Genji x reader w/ personality disorder part 2

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You woke up.. for the first time in what seemed forever, you slept well. You didn't have a nightmare. You had a nice dream.. it was about Genji. You blushed as you realised Genji was still holding you while asleep. Despite being made of metal and normally cold, he was very warm. You looked around for your monsters, but couldn't find them anywhere.
"Thank god.." you muttered to yourself.
Genji soon woke up.
"Morning Genji.." you mumbled.
"Good morning, (Y/N). How did you sleep?" He replied, groggily.
"Very.. very well.." you whispered, smiling. "First good sleep in a while to be honest."
Genji rubbed your head.
"Good.. are your monsters anywhere around right now?" He asked you.
You shook your head.
"Great." He said. "If you will excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom."
He got up and went to his bathroom.
But when he closed the door, you saw your monsters standing in the middle of the room, staring at you with that sickly, evil grin of theirs.
You gasped in fear and tried to move backwards but you couldn't, for you were already at the top of the bed.
"G-Genji!" You tried to call for him, but no words would come out.
The monsters started walking towards you.
"No..nononono.." you muttered.
They climbed onto the bed and started laughing hysterically while walking towards you, they looked at eachother while doing this. Then they both locked eyes with you, except they weren't smiling, they looked angry.. furious. They slowly stomped towards you, making loud thumping noises in your head.
This time you did scream.
"STOP!! GO AWAY!!" You yelled.
Genji burst out of the bathroom to see you huddled in the corner, cradling yourself with your head in your hands.
"(Y/N)! What happened? Are your monsters here?" He asked you. You didn't respond, just kept crying. He walked over to you. But as you got close you looked up at him and screamed again.
"NO!! DONT HURT ME PLEASE!" You cried, while staring at him. You couldn't see Genji. You just saw one of the monsters.. except much taller.
Genji was very taken aback by this.
"What.. (Y/N).. I am not going to hurt you.." he insisted and reached an arm out for you.
You quickly pushed it away and turned your back to him. You kept crying.
"Genji.. help me please.. Genji where are you.." you whimpered.
"(Y/N) I am here! I'm right here!" He cried.
"Genji come here please.. help me.. please.." you kept whimpering.
Genji used his cyber agility to almost instantly close the gap between the two of you and hugged you from behind. You screamed louder and started kicking the air as he dragged you to the bed and pressed you down on it.
You looked at him again. You saw half of his face.. the other half was the monsters face.
"G-Genji..?" You mumbled.
"Yes! I'm here! Please.. calm down." He sighed.
"T..the is covering you.." you stammered.
"What do you mean?" He asked you.
"H..half of your face.. I-is the monster.
"(Y/N).. listen to me, ok?" Genji said. You nodded.
"I think the monster being part of me.. was mostly caused through you already being freaked out. You need to relax.." he said. "I am not going to hurt you.. I would never do such a thing."
He stroked your cheek. The monster gradually started seeping away from him, until you only saw Genji.. his face calmed you. All you could see was him as he slowly stroked you and looked into your eyes.
"Genji.." you muttered.
"What.. the fuck is wrong with me..?" You started crying again.
Genji pulled you off the bed and hugged you.
"I am not sure.. I do not have all the answers.. all I can do for you is take you to Zenyatta. I feel he will be your greatest help in overcoming your monsters." He sighed.
You nodded against his chest.
"Am I.. a bad person for being like this?" You asked. "I seem to only bring stress and sadness to people."
"Of course not.. you are a great person (y/n).. you probably don't believe that but it's true.. I swear." He purred. "C'mon now.. we must go to Zenyatta."
You nodded as Genji took your hand.

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