Ch 4: Path of Sea

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Upon Y/N arrival in the throne room he see Kelda arguing with Olga while Chloe and Gnarl try to keep them from fighting.

Gnarl: "Master! It seems mistress Kelda is angry with Mistress Olga!" He said.

Chloe: "Only because that human say something insulting to my queen!" She said defending her queen.

Kelda: "It ain't an insult if you two are dress like sl_ts!" She said which Y/N sigh

Y/N: "Enough!" He said with such force that the entire fortress shake thus stopping everyone.

Gnarl: "Thank you master" he said walking towards the throne then stand there.

Y/N: "Listen up! Olga, Chloe your clothes barely hide anything so go change now! Kelda I know your use to the cold but where Olga and Chloe from it different! So get along otherwise I will punish you three by locking you up in the dungeon at Black Keep" he said which cause the ladies to look at each other then leave.


Far away on the land called Remnant there is an academy called Union where a meeting is taking place.

Inside the office is Ozpin, James ironwood, Sirzechs, Michael, Danzo, Vysis, Aultcray, Kong, Proum Jioral, and finally Emperor Solarius.

Currently they are discussing about the new threat calling himself Overlord.

Kong: "He doesn't stand a chance once he leave Nordberg sea as the Marines will be waiting" he said.

Ozpin: "Have you forgot about the fact he have successfully enter Eostia without the need of the sea? After all Vult say in his report that this overlord manage to have a thousand creatures overwhelm the monsters in mere seconds" he said.

Vysis: "Doesn't matter as he will die by our champion hands" she said.

Emperor Solarius: "Enough. It doesn't matter if he escaped into the sea for he won't win against us" he said as his body glow with such an dark aura that it terrified everyone.

Back in the Netherworld.

Currently Y/N is on the throne when a man enter the throne room.

Man: "Begging your pardon, Dark lord, but I thought you should know something. There are some trouble makers in Nordberg! They're planning to steal the town's food supplies and sail out of Nordhaven in one of our - i mean your ships!" He said which Y/N glare.

Y/N: "There more" he thought.

Man: "Um also you wouldn't be able to lend mistress Kelda, would you? The nights in Nordberg are very cold and lonely, you know" he said then scream as he fell into the hole.

Y/N: "Ladies ain't trophies or toys" he said then see Gnarl walk up to him.

Gnarl: "Cheeky devil. Hurry sire. That ship is our ticket out of Nordberg to find the other minion tribes" he said thus Y/N went to the surface.

Arriving at Nordberg Y/N summon some minions then travel to Nordhaven and in the distance y/n see the boat which is trap in ice.

Suddenly three men arrived and they are a bit afraid of seeing Y/N.

Man 1: "It's him!" One of the men said.

Man 2: "Quick, let's get out of here!" Another man said then all three men ran away.

Y/N and his minions begin to cause a lot of chaos to the hunters on their way to the ship.

However they face black goopy stuff that Gnarl say tar which is flammable thus Y/N command his red minions to set the tar on fire.

Which cause a giant fire that melts the snow and ice thus slowly freeing the boat.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until Y/N and his minions arrive at the town Nordberg where many people run away except for two men.

Man 1: "Perhaps he is not without mercy" he said which Y/N glare.

Y/N: "Mercy is for the weak" he thought walking into the town.

Man 1: "Sorry for the fuss sire. Folks around here ain't used to death. Perhaps with a little persuasion they can help you in your quest. Maybe try doing this" he said walking up to the frozen boat and throwing tnt which cause small chucks to get destroy.

So for the next few minutes Y/N use his magic to 'persuade' many folks into destroying the ice which works.

Y/N: "That took forever" he thought returning to the boat which is free.

Man 1: "I hope my prattling not offend your ears lord but the ship is free from ice now. It need some repairs but we, your loyal servants, will take care of this" he said then the entire time town fix the boat.

Gnarl: "Now sire explore the sea!" He said as Y/N and his minions got on the boat and set sail into the sea.

A few minutes later.

Once into the open sea a fog cover the entire ship which got Y/N on full alert since he sense magic in the fog.

Suddenly the fog vanished only for Y/N to stop the ship once he see that in front of the ship is an island.

Y/N: "I know for sure that we were transported but I don't know if we can escape" he thought then land the boat near the island shore.

Once on land Y/N begin to explore until he see a hut near a cliff but beside the hut there a small garden where a skinny young girl in her early to mid teens with pale skin, blue eyes, freckles and brown hair tied in a hair band with a blonde streak in it.

As Y/N walk towards her he accidentally snap a branch thus alarming the teenager who turn around to see him.

???: "Who in blazes are you?" She said standing up while holding a dagger.

Y/N: "Sorry for scaring you. I am Overlord Y/N and I got myself lost in some magical fog that teleport me here" he said which the female sigh.

Pandora: "I'm Pandora and welcome to my prison home" she said confusing him.

Y/N: "You say prison but I only see a island" he said which Pandora sigh again.

Pandora: "This whole island is my prison for unleashing evil onto the world" she said which confuses Y/N.

Y/N: "Explain" he said crossing his arms thus Pandora explain what happened.

A long time ago she was given a box by a stranger but her curiosity got the best of her and she open the box unleashing seven evil souls that nearly destroyed the world.

Thankfully a hero called Gelrus open the box again unleashing hope thus saving the day but his reward is the entire island and immortality.

Sadly her punishment is being imprison on the same island that Gelrus is given while curse to be immortal.

The only weapon capable of killing the two is a weapon create by a god.

Y/N: "... Ok it wasn't fully your fault since you didn't expect that the box you were given would be unleash the evil" he said which Pandora sigh sadly.

Pandora: "Sadly it still my fault" she said.

Y/N: "Well what if I free you?" He said surprising her.

Pandora: "Ain't you an overlord? Why would you free me?" She said.

Y/N: "I get the island and you are indebt to me if I free you" he said which Pandora look at him with a dumb expression.

Pandora: "... Fine but I will be staying with you since it your fault" she said which Y/N shrugged having no problem with it.

Y/N: "Now is there any godly weapon I can find on this island?" He said which Pandora think.

Pandora: "Well I remember that there a temple that appear one day and I got a shiver whenever I attempted to go there" she said which Y/N nod.

Y/N: "Ok so point me to the temple then point me to where this hero Gelrus is located" he said which Pandora nod then the two climb the cliff.

Once on top the two see two places:
To the west is a jungle where a temple is located.
And to the east there a beach where a fort is located.

Pandora: "As you can see those are the only places that are on the island. So good luck" she said climbing back as Y/N and his minions walk to the temple.

A few minutes later.

Once arrived at the temple Y/N can sense a lot of evil in the temple thus he glare as this evil feel ancient and dark.

Y/N: "be on alarm as we might be in a difficult battle" he said which his minions nod then they enter the temple.

Only for the minions to get trap in a barrier surprising the Y/N until he feel pure evil.

???: "Only one can enter. Are you worthy of mastering the blade?" A demonic voice said then the pure evil vanish.

So without any choice Y/N leave his minions and continue onward.

It wasn't long until Y/N arrive at a chamber where he see an kanata floating in the center of the room but at the same time he sense the same evil again.

Y/N: "I know you're there show yourself!" He said only for the demonic voice to laugh.

???: "Fool I am floating in front of you" the demonic voice said which cause Y/N to look at the katana in surprised.

Y/N: "An sentient blade? What sort of tricky is this!" He said then the blade glow red.

???: "You may think this is a trick but I am alive thanks to my creator who is beyond what you mortals called an god. However he sent me alongside my fellow brothers and sisters to many worlds to see if anyone is worthy of mastering us. Now show me if you are worthy!" The katana said then unleash an powerful evil that nearly force Y/N to kneel but he stood his ground.

Y/N: "I'll admit you are definitely powerful but I won't be dominated by a blade!" He said then walk towards the katana then without hesitation he grab the handle causing pain all throughout his body.

???: "Mm impressive but show me that you have the dominant will to suppress me!" the katana said as it put more force which nearly forced Y/N to kneel but he stood his ground then roar like beast.

Y/N: "I'm the f_cking Overlord! You will be dominated by me!" He said then unleash his full power which overwhelmed the sword evil.

Then a bright red light blinded Y/N but once his sight returned he is surprised to see that everything around him changes including the blade.

???: "Well done master. You have tamed me but should you used me against weak foes I won't give you strength" the katana said then went quiet.

Y/N: "Well I guess your first blood will be an hero" he said with a sinister smile as he leave.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until Y/N and his minions arrived at the hero base which ain't that protected.

But he smirk and break down the gate which reveal to be an throne room where the hero is sitting on the throne.

Gelrus: "Who the f_ck do you think you are entering my fort like you owned the place" he said standing up and hold an mace.

Y/N: "I'm the f_cking Overlord mother f_cker! And your days of being warden is over!" He said holding the katana.

Then the Battle between Gelrus and Y/N begin.

Immediately the hero dash at Y/N swinging his mace but Y/N block the mace causing sparks to fly out of their weapons.

Gelrus then swing his mace again but Y/N dodge then strike which cause blood to spill shocking Gelrus.

Gelrus: "Impossible. The gods say there no godly weapons on this island!" He said.

Y/N: "Guess again b_tch!" He said then begin to unleash a lot of slashes that cause Gelrus to cough out a lot of blood as he fell to his knees.

Battle end.

Then with a swing Y/N slice off Gelrus head causing blood to come out.

Suddenly a bright light appear then standing in front of Y/N is an elf woman wearing almost nothing but a cloth.

Celestine: "Intruder. I am Celestine reincarnated of the goddess of light Laurentia. And for you killing an important hero you will face the justice against the gods" she said only to scream in pain when a red lightning came out of Y/N katana.

???: "You sl_t! You dare called yourself an reincarnation goddess when in truth you're just an elf that look like an goddess! For this insult I place a curse that will make you unable to have s_x unless you surrender to Y/N! Now begone!" The blade said then force the elf to teleport.

Y/N: "What kind of curse is that? That ridiculous!" He said only to see an image of a woman without any p_ssy or _ss.

???: "Oh trust me. This curse will make sure she won't be able to use the bathroom anytime soon" the blade said then went quiet.

Y/N: "That is gross. Anyway time to return to Pandora" he said then walk out of the fort.

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