chapter 4

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After a few days, it felt as if it had been years since I've been on holiday, with those large stacks of work piled against my desk. If someone were to look at me from the outside of my window, I am certain that due to these books, he can't spot me.

What an awesome tactic to ward off stalkers.

Last year of high school was already killing me. I wondered how those extroverts, those popular kids, handled their workloads.

It is surprising how time flies so quickly while studying, but I guess it's the only thing I can do to occupy my time, unlike my other peers who hang out in malls for years on end.

During my growing up years, studying was something that I had always loved, however weird it sounds, and I was the class nerd. My classmates used to mock me for who I was. It really hurt me.

And to mend myself, I would just study more.

I hid all my insecurities beneath my thick framed black spectacles, beneath a simple laugh and a forced smile.

Until Nicole entered my life. She made me see things in a new light, and now I have successfully embraced myself for who I am.

As I must have mentioned before, she defended me from them. She also encouraged me to let go of my insecurities.

The day I got rid of my spectacles, Nicole was my witness.

"You look so much more natural and free. You look beautiful," she said.

With her help, the confidence underneath me slowly awakened from its deep slumber. I liked the new me. I was proud for my mini victory.

That was why I have always looked up to Nicole. She has always been my lucky star.

I have grown through the years, but some elements of me still remain. I'm still the introvert I have always been.

No matter what, I am glad for who I am today.

Well, being introverts has its perks. At least you do not have to sacrifice all that time with people when you can choose books.

I would choose books over people any time.

My eyes were starting to get blurry. I looked at the time. 10.52p.m. I have been studying for 5 hours straight. I had to take a break.

I whipped up my phone, and started texting Nicole. It was as if she were forever online, probably replying her boyfriend and other friends.

That reminds me. I need to have a good talk with my best friend.

me: hey
nicole: hey there. still doing work?
me: oops yes. have you finished  yours? :O
nicole: nope
me: ...
me: oh tell me more about you and brand! when on earth did you get together? you never told me you had a crush on him, I feel betrayed :"(
nicole: WHAT NO.
nicole: okay let me narrate my love story.
me: uh huh
nicole: so me and brand met at a party. I was drunk, and someone almost like well how do you say this
nicole: well, almost took advantage of me
me: oh hmm
nicole: and he fought off that guy although we didn't know each other. haha then, of course I felt gratitude, and we got to know more about each other that night and.... he told me he liked me
me: aww! seems like brand is a really nice guy then hmm I shall approve of the relationship 👍

That was when I realised that we have been talking for close to half an hour.

I was still smiling from ear to ear, probably happy for the new couple.

Nicole sent me a message, but I decided to not check it and went straight to bed.

I have to get my full eight hours of sleep.


It wasn't surprising that I overslept, unfortunately. I shouldn't have slept late.


Oh no.

Oh no oh no oh no.

I am going to be late in 24 minutes!

ps: what time does school start for y'all? :)

"Michelle! Wake up, do you want to be late?! How old are you?" Mother screamed into my room. I woke up from shock in my bleary-eyed state and scrambled up immediately, running to the bathroom. Oh no oh no oh no.I hit the bedside table on the way, but I guess that's just part and parcel of life.

I rubbed the sore area on my thigh as I brushed my teeth in fast motion. Then, I dashed to my wardrobe, threw on some clothes, grabbed my bag and almost tripped on the staircase. Then, I heard laughter. I looked up.

"Cal? What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise.

Cal was abiding to his normal dress code, with a simple graphic tee and some navy-washed jeans. Real casual. I liked reading words of the graphics on his shirt, they were interesting.

Today was a grey shirt, with the words 'donut swim with sharks', and with a cute little donut cartoon floating in water.

It is a cute rendition from the typical 'donut care' phrase.

Yes, I am impressed by those shirt design makers, whatever you call them.

"Somehow, I knew you would be late. You slept late yesterday." he shook his head knowingly.

"How did you know I slept late?" I retorted.

"You replied me at 11.32p.m., and I just knew you would have difficulties waking up early. And guess what? I am correct." He said triumphantly. Stalker.

Our conversation was cut off by Mother.

"MICHELLE HURRY CAL IS WAITING FOR YOU. Hey Cal, do you want a sandwich, I packed some for you. OH, there you are Michelle! What are you waiting for? Don't keep him waiting any longer!" Mother said randomly with varying pitches and tones while walking out of the kitchen, carrying two brown bags. Sometimes, I am shocked as to how much she can say at one go.

"Oh, thanks for making me food..." He said awkwardly as Mother passed him a brown bag. Cal was very awkward around adults, my parents especially. It was really comical to watch him being awkward.

Mother handed me my brown bag hastily.

"Mum! Why did you hand me my food so roughly and so gently for Cal! This is unfair!" I whined and I could see Cal covering his mouth, laughing.

"Cal took his precious time off to pick you up, at least I am showing some appreciation, so don't be so rude!" Mum frowned.

I stuck out my tongue, before bending to sort out all my books. I had a whole load of books, and Cal helped me carry some, to my immense relief.

"Well, see you Mum!" I said as I stuffed half a sandwich in my mouth. Se waved back to the both of us, before closing the door. In Cal's car, I dumped my books behind before sitting next to the driver's seat. I munched on my bread.


Peanut butter and strawberry jam is undeniably the best combination ever.

"Seriously though, your mum is too nice, making me food whenever I come over." He said, peering into his brown bag. He always says that.

"And you're too nice to send me to school randomly when I need it so I won't be late, so we are equal!" I replied, and that shut him up. Good.

"Let's go!" I stretched my hands, and Cal laughed, turning on the ignition engine and setting off to school. He laughed at my foolish antics, but I didn't mind. In fact, I was happy to see him laugh.


"What is that?" I asked curiously as Nicole took out something from her bag and presented it to me.

It was a shiny purple box, like the ones they used to keep necklaces in. I opened the box and gasped. The necklace was really pretty, with a cute little purple star trinket. It rested peacefully on the white silk pillow, radiating an air of grace, and promising elegance to the wearer.

It also looked really expensive.

I gasped again.

"Did Brand give you this?" I whispered, as though this were some sacred thing.

The both of us were sitting in the cafeteria, with clusters and groups here and there. It was our free period, thus we could have a table all to ourselves. Our pens and notes were strewn messily on the table, but we gave up studying half an hour ago. Oops.

Nicole nodded enthusiastically.

"Don't tell me you forgot why we all went to his house a few days ago? Well, he bought me this! I was so happy!"

"And you are still happy," I remarked, and her grin just got wider.

"YES! Brand is the nicest guy ever, I can't believe after I told him I like astronomy and constellations, he gave me this cute necklace!" She went on telling me all sweet things Brand has done for her, and I listened with interest.

"Oh, no wonder we went to his house the other day. I was wondering why he would randomly ask me and Cal to go to his house. I thought you forced him to." I thought out loud.

"Don't say that, who says you aren't invited? My friends and his friends, that's what he said! Oh, but didn't you enjoy all those pastries from the kitchen? Hey, that reminds me!"

She rummaged her bag and whipped out an intricate looking box and passed it to me. Quizzically, I opened it up- to see the same macaroons I was crazy over, and Cal stopped me from taking more home!

I gasped again.

"Brand didn't have to, I really need to thank him for the nice favour! He's too nice."

"I know! I am so glad I met him," she replied dreamily, and I just shook my head, smiling.

Looks like someone is deeply in love.

I took one precious pastel pink macaroon and bit into its beautiful, fine and fragile husk. It shattered instantly, to my delight, presenting me even more delicate secrets and amazing wonders underneath it. A sweet tarty flavour blossomed perfectly in my mouth, and it melted sweetly. I tasted a combination of raspberry and strawberry, a very tropical fruity burst. There were crumbs left over, and I played with them in my mouth till it melted completely. I looked at the bitten macaroon, revealing glistening maroon red raspberry jam sandwiched between the two sweet shells. It beckoned me to come closer, and that was exactly what I did, taking another blissful bite. Another surprising blend of tastes. The jam was bittersweet, greatly complementing the pure macaroon husks. I chewed happily, but slowly and almost gracefully, swirling my tongue to get every last taste. I envisioned me dancing over soft pink fluffs of clouds, with rainbows enfolding the clear sky. I imagined myself on top of a pink cotton candy cloud closing my eyes.

Sadly, there came the last bite, and I made sure to take time to savour it this time, and appreciate this sweet creation. And just as quick as it came, it vanished into thin air.

That was beautiful.

Brand was such a nice guy.

Did I mention I was a fan of all things sweet? Wait, how did you know I loved macaroons? Have I mentioned it before?

Oh well.

I took another macaroon carefully, before going through another roller coaster ride of emotions.


did i describe the eating properly enough are you drooling right now

oh and if yall have troubles picturing Cal, here he is: eddie redmayne

okay some of you may not have heard of him, (prob bc he's british? idk he deserves fame) he's not that young (age 34) , not that famous (not as big as harry styles at least- but he deserves fame!) , and you might find him not that hot (NO- IN MY OPINION) but yeah its okay, yall can picture Cal however you like ;) OH DID I MENTION HE IS GG TO BE FEATURED IN THE NEWEST HARRY POTTER FILM NO I CANT WAIT I LOVE HARRY POTTER AND HIM CANT WAIT NO CANT WAIT any harry potter fans out there?

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