(Soldier 76 x Reader) Someone to Fight For

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He shouldn't have taken his eyes off of you. It had only been a few seconds, but even that had been too long. It had been your cry of pain that had alerted the previous commander that things had already gone wrong. After quickly clearing the few remaining men who had cornered you, and after making sure that no more were coming this way, he turned his gaze to you, just in time to see your knees buckle and for you to go crashing to the ground.

You and Jack had gotten separated from the others when the members of a gang you were hunting down got the drop on you. The two of you, along with Mercy, Reinhardt, and Bastion had gone out on a mission which meant that you were nowhere near the respawn tech used during your training battles. As seeing your current state, that seemed to be what you were going to need in a few short minutes.

A bullet had torn through right through your thigh, severing the artery there, and another through your chest. Seeing you bleeding on the ground, struggling to stay conscious, Jack couldn't run fast enough. You were well protected, but the bullets had been strong and well placed and it had torn right through you.

Of course, he wasted no time in throwing down a healing pod, though he knew that that alone would not be enough to keep you alive. He needed to find Mercy, and soon. But he didn't want to leave you alone whilst he searched, and if he took you with him he wouldn't be able to defend you or himself.

Jack was so busy struggling to come up with anything that would help save you that he almost didn't hear your soft voice calling to him. It was enough to draw his attention to you though. And upon looking at you, a wave of emotion swept over him; one he had not felt in a long time. Grief.

Your face was growing pale and your eyes growing dull. It was not hard to see what was happening, though Jack tried desperately to ignore it. He didn't want to think that you were dying, even though that was precisely what was happening.

He was silent as he kneeled down next to you, setting his rifle on the ground. You could practically sense the worried and angry look that laid beneath his visor. With a faint smile you moved your hand to his, lightly grasping it. He intertwined his fingers with your own before lowering his head.

There were so many words to be said, yet the silence seemed to say them all. Unheard conversations and confessions, unsaid farewells; they were all there. There was no way to stop the inevitable, both of you knew that. And trying to fight it would only make everything harder.

Several moments had passed by and your breathing had grown ragged, the blood of blood beneath you growing larger and larger. It was nearly time. Jack was still beside you, still holding your hand.

He was lost in his own thoughts until your quiet voice brought his attention back to you once more. "Jack..." You breathed, finding difficulty in speaking. "Will... Will you take off your visor?" You had only seen his face once before and you wanted it to be the last thing you saw. He wasted no time in removing his visor.

Your smile widened as he complied with your request, and you reached your free hand up to cup the side of his face. However, you hand soon fell away and your grip on his own loosened. There was no longer any light in your eyes and you had grown still; but the smile remained on your face.

Jack stayed beside your body until the rest of the team found him, and all were shocked by the scene. All grew disheartened by the loss of their teammate and friend, but Jack? His blood was boiling and he was ready to hunt down every last member of the gang they had encountered tonight. Now, more than ever, he had someone to fight for.

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