Mercy x reader

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Hey guys, this is another request that I had gotten. Shout out to Crazystonerstories I think it was; the male reader is going to be based off of his oc.

Anyway, Mercy x reader, coming up.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.

"Who are you... where am I!?" You screamed as you looked around at all the unfamiliar faces crowding around your person. The last thing you had remembered was agreeing to do some tests on time machines in order to help win World War II.

"No get away from me!"

You got up; a wave of distress struck you. It shot up your spine all the way to your skull. Your vision began to dim as you felt the blood rush to your brain, but you continued to charge forward.

'Why am I running? Those people can help me...' You asked yourself this, confused by your own actions. But truthfully it was human instinct. All that you knew had passed before you in a small time frame, and now you exist in a world that you know nothing about. Humans fear the new, the lack of familiarity, change most of all. \

You frantically looked around, running, running as if your life depended on it. You approached a small and enclosed alley way. Darting straight for it, you knocked over a few garbage cans.

Sitting there, shivering from a gust of wind that had just made contact with your bare skin. You sat there, enshrouded within the shadows; you were cold and trembling with fear as you waited for the day to end. Once morning hit you would continue your search for something you recognized.


Morning finally came; you sat up from your slouched position, the sun beamed through the tarps above you, blinding you. Your neck was sore, your legs aching, your back was stiff, and you had trouble getting up. None the less, you forced your body upwards and made your eyes focus on what was in front of you. Salty water dripped down your face as you realized the situation you were in to its full extent.

'Now's no time to cry... I've got to find out where I am, when I am, and who exactly can help me."

You looked down at your arm that had some scrapes on it from when you were sleeping against the concrete. No soon after you emerged out of the alley way, you collided with another person.

Jumping back skittishly, you refocused and saw whom you had bumped. She had pure blonde hair, with what looked like a halo going from her ears, around her ponytail, meeting back around the other side of her head. She was dressed in an angelic looking suit. A golden material stretched from her waist, cut around her legs extending downwards to her feet. She had two huge mechanical angel wings plastered on her back, accompanied by a three pronged staff.

"Oh excuse me." She yelped concerned. She walked over to you, helping you stand straight up again before she fully examined your figure.

"Alright! Nothing more than a few scrapes I see."

She began to guide you out into the open.

"My name is Mercy. I'm a medic." She said, a sweet and sincere smile was plastered to her face as she pulled you out of your hiding place more.

"My names (Y/N)..."

"Ah, hello (Y/N). Let me bring you down to my office for now, get your cuts all bandaged up."

You hesitated at first, but then proceeded to follow her.

Once in her office, she sat you down upon a white examination table, and told you to wait for a few minutes while she tended to one other patient, then she'd be right with you.

"Mercy can you take a look at th... Who is he?"

"Ah, Winston, this is my newest patient (Y/N)."

"Welcome! My name is Winston. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking."

"(Your state)."

"Ah." He said as he scratched his head and exited the office.

"Was that a monkey?"

"Hehehe yes it was." She said, after a faint laugh.

She took out some of her tools, and sat right next to you getting ready to take a look at some of the wounds on your arms and face.

"So, when were you born (Y/N)?"


She stared at you blankly and confused. You looked back at her, with a confused look on why that was so baffling. The time swap was only supposed to bring you to the year after the war had ended.

"(Y/N)... It's 2067..."


You looked at her; you hadn't registered what she just said. That means, that the war ended a long time ago, and that all your friends and family would be long dead. If that was true, then wouldn't you be all alone..."

"OH NO! MY FAMILY!!!" You screeched, jumping from your position and starting to have a mental break down.

Collapsing to the floor, you grabbed you hair and began to pull on your skull, hoping it would ease the pain a bit.

"Please calm down (Y/N)! I feel terrible but yelling and screaming is not going to bring them back. We need to figure out exactly what happened to you, and where and when you're from. Then we can reproach the question of your family.

*A few months later*

You had finally calmed down from the big realization, and began to refocus your attention to current matters. Catching up on the history of the world while you were gone, you learned about the Omnic crisis, and the formation of the organization Overwatch.

Today would be your first mission since arrival. Ever since the day in the office with Mercy, you had prepared yourself for future battles, planning to continue the work you had started in your time period; the fight to make the world a better place.

Since you had bumped into Mercy, she became a true angel to you, and you had began to find yourself gravitating towards her more than anyone in Overwatch.

"You ready (Y/N)?" She said sweetly, excited and waiting in anticipation for you to go on your first mission. She'd secretly been rooting for you ever since she met you. There was some connection between you to. Whether it was because you both were medics or something else, she just felt close to you since the beginning.

"I think so..." You said smiling lightly.

Once everyone arrived, you stood at the entrance to Kings row, preparing to attack. Everyone seemed so calm, but this was excluding you. You were trembling, shaking with anxiety and fear. You have had many past experiences with this sort of fighting, and most of them were not pleasureable. Even your victories came at great cost.

The doors opened, and everyone began to charge to the small entry way blocking the objective. Reinhardt put up his shield and began pushing. Mccree stood being Reinhardt and began to hunt down there widowmaker, whom was standing on the ledge of a small building in the far right corner. You followed Mercy in as we pushed, supplying all the dps with one of my mixtures that you had used back in my time; while Mercy kept the heals on Reinhardt whom was the target out of all of us. Junkrat followed Mercy, sneaking to the side of her and placing a bear trap straight in her path.

"Ahh." She yelped, her leg torn up and painted with crimson blood. Reinhardt's shield began to give out, we all made our final push in.

You looked over towards the wounded Mercy to my left, and the group pushing there way to victory.

Almost without any hesitation, you leaped over to Mercy and spread some of the elixir on her already healing wounds. She thanked you and went to go walk over to the group whi had just pushed there way through.

"(Y/N)?" She said confused. But you didn't move. You sat there, looking down at your hands in horror. The nightmares starting again, up turning memories you thought were long forgotten.

You bugged out, falling down. Onto your knees with your hands still in front of your face, staring at the deep scarlet liquid that encased your hands.

"(Y/N)! IT'S FINE! PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" She screamed, as she realized what was wrong with you. She grabbed your face and forced you to look at her. You were lifeless, bi fight left in you, you complied easily turning your head.

"Please (Y/N)... Forgive me... this is my fault I'm so sorry."

You looked up at her for a quick second, and instinctively wrapped your arms around her figure and a tight embrace.


"Angela, don't be sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you in the first place."

She rested her head on your shoulder for a few minutes, until forcing her shaky figure upward and putting out a hand for you.

"Cmon, don't you think it's time to catch up to the group."

You smiled and took it graciously.

'Maybe I can get through this world after all... with her on my side.'


Mmm.... that was longer then usual. Thank you so much for the story line, I loved how it turned out. No immidiate love confession, though the bond between the two was enough I think.

Well guys, the end was a little rushed, please forgive me. Hoped you all enjoyed that. I wanted to post this today because female x female doesn't appeal to everyone, so I figured you guys deserve another.

Up next is reaper x reader I think.

- Nef chan

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