Cyber Chi's Backstory

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It all started long ago when the overwatch had first formed cyber had joined the overwatch she had been wanting to help make the world a better place but then that member was forgotten she was just like a  background character she served no purpose she left the overwatch but then tragedy really struck after the overwatch was shut down she had gotten in a fight with reaper leaving her injured ( this was before she had her armor ) her old friends junkrat and roadhog had found her and tooken her to mercy where she was healed she had tons of scars so she had to wear the cyber armor she had created they had left her for to rest bit she escaped now she hardly has any memories of the overwatch or her friends she roams the streets of city's helping and saving others it's been years the overwatch hardly talked to her they planned to talk to her soon but she felt like last time she had joined she had heard music which brings back memories that are awful she remembers the war and her almost dying she felt left out and the outcast of the overwatch


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