The Sorcerer Prince 8 Years Later

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So here we are the reveal of Draven Ooal Gown eight years into the future! Of course after we go over all the Prince's capabilities, all of you will get a Teaser Trailer of sorts for the Timeskip Arc! Now without further adieu, I present to all of you the Sorcerer Prince of the Sorcerer Kingdom!

Name: Draven Ooal Gown

Age: 19

Race: Immortal Human

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Family: Ainz (Adopted Father), Tomb of

Personality: Intelligent, Calm, Kind,
Calculating, Malicious towards those who oppose him, Manipulates situations so they are in his favor, sympathetic to those who suffer from those in power, deep hatred for the Ecliptic Blades and the City of Dominatalos.

Job Classes

Dark Prince: Level 10

Master of the Infinite Library: Level 5

Alchemist: Level 10

Runesmith: Level 10

Necromancer: Level 10

Elementalist-Ice: Level 10

Fencer: Level 3


Sinister Charisma: Has a higher chance of convincing Non-Human Races to assist him in his endeavors. Non-Humans are more likely to converse with the user rather then attack them.

Timeless Intellect: All knowledge the user gains is never forgotten, this is a gift granted to the master of the Infinite Library.

Analyze Composition: The user can figure out what all potions, elixirs, medicines, and concoctions are made of simply by looking at them.

Rune Scholar: Has the ability to read and decipher all runes as if reading text from their first language. The user also can figure out the power granted by the runes he reads.

Dark Mastery: All Dark Magic cast by the user consume less Mana and get quadrupled in power. Curses and Hexes inflicted by dark spells are doubled in potency.

Frozen Infusion: The user can infuse weapons or other spells with ice magic, increasing their power and giving the possibility to freeze the enemy with ice.

Sub-Zero Necromancy: Undead created by the user are imbued with the ice element, giving them ice imbued attacks. When slain in battle, the undead will explode into ice shards.

Alchemist Master Craftsman: User is able to craft potions that that are triple their normal potency and can craft up to five of a single potion or elixir at once. The user is also very efficient in material use, maximizing what can be produced even from minimal ingredients.

Rune Master Craftsman: The User can inscribe runes into items and weapons, imbuing them with immense Magical properties dependent on the runes in question. These effects can range from elemental, poison, life draining, concealment, etc.

Unnerving Presence: The user releases an aura that halves the power of all physical and magical attacks cast by opponents.

Ice Immunity: User is immune to all forms of ice magic and ice status effects.

Dark Blessing: If the user is inflicted with any form of curse or hex, their wounds will be healed and their magic power will gain a temporary boost in power as long as the curse or hex is still afflicting the user.


Malicious Prince's Scepter: A magic staff forged by Draven as his crafting abilities improved. It is a staff that increases the power of Dark Magic in particular and can absorb the magic of enemies to restore Draven's Mana. (In Picture Above)

Frostbite Ring: A ring imbued with ice magic runes, it boosts the power of ice spells or spells infused with ice magic. It reduces the mana consumption of all ice magic as well.

Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown: Allows the wearer to travel instantaneously anywhere within the confines of the necropolis except a few specific areas. Additionally, it is also capable of instantly changing its size to fit its user's finger size.

Robes of the Sinister Scholar: The large hooded overcoat that Draven wears everywhere. It is inscribed with runes that halves the damage of elemental magics, makes Draven undetectable from lower tier holy magics, and increases the effects of potions and elixirs. (In Picture Above)

Light Devouring Chain: A chain the is coiled around Draven's torso, it absorbs lower tier holy magics preventing any damage. (In Picture Above)

Spectacles of Truth: A pair of circular glasses with runes inscribed into the lens that allow the user to see through illusions and reveal pathways and items hidden by magic.

Bio: After eight years of training, Draven Ooal Gown is now nineteen years old. After his first year of living in Nazarick and discovering the true reason behind his adoption, Draven threw himself into his studies. Mastering his preferred forms of magic, perfecting his runesmithing, alchemy, item crafting, necromancy, and ice magic. Now at the age of eighteen Draven has grown into a powerful mage worthy of being called the Prince of Nazarick. Draven now takes a more active role in Nazarick's conquest, acting as the Socerer Prince of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Draven acts a leader to the country in his father's absence while out on conquest. Draven however still leads conquests of his own, the young prince is beloved by humans and non-humans alike of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Draven however has a goal of his own, return to the Kingdom of Dominatalos and reduce it to a pile of rubble.

So that is Draven after eight years of training! Now as promised here is a teaser for the Second Arc of this story. Now please keep in mind what will be presented could happen at any point in the second arc and the events of this teaser will most likely be altered when used in a Chapter proper.

Night had fallen as the Pleiades Battle Maids sat around a campfire, they had just finished a reconnaissance mission that did not exactly go to plans. "So are you lassies going to kill me or keep me tied up?" The maids all turned to glare at a human man, he appeared to be twenty years of age, had short blonde hair a single green, eye, an eyepatch covered his right eye. The man was dressed in an Archer's attire, he was currently tied to a tree. "Just be grateful I haven't devoured you yet!" Solution snarled as she glared at the human man who gave them a smirk in response to the threat. "I mean there are certainly worst ways to go." The Archer responded in a teasing tone that was devoid of any lecherous implications. Solution shot up from her seat, ready to pounce only to be held back by her sisters.

           "You got a mouth on you, careful I don't let Fenrir rip it off." Everyone turned to see Aura, who was no longer a child, but had grown into the body of a teenager. Aura marched up to the restrained Archer before looking him dead in the eyes. "That Noble was our target, we wanted information from him and you killed him. Who paid you to assassinate him?" Aura demanded as she leveled a glare at the archer. The Archer cocked his head to the side in confusion at the Dark Elf in confusion. "Paid? Oh sure I've killed a bloke or two for some gold, but that one was personal lass." The Archer explained as Aura and the Battle Maids looked at each other in confusion. "What did you have against him? He tax your village or something?" Aura said in a snide tone as she glared down at the Archer who glared right back.

"Don't have a village to shack up in and call home, no that prat was in bed with those fucking mules from Dominatalos! Far as I'm fucking concerned they all deserve to burn at the stake!" The Archer barked as once again Aura and the Battle Maids were taken aback by the Archer's words. Aura studied the Archer closely, now curious to who exactly this human was and why he hated "that" kingdom so much. "Who exactly are you? Not many people are brave or stupid enough to stand against Dominatalos." Aura said sternly as the blonde Archer let a smug smirk spread across his face. An odd tension filled the air around them before everything faded to black, the only thing still visible was the campfire, which fizzled out.

The Sorcerer Prince Arc, Coming 2024!

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