Reaper x reader

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Hey... listen, I know it's a little selfish, and I'm not one to ever do this, and quite frankly I hate when other people do this... but please, I'm asking for some support.. whether it's votes or comments. My best friend Caland, has recently been overwelmed by this... I realize I have some requests to do, but this chapter is dedicated to him due to the fact that he mains Reaper... and he seems to be his favorite character. I will show him this fanfiction, and I'm positive support would lift his spirits right up... if you plan to, thank for the support if any...

Well with that said, let's get started... and forgive me if it's a little dim, but I'm in a somber mood currently, and it affects how I write...

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


There you stood... a black mist, fogging your vision, consuming you slowly. Your body restrained in the air, no not air... a black substance almost... a replacement, a mock air that enveloped your body, violating you. It seemed as if you were the only shining thing, in this black hole surrounding you, a white light piercing the midnight color that encased you. Your (H/C) hair, floated as if it was being held up by water, swooshing left and right, caressing your features.

All you could do, was stand and wait... wait for this nightmare to be over, for the unending darkness to come to a stop. But unlike the times before, there was something else... something lurking in the darkness.

A deep sadistic laugh echoed throughout the atmosphere, sending a constant ring through your mind, as if it was intruding into your most deep and dark secrets that no other had explored. But from within the darkness, you caught a glimpse of the light, your friends and family waving to you... right in front of you, here to rescue you from the ever so depressing sadness enveloping you and your very being.

You forced yourself to move, running towards this safe haven that rested in front of you. Trying to follow the light. But to your dismay, no matter how far you ran, how many hours you spent chasing after the hope the rested before you, you couldn't reach it. And finally... you gave out, maybe it was a mistake to follow the light.

Stopped, crouched on your knees with your head resting on your hands... you sat there, whimpering slightly as the laugh became louder and louder.

You dare not look up, for that'd be your mistake... best keep your head down, and make no movement, hoping that with some luck, the voice would go away. Your hopes were to no avail as the laugh seemingly reached its climax... and then it stopped. In some hope that it had gone, you lifted your gaze from the ground and sat up, only to be faced with a devil...?

In front of you, there stood a being of utter chaos... it's silhouette was the only thing visible to you at the moment.. that besides the mask of a dead man, staring at you... a crimson glare upon its face, burning it's way into your thoughts.

Bringing his hand up, which held an ebony shot gun... he laughed... and laughed and laughed, sending shivers up and down your spine. The gun slowly made its way to your head... you weren't even aware of anything at the moment, and then... bang.

Your crisp vision blurred, with your last sights being set on the masked man that stood before you...

"Lights out." He said slowly.


When you awoke again, you caught sight of Tracer standing by your bed, holding your hand lovingly...

You couldn't hear that well... there was a deafening ring in your head at the moment numbing your hearing abilities for a few minutes until it dissipated.

"(Y/N) love... are you alright?" She said, with a tint of worry in her usual giddy voice.

You only replied with a small nod, finally realizing your position. All of the Overwatch agents, were crouching by your bed side with worried frowns plastered upon their face.

They had begun to explain your sudden scream in the night, that had awoken everyone in the base.

"It was just a nightmare." You said, casting aside the events that had occured in it.

Their faces eased up, but in the end, a slight worry still remained... for nightmares can be more real then most would believe... but for now, they let the subject go, and returned to their sleep. Aswell as you, for the amount of fear that took over your body, was met with an equally strong curiosity.. so you went back to sleep, hoping to learn more about your masked killer.


You stood there once again, but this time there was no deceiving light to run to... for the only thing in your sights was the black figure from earlier.

"Brave girl you are." He said with a maniacal chuckle added as an extra fear factor.

"I'd rather face the new, then fear it." You replied, not hint of hesitation in your voice.

Oh but you would regret those words... a hand forcefully grabbed you jaw, as spiked claws pressed into your flesh causing you to shriek out in pain.

Then without warning you felt a rough mask force itself onto your lips, piercing through your fragile flesh, drawing out the ruby blood hidden beneath your surface. No, he didn't even bother to remove his mask, but would rather cause you pain and pleasure at the same time.

So was it wrong that you would look forward to the night time... when you could meet your masked lover? You didn't care either way...


So that's it... it was a little dark I admit... sorry if your not into the whole masochist thing...

Well like I said before... please your support would mean the world to me and him... I'm planning to show him this one chapter, and show him my support... and your support as well.

Thanks and bye...

-Nef chan

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