Hanzo x reader

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Hey guys, this is a Hanzo x reader requested by "PAIN IS CUPCAKEs". Thanks for the request and I hope you guys enjoy.

Thank you for all the views as well, 55,000 readers. Thanks so much for all the views!!!

Anyways, lets get right into this.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


It was just another average day for you. You woke up to the bright sun in the morning sky. A cold breeze shifting the trees beyond, accompanied by the whistles of the birds.

You quickly got out of bed, excited for the new day that was to come. Running into the shower, you ran your fingers through your soft (H/C) hair, and washed over every inch of your sun kissed skin. Your favorite song ran through your head as you stepped out to dry off and you couldn't help to not mumble the melody.

Running over to your dresser, you picked out a red and pink and black poka dot skirt with matching knee length socks. You simply wore a flawless pearl white shirt and white sneakers. Tieing your hair in a messy bun you swiftly ran out, a huge smile plastered on your giddy face as you made your way to the breakfast hall.

Once you entered, you were greeted by mostly everyone accept Solider: 76 and Hanzo.

"Hey guys!!!" You started excitedly.

"Mornin' love!" Greeted Tracer.

You were friends with mostly everyone, but your closest friends were probably Lena, Hana, and Lucio.

You grabbed some pancakes and plopped right in between both your friends sitting right across from the dj.

You guys spent quite a few minutes discussing your plans for the day, but you were zoning out staring at a certain archer sitting a few seats away from you.

He was so mysterious, and you couldn't help but be entranced by him. His gorgeous features were enough to attract most, but he has a side to him... a strange and unknown side to him which you found extremely entrancing.

Once breakfast ended, you went out with your friends for some quick shopping; although it was anything but quick. After a few hours in the mall going through a few dozen stores and buying anything that really caught your eyes, you went out to eat.

You had ordered (Favorite food), Lena got some pasta and Hana simply got some chips and dip as per usual. Lucio had a concert so he had to leave before you guys ate but that was fine. You all wished him good luck and moved on your way.

"So (Y/N) you ever gonna tell Hanzo how you feel?!" Asked Hana, a hint of annoyance clear in her words.

You nearly choked on your drink.

"Are you kidding!?!?!" You screeched, a huge blush made itself to your cheeks at the mere thought of telling him.

"Ye c'mon love, I think there's a good chance that hell like ya back!" Lena followed up with.

"No!" You simply said, a pout visible on your features as you looked down at your lap still filled with embarrassment.

Once you guys had finished, you all hopped in Hana's extremely expensive car and went back to base.

Most of your friends went with Hana to her room, but you stayed behind. It was getting kinda late and you wanted some sleep for once. But before you made it to your room, you caught a quick glimpse of the archer himself... in all his grump glory. Overwhelmed by curiosity, you followed him.

'Time for some detective work.'

When you followed him, you realized where he was heading. He was going out to one of the training rooms, with some sort of box by his side. His stern face gave a slight waver for some reason which you were soon to find out.

He sat down beside a strange sort of alter looking thing. Setting down some incense he started meditating a bit.

Now under normal circumstances, most people would've been spotted by the master archer already, but one of your strong points whats hiding in plain sight. You job in Overwatch was infiltration. You went behind enemy lines, and provided your team with crucial information. So naturally, you were able to hide from his tracking abilities.

There was something in the air. An eerie silence that felt kinda heavy, drowning your happy attitude.

You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts by what sounded like a slight whimper coming from the archer himself.

"G.... Genji.."

You felt strange now. Like you shouldn't be here. Well, you shouldn't anyway, but you felt almost bad for prying into his personal life... but It was a little late to turn back now.

Before he knew it, there was a delicate hand resting on his shoulder. He swiftly turned around getting ready to attack whoever the intruder was, but he eased up once he realized whom it was.

"How long have you been here." A hint of shame prominent in his voice as he asked you this.

You didn't reply, you didn't wanna lie to him.. but you surely thought if he knew, it'd make it worse

"I'm sorry that you had to see me like this." He started, but before he could continue with his wallowing, he was embraced in a warm hug by yours truly. You had wrapped your hands around his frame in a comforting way and tried to provide him with as much reassurance as humanly possible.

And he broke down from this action. That's right... the grumpy and closed off archer trusted you enough to be vulnerable in front of... and you surely wouldn't complain.

You two relaxed in each others embrace, and whole being. He took in the warmth of your touch, your strawberry scent, and the warm strands of hair that caressed his body. And for you, you were being overwhelmed by the feeling of his prickly beard against your soft skin. His silky hair that was being held up by the beautiful ribbon in the back of his head, and his strong and protective embrace.

You couldn't ask for more. This was all that you really ever wanted.


Yay! Another request doneeee!!!

Hope this met your expectations, I made it more sincere then where everyone blushes and crap. Like they are truly in love.

Well anyways, thanks for providing me with a good write.

-Nef Chan

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