Soldier: 76 x Reader

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Heya everyone! This was a special request from a close friend of mine! Please enjoy. :D

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


Our story starts in the far away kingdom of Veronica.

You were a beautiful princess with enchanting (E/C) eyes and exotically gorgeous hair. A figure that made men crumble at your command. But like every other love story, you were lacking something... your true love.

But what better then to distract you from your loveless life, then the upcoming of war.

You ran into your room, excited as ever. For today was the day you'd go out into the war tents for the first time, and help organize an attack.

For a helpless princess, you sure did love guns strangely...

Your combed your hair back, and stuck a crimson red bow tie, pulling all your hair back and out of your face. You stuck on a long blue dress with a v neck stopping just before your breast line. On the back there was your cities symbol, 3 wheat stick in 3 different directions, one in the middle, and one on either side of it leaning away.

You pulled out your untouched combat boots that you've just been dying to wear, lacing them up all the way to the back of your knee.

Putting on some light pink lip gloss, you scurried out of your room down the millions of corridors, and into outside into the war tents where you would discuss with the king (your father) And his best warriors on how to stop the evil omnics from advancing on your kingdom.

As soon as you entered the camp, all eyes went to you. Being the only woman in the camp, and gorgeous at that, no one could seem to peel there eyes off of you.

You stood up tall, waved at the passing soldiers, and made your way to the chief tent.

Stopping at the opening to it, you breathed in a big breath, and whipped the curtain open. Everyone's eyes peered up and looked at you. So... you shut the curtain.

A large blush came to your face, you knew you had to go in there!

This time much softer, you slowly opened the curtain once again. Slowly peering in, you curtsied, and took your place next to your father.

"These are damn robots! They've got no intelligence! I say we charge head on." Said the commander

"That would be suicide! Lets send 1 third of our soldiers around the flank, and just when we start falling apart the other piece of our army can push up and attack!"

"No no no, that makes it much easier for us to fall apart on the front line! Madness! I say we ditch the land approach and take the war ships out, so we attack the from the left while they're pushing into the kingdom! It'll be unexpected and gives us more area to work with."

Just then the curtains opened once more. An old looking soldier came in. He had grey hair with specks of blonde weaved within it. He wore a a large visor covering most of his face including his eyes. And he had a red white and blue leather jacket on, with the number 76 across the back.

"Here are the scout repor-" He started but was soon interrupted.

For you hadn't even noticed the soldier come in, you were in your own little world trying to figure out your own plan.

And without even realizing it, once you came up with perfect plan, the words... "WAIT!" Burst outta your mouth before you could stop yourself!

Everyone's eyes shot back to you. Your father hung is head in shame, what an embarrassment...

"I.. I.. have an idea!"

The commander then raised his eyebrow as in saying 'Why is she even here?' You'd show him why!

"Why don't we set up land mines all around the route they'll be taking! That way we can pick off hopefully the leaders of the omnics, and they'll likely be so surprised and scattered from the explosions that just made a lot of openings in their defenses, that we'll be able to over power them!" You said (practically yelled).

The 2 veteran soldiers that accompanied the commander stared wide at you...

"That could work." One said

"It's definitely the best plan yet!

You explained your plan a second time, and then was told to go back with Solider: 76 to the one of the empty tents, and help with the layout of the mines.

The walk there was silent and awkward, and that same feeling didn't change once you both settled down in there.

He sat down, moved his hands behind his head, you heard a slight hiss, and his mask slipped off into his hands. And boom, you were staring at the most handsome man you've ever seen. He had scars and his features were war beaten, but you didn't care. You also didn't care that he was probably WAY to old for you!

And his eyes? A breathtaking deep and serene blue that left you practically drooling.


"What're you looking at?" He said blatantly. Two could play that game

"Your face." You said monotone

He grunted slightly annoyed, but continued to pull out the world map.

"Oh let me help!" You said excitedly. You stood up quickly and practically leaped at the soldier, on accident of course. Low and be hold you tripped and brought the poor man down with you.

Eyes clenched, you hesitantly opened them only to be looking at what you considered the face of... DEATH. 76 was just staring at you with such an annoyed disappointed and pissed face.

"Oh cheer up!" You said trying to lighten the mood.

It didn't work... so in the spur of the moment, you leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

'Hehehehe... Uh lets get going.' You mumbled lightly. You stood up quickly but with more control then just before when you fell on him. And walked towards the table getting ready to place the markers on where the mines should be mostly.


So for the next few weeks, everyone's been working hard preparing for the upcoming war. Including you.

And just if you didn't think your life could get any better, you were assigned to stay with 76 and help him with the preparations since it was your idea, and 76 was the most capable soldier there after all.

But you DEFINITELY didn't let work get in the way of romance. Every so often when you too would walk beside each other, you'd walk closer then necessary, sometimes you got bold enough to bump into his side softly. The gestures didn't go unnoticed.

When he would pass you papers or anything really important, his hand would sometimes graze yours and he wouldn't pull away immediately. One time, you needed help reaching a top a large weapon cabinet to special plans you were working on that were mixed within other papers; so he picked you up by the waist and lets just say... his hands lingered a little longer then they should've.

And the night before the supposed attack, you were in one of the tents all the way in the back where most of both you and 76 spent your time. He came in surprised to see you, but no less happy.

There was a strange silence between you both. Mainly because there was a possibility this would be the last night you two both saw each other; and no matter how difficult you both were being about admitting your feelings for each other, there was no hiding the slight despair that suffocated you both in the room. And you personally wouldn't stand for it anymore.

"I..." You said as you stood up abruptly.

He looked at you with such longing it made you ache, yourself.

He slowly stood up, and captured your lips in a passionate yet both longing and loving way. And of course... you kissed back.

For the past 2 months you've began to have such passionate feelings for this man, and he, you.

Tonight, all your feelings would be mixed and poured together into one large mesh of passion, lust and love.

Tonight... tonight was bliss.


And today was sorrow.

You stood back with the king and a few nobles as 76 marched forward with your army. You waved slowly as you lover got farther and farther away; barely able to hold back the oncoming tears.


The war lasted 3 weeks and 2 and a half days. But you won without losing too many men. But of course those lost were mourned and those who came back were praised. The survivors marched through the streets, worn out but prideful.

You searched the crowds with vigor. 'Where is he!'

Soldier: 76 was the only person that crossed your mind. He had to be alive... you just knew it. And low and be hold, there he was. In the middle of the crowd with that silly old mask on, as per usual.

Unfortunately you didn't get the chance to see him that day. He was busy resting from the war, and you were in charge of welcoming back all the soldiers, and helping prepare a large banquet for them all.

The next day you woke up, threw on any clothes that matched, and ran out the door with a brush in hand, brushing through your hair as you scurried through the corridors to 76's resting area.

You burst through the doors and were surprised to find him not there...

You searched the entire damn castle, and still couldn't find him. Running outside into the camps you searched through each tent... and he was no where to be found. As a final attempt you ran all the way back to the castle to your father and asked him where Soldier: 76 had gone.

"Oh I sent him off this morning. He's been relocated to Watchpoint Gibraltar. Why?"

"What...?" You said. Jaw open, tears welling up.

"Did you need to speak with him?"

"Yes..." You said softly.

You merely turned around and ran as fast as you could up to your room... the love of your life is 1000's of miles away from you.

You slowly sat down on your bed, sitting on your knees you fell forward slowly, face first into your sheets... weeping like you've never wept before.


*8 months later*

"It's a girl!" Screamed one of the princesses maids.

Everyone yelled with excitement, and began the preparations for princess (Y/N)'s baby.

The king stood outside the nursery mind boggled.

"I just don't understand... Who's the father!?"


You looked down at yours and 76's child... I think I'll name you Hana. Hana Song. My little... diva.


The end!! Wow, 1,800 words just about. Probably one of the longest one shots I've ever done!

For those of you who didn't catch the ending, yeah papa 76 is coming back (and baby Meme is real :D

Anyways, as always, have a lovely night!

-Nef Chan

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