Hanzo x reader

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Hey guys, this is another request
Up next is:
Tracer x female reader
Reaper x reader

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


"Your kidding right!? I can't cook a whole feast by myself!!"

You looked at Solider fuming, and very hurt that he wouldn't even consider how it'd effect your life. Did he not understand that you had a social life.

"Fine, then Hanzo will help you."

You stared at him bug eyed. Imagining you and the love of your life, in the same room, looking at each other, spending all day with eachother.

Fantasy consumed your mind, imagination taking over.

Solider stared at you shaking his head. Well atleast she agreed to the terms he mumbled, before leaving you to your day dreams.

It was about 4 'o clock, you were supposed to start cooking right about now.

You sat in the kitchen fondling your soft (H/C) hair. Since Solider told you who you'd be working with, you've been in your room getting ready.

You made sure to tie your hair back into a messy bun, allowing the free flowing strands to caress your face. You were wearing black pants, along with a oak brown shirt. Your apron was a complimenting brown, with an autumn leaves pattern extended to the frills on the end of your apron. You applied a bit of mascara and eyeliner. You thought about applying blush, but figured you'd be blushing enough when you were with Hanzo, that you didn't need the enhancement.

It was now 4:04 and you started panicking.

'What happens if he doesn't show up...!? What will I do if he went out on a mission and hasn't returned yet...? What will I do if he found out he was working with me and decided not to show up....' You said, with a small frown surfacing on your face.

"Hello?" You heard from the doorway leading to the kitchen. He had a deep voice, strong but firm spoken with the utmost care.


"Oh, (Y/N). Greetings."

"Heh heh heh you ready...?" You said as you awkwardly scratched the back of your head.

"Yes. Unfortunately, I'm not the best cook.."

You smiled warmly as he blushed at his own statement.

"That's fine, you have me here!"

He looked at you, with a blush still painted on his face and said - " Ready when you are master."

You both laughed at his statement. Your earlier uneasiness washed away in the blink of an eye and you smiled.

Over taken by youth, you two laughed like children. He was unsure at first, being his usual self he wanted to get straight to the task; But you were able to get him to open up and unleash his repressed smiles.

You two laughed, making jokes about the team and life itself. Wanting to keep the bright mood up, you went over to the fridge and took out a carton of eggs. His smile faded and he thought you had enough and we're getting ready to cook. You smirked as you walked over to him, with your hands behind your back.

You both smiled at each other and you told him to close his eyes.

"Umm... alright." He replied, not really curious enough to question you.

You brought up your hand to caress his cheek. He flinched and first touch, but proceeded to keep his eyes closed.
You brought your hand to the back of his head slowly and seductively playing with his hair. In a quick and instinctive movement, he pulled you closer and brought you into a deep kiss.

Your eyes shot wide open. Staring at him until you lost yourself within him. He pulled away after a few moments and stared at you.

"Forgive me, I should've asked. I let myself get ahead of you. Please (Y/N), forgive m-"

"No Hanzo, thank you for doing that. I wouldn't of had the confidence to do something like that. But I wanted to. He smiled at you and pulled you close again his chest in a secure hug.

"(Y/N), ever since I killed my brother... I've pushed all my feelings aside, and focused on my own redeption. I wallowed in sorrow and was content with my own solitude, until I met you. I'm not exactly sure what you want in a mate, and I'll need help along the way. But I'm willing to give myself to you, in hopes of the same in return.

That statement brought tears to your eyes. You squeezed him tightly, smiling into his chest. You had stained his bare chest with a few tears, but he didn't mind. You both smiled and eachother warmly.

"Just asking... what were you planning to do when you had me close my eyes?"

You smirked and said - "This."

He started to speak until he jumped forward at the sudden feeling of wet dripping down his back.

"AHAHAHAHA!!!" You said slapping his back to squash in the egg that you had broke on his neck even more.

He glared at you. Your smile faded and you began to tremble.

"It's just a prank Hanzo!" You yelped as you bowed your head in shame.

He walked over to your left, you didn't dare to look up. You figured you'd be better off keeping your head down. "I-" You started, until you felt something wet being sprayed at you. You lifted your face, trying to block out some of the water that was being sprayed at your eyes.

He stopped and you both laughed.

Solider had walked into the room, and was very suprised to see you covered in water, and Hanzo dripping with egg.

He glared at the both of you.
"(Y/N)!! I could understand this behavior from you, but how could you slip down to her level Hanzo!!" He yelled as he stormed out raging.

Hanzo lowered his head in shame, but you just laughed and hugged him close to you.


The end. Sorry if I didn't portray Hanzo exactly like he is in the game. Personally I thought that a little light hearted story would do him and you guys good.

Next up is:
Reaper x reader
Then Tracer x female reader, which I still have to figure out about.

Sorry to ask you this, but if someone asks for a girl x girl. Do they mean it to be a gay fanfiction or about friendship?

Well anyway, "thanks for the love"
Hana: "Oi that's my line."

Hehehe, and btw I use the characters real names alot. So if you don't know them tell me and I'll clarify what they are. Just so you know, Hana is DV.a.

Anyway, till next time.
- Nef chan

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