Junkrat(genderbend) x female reader

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You looked up from your phone when you heard the door open.
Junkrat walked in.
"G'day, how are you?" She asked you.
"G..good.." you stammered, blushing intensely. "H..h-how are y-you?"
"I'm great!" She laughed, making your heart skip a beat. "Y'know, I'm going out to train now, I was wondering if you wanted to come?"
"Uhh.. s..sure!" You giggled nervously.
"Nice, c'mon let's go!" She cried, pulling you by the arm.

"I..I've never trained here before.." you admitted, looking down at your shoes.
"That's alright, mate.." she giggled, rubbing your shoulder which made your mind temporarily shut down. "Just watch me and try the same."
She aimed her frag launcher and shot twice at a couple of training bots, blowing them up instantly.
She grinned over at you as robot parts hit the walls behind her.
You giggled nervously again and shifted slowly from heel to toe.
She shoved the gun to your chest.
"Here, now you try!" She chuckled.
"I...I've never shot before." You muttered.
"Ok, I'll help you." She said as she stood directly behind you, arms on yours guiding you to shoot.
Your heart rate could probably give Tracer or Lucio a run for their money.
She slowly stepped away and you pulled the trigger. The shot missed by a mile, bounced off a wall and nearly hit you.
You screamed as you were shoved to the ground by Junkrat, the bomb hit the wall behind, bounced back and exploded a few metres away from you.
"Fuck.. are you ok?" She asked, kneeling next to you.
"W..what just happened?" You mumbled, dazed.
She picked you up bridal style and started carrying you home.
"Relax.. you're just shocked." She purred.
She opened your room door and put you in your bed.
"Rest, (Y/N).. we can try again tomorrow." She chuckled, rubbing your forehead.
You nodded slowly and she left.

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