Chapter 16: A Difficult Apology

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In the last chapter we got to see just how much the events of Landschaft had an affect on Draven. There is also his concern over the Ecliptic Blades despite his best efforts to remain calm.

Aura was really stressing out at the moment as she was trying to think of a way to apologize to Lord Draven for what she did the last time they talked to one another. "Why did I yell at Lord Draven like that? He was just concerned and I hit him for it!" Aura thought to herself as she wanted to slam her head against a tree. "A-Aura, I'm sure it's fine Lord Draven said he didn't blame you." Mare said as he tried to reassure his sister that everything would workout just fine. Aura whipped around to stare at her brother who flinched under her sister's gaze.

Mare quivered as he was afraid his sister would hurt him for what he said. Aura realized that she was scaring her brother as she let out a sad sigh. "I'm sorry Mare, it's just I really care about Lord Draven and I'm angry at myself." Aura said as she turned to walk away from her brother. Mare watched his sister go with a worried look in his eyes. " really can be stubborn sometimes, I hope your willing to be honest for once." Mare said before he started walking back to his garden to tend to his plants. Mare still couldn't help but worry about his sister as she had been in a rut for the past week over this.

With Aura
Aura walked through the halls of Nazarick as her mind was still plagued with the memory of how she treated Lord Draven. Aura wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ended up bumping into someone, which caused her to fall down onto the ground. "Oh! Aura are you okay?" Aura looked up to see Shalltear standing over her looking down at her with a slightly amused look on her face. "Yeah I'm fine Shalltear, just thinking about something important." Aura mumbled as Shalltear could see that whatever it was it had Aura quite distraught.

Shalltear dragged Aura to a room where they could talk in private about what's bothering her. "Alright Aura, tell me what's been bothering you." Shalltear said in a serious tone as Aura was nervous, but knew that Shalltear wasn't going to let her leave until she came clean. Aura began recounting her last conversation she had with Lord Draven and the rather sour note that it had ended on. When she finished explaining everything to Shalltear she looked up nervously expecting her to be angry with her. To her surprise Shalltear looked like she understood her situation and didn't seem angry with her.

"You were just worried about Lord Draven, we all are. Ever since the encounter with that Ecliptic Blade he has been concerned ever since." Shalltear said as a concerned look spread across her face. "I know Mare said Lord Draven didn't blame me, but I still feel like I should apologize." Aura said as her ears drooped in sadness. A smirk spread across Shalltear's face that made Aura's skin crawl. "Well there is one thing you could do if it's so important to you." Shalltear said as one of her fangs was visible in her smile. "W-What is it?" Aura asked nervously as she really didn't want to know the answer.

                 Shalltear leaned in closely before whispering her plan in the dark elf's ear. Aura's face erupted into a blush as Shalltear let out a small giggle. "Y-You know I don't like wearing stuff like that!" Aura stuttered out as Shalltear only continued to giggle. "It's just a suggestion Aura, the final decision is still yours. You should just go see Lord Draven, I believe he's in his workshop right now." Shalltear said before taking her leave from the room. Aura sighed before getting up from her chair as well and exiting the room. "I should probably just go see Lord Draven." Aura mumbled to herself before heading towards the young Lord's workshop.

Draven's Workshop
Draven was currently working on his most recent project that would help him in combat. He had also been working on magic objects that could help the Floor Guardians as well. Draven's work was interrupted by a knock on the door to his workshop. "Probably one of the maids coming to check on me." Draven mumbled to himself as he took off his work gloves before walking towards the door to the room. Draven opened it and was surprised to find Aura standing there. "Oh, Aura what can I do for you?" Draven asked as an awkward silence fell between the two of them as they stared at each other.

                Aura rubbed her arm nervously as she did her best to hold eye contact with Lord Draven. "C-Can I come in Lord Draven?" Aura asked nervously as Draven moved aside to let the dark elf into the workshop. Aura looked around to see and assortment of weapons, potions, and other objects. Aura then looked at a stone with a Mark carved into it sitting on Draven's workbench. It seemed to radiate a small amount of dark energy.

"What's that thing?" Aura asked as she pointed towards the strange stone that sat on his workbench. "Oh that? It's a magic amplifying rune, once I perfect making them I plan on making multiple of them." Draven explained as he grabbed the rune, which gently floated above the palm of his hand.

"So how does it work exactly?" Aura said as she saw this as an opportunity to start a conversation with Lord Draven without it being awkward. "Well once perfected I can send these out and let them float around the battlefield. If I strike them with a spell, it will be amplified and output an even stronger spell." Draven explained before setting the rune back down on the workbench. "So Aura, what did you want to talk to me about?" Draven asked as he gave the dark elf a curious look. Aura fidgeted around nervously in place at the question asked.

"W-Well, I wanted to apologize Lord Draven. You were just concerned for our safety and I slapped you for it." Aura said timidly for someone like her. Draven gently placed a hand on Aura's shoulder as she looked him in the eye. "Aura, I did not blame you for what you did. It's just I don't want to lose any of you. I already lost one friend." Draven said as Aura gave him a confused look. "Who are you talking about Lord Draven?" Aura asked as she can't think of anyone from Nazarick that has died in this world besides mindless undead soldiers. Draven sight as he led her to a chair before they both sat down.

               "About two years ago, there was a child locked up in the prison with me. His name was Xavier." Draven began to explain as Aura nodded in understanding at Lord Draven's words. "He was the first friend I ever had, one time he helped me escape. We almost made it, but we were cornered. Xavier was stubborn, he didn't want to escape unless we both made it out." Draven continued as he started to shake slightly as the memories came back to him. Aura looked at Draven in concern as this seemed to be a painful memory for him. Draven took a deep breath to calm himself down before continuing.

               "I knew that if Xavier got captured, they would kill him for trying to help me escape. So I pushed him out to freedom, as long as they got me back, they wouldn't care to go after him." Draven finished as Aura understood why Draven was so worried about losing people. "Lord Draven...I'm sorry, I promise to help you find him." Akira said in a reassuring tone. Draven gave Aura a small smile before going over to a drawer and pulling out what appeared to be a green crystal that had natural magic energy leaking out of it.

Draven held the stone out to Aura who gently took it in her hands. "What is this Lord Draven?" Aura asked as she looked at the young Lord in curiosity. "It's a Beast Tamer's Stone, it allows a Beast Tamer to summon their familiars at any time, no matter the distance between them." Draven explained as Aura looked at him in confusion. "What use for you have for something like this Lord Draven?" Aura asked as she didn't understand why he needed something like this. "Well, I made it for you Aura. I have projects for all the Floor Guardians I want to make." Draven explained as he scratched his cheek in slight embarrassment.

            A small blush spread across Aura's face as she looked at the stone before looking back at Draven and smiling. "Thank you Lord Draven, I'm honored you would make something like this for me." Aura said as a small blush spread across Draven's face from embarrassment. Aura set the stone aside before letting out a nervous sigh. "I know you said it's fine Lord Draven, but I still wish to apologize to you." Aura said as she started undoing her clothes much to Draven's confusion. Underneath her normal attire, Aura was wearing a rather pretty dress.

Aura's entire face was burning up as she was completely embarrassed. "Why did I let Shalltear talk me into this?!" Aura thought to herself as she was starting to regret her decision. "G-Go ahead, laugh at me. I know compared to my brother I look ridiculous in a dress." Aura mumbled through her embarrassment. To Aura's surprise Draven didn't start making fun of her. "Actually Aura I think you look rather pretty in that dress." Draven said as the blush remained on his face. Aura's brain stopped working when Lord Draven said that to her.

             Aura's face turned completely red before she passed out from embarrassment. Draven quickly caught her before she could hit the ground. "Oh dear, she must have come down with a fever of some kind. I better her take her back to her bedroom so she can rest. Draven removed his cloak before putting it on Aura. "She was rather embarrassed from wearing this dress, she probably wouldn't want the others seeing her in it." Draven mumbled to himself as he also grabbed the Beast Tamer's Stone. Draven started carrying Aura back to her bedroom.

Aura's Bedroom
Draven gently set Aura on her bed before placing the stone on her nightstand. "Hopefully some rest will do her some good." Draven said as he looked down at Aura, who was still in the dress. Draven blushed at the sight of Aura as he let his thoughts wonder. "I know I have little experience with other people, but was she always this pretty? I probably just never took the time to notice it." Draven thought to himself before he shook those thoughts from his head. "Get well some Aura." Draven whispered quietly before exiting the bedroom to let Aura get some rest. The young Lord however still couldn't get the dark elf completely out of his thoughts as he returned to his workshop.

So now Draven and Aura have made up! Four chapters remain until the timeskip occurs! Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments. If there's anything you want to see Draven do while he's still a child please leave it in the comments of this chapter as well!

I also wanted to let all you know I started a story on a somewhat well known manga I enjoy. The manga is Demon Mother: my son is so cute, I just can't help myself! The title of the story is Demon Mother & Human Soldier. If you enjoy this story, I think you'll enjoy this one as well as it has similar tones to this one only more slice of life!

What will happen to Draven next in Nazarick? What other experiences will he have with the Floor Guardians and His father? What will be the next step in Nazarick's conquest? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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