Reaper x reader

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Heyo, this was another request and honestly the name is quite long I'm not sure if I can type it out but Ill try... CyberPr1m3 I believe it is.  Sorry its been so long since I've posted, schools starting soon and I'm just a little stressed ya know? Well, this is a strange one.. the reader is almost like a furry shape shifter and obviously its x reaper, not gonna spoil anything else. Thanks for the request and here ya go x3. 

*Disclaimer: I don't  own Overwatch or its characters.*


It was another typical mission. You were trying hard to push through a difficult choke point in Hollywood, and the last thing you needed was to be distracted. 

You stood behind a car, aiming into the point, your (H/C) hair tickled your face as small strands found themselves to your eyes and blocked you view. Your tiny and creamy pink lips pursed as you focused into your scope, eyeing Mercy. The cross hair of your gun grazed over her head and in a instant, you pulled the trigger. Of course from many years of prior experience she went down immediately with a small shriek and surely re spawned else where

"Healers down." Tracer looked you up and down, a small frown making its way to her lips. There was something off about you, no one accepted you for who you were. 

'I suppose cat ears and a tail has that effect on people eh?' 

You refused to let it bother you, but deep down it was your insecurity.

Once everyone heard that their healer was down, they quickly rushed in to take the point before Mercy came back. Reaper came up behind the enemies while they were focused on the people in the front line.  A smokey substance encased his form as he laughed, the rumble of his voice sending shivers deep throughout  the enemy team. A quick clank was heard as he dropped his shotguns and pulled out two more from within his ebony clothing. 

"DIE DIE DIE!!!" He yelled, the words echoing throughout the walls, sending breathtaking shivers towards his opponents, before anyone had realized what was going on, shrieks flew throughout the air, and all of the enemy team was shot down besides the surprise attack from behind. 

Although the shooting stopped, the heavy feeling in the air.. the sadistic tone put there by the dead man himself remained, looming around everyone. A fire made its way to his eyes as he relished at the destruction he had caused, but that all changed when a familiar angel flew her way to glowing souls of the recently passed.

"Heroes never die!" She said as a golden yellow suspended itself in air surrounding her person. And with those few words, the sillohettes  of the recently deceased, formed with a sun kiss haze surrounding their bodies. And they went charging back into the battle. 

Your team fought bravely, and you on the other hand stood back and watched the events unfold themselves. 

'This should be fun' You thought to yourself, and you slunk back into the shadows. 

"WHERES (Y/N)!?" Screeched Tracer as she watched all of her teammates health begin to drop. They were becoming overwhelmed, and were sure to lose... it was a 5 v 6 after all. And after a long while your teammates dropped to the ground in defeat waiting for them to either be defeated or for the timer to run out. They had drained all their energy, tired and sore of the constant fighting of an unfair battle. That was until a familiar face poked itself out of the shadows. 

Your brown ears, perked themselves up as your tail swooshed by itself. A fiery glare plastered itself to your face, as a devilish smirk crept its way onto your usual passive gaze. You had an intensity to you, something they had never seen before. You continued approaching the enemy team, not a hint of fear fazing your still features. 

A slick black scythe made its way from your back to your hands as you twirled it easily and flowingly between each and every one of your didgets. A glint shined from the blade, reflecting your maniacal features to your foes. And in the same instant you disappeared from sight. But despite you being gone, they all knew you were still here, and very much alive. Screams could be heard from your teammates as they were picked off one by one. Blood splattering on the walls and floor, a massacre at its finest. And you made sure no one stood still, that they had all suffered a pain more unbearable then the worst torture. 

Soon after the murder spree, you captured the point and easily pushed the payload to victory. You of course, didn't stay on the front lines and merely picked off the team from the background along with Widowmaker.

Once the game had ended, Widowmaker congratulated Reaper on winning, which for some strange reason caused a fire to burn up inside of you. Although, you weren't an idiot... you knew what was happening, and refused to let this "Jealousy" go on any further so you deemed it best to simply leave. Although deep down, you still felt a huge bubble of hatred form up towards the sniper. This action didn't go unnoticed as Tracer caught sight of the small fit of rage, that you cleverly hid almost as soon as it showed itself. 

"Oi Reaper." Said Tracer waving over the dead man himself.

She shuddered at the mere sight of him, and even though she despised both of you, she wasn't gonna let you get angry after saving the whole team, even if it wasn't for the team in the end..

Reaper slightly shook his head like he was annoyed and went after you.

After about ten minutes of searching, he finally found you leaning against a wall, a large shadow encasing most of your person, but your features could still be made out. 

"Hi." He said, the vibration of his voice, still very blatant in his deep voice.

Your ears perked up at the sudden disturbance of your silence but of course you acknowledged his presence. I mean, his voice was his big turn on for you.

"Sup.." You said, a slight hesitation profound in your voice. 

"Well done today..."

"Oh thanks... heh." Things at this point were getting quite awkward, and you decided enough was enough.


He gave a slight grunt at the mention of his name, but listened closely.

" I think I might love you..." You said, at this point a huge blush made its way to your features as you awaited a response.

"Heh..." Was his only response... I mean what was he supposed to say?

A small frown made its way to your face, awaiting the rejection that was bound to happen.

"You aren't half bad yourself.." He said quickly, before encasing himself within the shadows and quickly disappearing, leaving you a little surprised, but this didn't stop a small smile to make its way to your lips.


I know that chapter kinda sucked, I'm trying to get back into writing. Anyway thanks for the request and the next one will be up soon hopefully <3

-Nef Chan

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