!" Draven shouted as two books flew towards him before gently landing in his hands. Draven handed the two books to Ainz as he looked at the titles. The first book was titled "Great Tomb of Nazarick" Ainz was shocked to see the book held information on all of Nazarick's floors and defense mechanisms. The second book was titled "The Inhabitants of Nazarick" which contained all possible information on every member of the tomb. "I must admit this Library of yours is impressive Draven." Ainz said as he turned to look at the boy, who looked down at his feet.

"I'm assuming you wish to enslave me for this power of mine correct?" Draven asked as he looked at Ainz with dull eyes. "Draven, I sense the great magic potential within you. To enslave you would be a waste. So instead would you become my son?" Ainz asked as Draven's eyes widened in surprise. "Why would you want a son Lord Ainz?" Draven asked as he couldn't wrap his head around why the ruler of Nazarick would want a child, much less a human child. "You need a parental figure and mentor in your life, I believe I can fulfill both of those rolls." Ainz said as Draven bowed to him in respect and thanks.

"Thank you father, I promise that I won't let you down." Draven said as Ainz patted Draven on the head. "Now then we should be returning." Ainz said as the two of them exited the Infinite Library and returning to the real world. "Lord Ainz! Thank goodness your okay!" A female voice said as a succubus with long black hair stood outside the Infinite Library's gateway.

"Albedo there is no need for concern, I was merely investigating this gateway." Ainz said as Albedo finally took notice of Draven. "Lord Ainz there is a human child behind you. Let me dispose of it." Albedo said as she brandished her axe. "Albedo calm yourself, this child summoned this gateway." Ainz explained as Albedo only seemed to get angrier at his words. "This filth tried to lure you into his lair to kill you! Unforgivable!" Albedo shouted as she readied herself to attack Draven with all her might.

               "Albedo, stand down!" Ainz shouted as the succubus stopped her attack before looking at Ainz in confusion. "Attack my son, Draven Ooal Gown is forbidden. Do I make myself clear?" Ainz said as Albedo dropped her axe in shock at Ainz's words. "Y-Your son? What do you mean Lord Ainz?" Albedo asked one confusion as she tried to figure out what was happening. "Young Draven has unbelievable magic prowess and with this gateway of his, our conquest will be even easier. So I've decided to take him in." Ainz said as it finally made sense to her. "Now we should be returning to Nazarick." Ainz said as he started walking away.

              Draven walked behind Ainz next to Albedo, who kept giving him sideways glances. "She must be disgusted by my very presence, when we arrive at Nazarick it would be best to stay out of everyone's way." Draven thought to himself as he continued to follow his adopted father. Albedo was still looking at Draven, but what she was feeling wasn't disgust. "Lord Ainz's son? If I take care of him, it would be like I'm his mother, which means that I would also be Lord Ainz's wife!" Albedo thought time herself as a smile spread across her face. Maybe having this human around wouldn't be so bad after all.

So that's the first chapter! I hope all of you will tell me what you thought of Draven and his daring escape! Of course Ainz could see all of Draven's hidden potential and Albedo saw a different potential in the human boy. What will await Draven at the Great Tomb of Nazarick? How will the other floor guardians react to the human boy? How will Draven handle meeting them? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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