Ch 7: Path of the Spiders

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It's been only a day since the green hive returned and Y/N is planning to attack the Everlight town that the humans are controlling sadly they can't enter.

Thankfully Pandora came up with a plan to get the control of the spiders which means killing the giant spider queen.

Pandora: "From what I understand these spiders can be used by the Greens as mounts so controlling them won't be difficult so long as we get rid of the Queen" she said.

Gnarl: "I agree sir. With the queen out of the way the green can control the spiders just like how the Brown can control the wolves" he said only to yell as the female wolf queen bites his _ss.

Pandora: "So in order to take control of Everlight you must have the assistance of the spiders" she said.

Y/N: "Very well let hunt the spider" he said as he leave the fortress.


Once outside the Y/N travel further into the jungle only to encounter a unit of soldiers slaughtering spiders while guarding a gate thus both himself and his minions kill the soldiers and the spiders.

Once clear of enemies Y/N travel until he see a temple in the distance which the Spider Queen enter however the bridge is down.

Thus Y/N went to search for a key stone only to encounter Queen Day again in some ruins.

Queen Fay: "So, you seek to spread your darkness further afield. Scourge of Nature? You are too late. I have found a new place, where all creatures of light magic can exist in safety. The Last Sanctuary. Please accept my parting gift for we shall not meet again" she said then vanished but in her place is a troll.

For the next few minutes Y/N and his minions fought the troll for it have a rough skin and tough opponent but thankfully it got slayed by Y/N.

Then Y/N and his minions with the key stones return to the Spider Queen temple only to encounter the Empire soldiers which the minions and Y/N easily slaughter.

Once the key stones are placed the bridge rises up from the ocean thus allowing Y/N and his minions to cross however once inside the floor collapse.

Thankfully Y/N survive by making a super hero landing while his minions only suffer head injuries however they are in the lair of the Spider Queen.

Spider Queen boss battle.

The spider queen leap onto the wall thus the Overlord is force to draw her to a wall that spray water thus causing the Spider Queen to get push off and land on her back.

This allows both Y/N and the minions to attack thus weakening her only slightly however she recovers and jump back to the wall while summoning her spiders.

The spiders easily fall and Y/N use the same trick but he have his minions stand on pressure plates thus allowing the water to spray again thus the spider queen is on her back.

Once the Queen is near dead and on her back Y/N climb the spider belly and jump then slam his axe on the Spider belly causing the queen spiders to leave while she dies.

Spider Queen defeated!

However the room begins to fill with water which sends the platform to raise up only to stop thus Y/N command his greens to use the spiders to goes higher.

Once at the top Y/N found a chest room full of treasures thus he commands his minions to break the chests and gather the treasures.

Once the chest is looted Y/N and his minions escape however they found someone who looks like a hybrid between a human and a spider at the entrance.

Widow: "Greetings. I am Princess Widow a failed experiment of the elves when they attempted to make me command my mother legion. However I am in debt to you for freeing my brethren and sisters from my wretched mother control" she said kneeling before him.

Y/N: "I see and why shouldn't I kill you?" He said which Widow giggled.

Widow: "Because you need an army to take over Everlight thus I can produce you thousands of different spiders. Plus I know the weaknesses of the Empire navy" she said which Y/N frown.

Olga: "I suggest she join as the minions alone can't always help" she said.

Gnarl: "I agree master!" He said.

Y/N: "Very well Widow welcome to my growing Empire" he said as the two leave and they return to the Netherworld.

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