McCree x female reader

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Requested by : FlameofPhoenix06
(Sorry for not getting this out sooner)

Joining Overwatch made you incredibly nervous, you couldn't wait but you doubted anyone would like you.
Arriving at the door of the Overwatch HQ, you were greeted by Soldier76.
"Mm.. you the new girl?" He grunted.
You nodded nervously, the knot in your stomach tightening by the second.
"Come on.." he stepped aside to make room for you. You quickly stepped inside as he shut the door, causing a loud *bang* that echoed throughout the halls.
The noise made you jump.
"This way.." the old man mumbled. "I'll take you to meet your teammates while I get your application forms ready.."
"Ok.." you muttered.

The two of you reached a large oak door that had "mess hall" on a plaque next to the door.
"In here" 76 said, opening the door.
When he stepped inside everyone there immediately stopped talking and stood up, respectfully.
"Commander." Greeted an old woman with a salute, 76 nodded to her as a greeting.
"Everyone.. this is the new girl I said would be joining us." He stated, then turned to you.
"Go on, introduce yourself." He muttered.
"Um.. hello, my name is (y/n)" you mumbled.
"Hello there (y/n)" the old woman walked up to you and shook your hand. "Come, sit with us." She put a hand on your back and directed you to the table.
"Hey there Love!" A girl with crazy brunette hair and a thick British accent came up to you. "I, am Tracer.. but you can just call me Lena"
You spent the next while introducing yourself to the two dozen people there. You had noticed a cowboy sitting adjacent to the old woman who was named Ana. This cowboy hadn't introduced himself, but just stared at you, his jaw slightly open. He seemed intrigued. Whenever you made eye contact with him, he gave you a small smile and tipped his hat, you blushed every time. Even though you hadn't spoken you liked him.
"(Y/N). Can you come to my office now please?" 76 appeared in the doorway.
"Uhh, sure" you said, standing up.
"Goodbye (y/n)" Ana waved.
"See ya guys.."

After you had finished writing the application forms, you hands 76 the papers.
"Thank you.." he grunted. "Here, your room key.. I'll show you the way."
He dropped a key in front of you, you stuffed it into your jacket pocket and followed him out of his office, down a couple hallways and to your room.
"I'll leave you to set yourself up." He left.
Once inside you sighed and fell onto the single bed.
You were exhausted.
*knock knock*
You heard someone knocking softly on the door.
"Who is it?" You mumbled, opening the door to see the cowboy blushing down at you.
"H-hey.. I, uhh.. don't think I introduced myself at the mess hall." He mumbled, looking down at his feet.
"No.. we didn't.. come in." You smiled, heart racing.
"The name's McCree.. call me Jesse." He took his hat off and stool his hand out for you to shake, you accepted.
"I'm (y/n)." You muttered. "Nice to meet you Jesse."
"Look, I was wondering if ya needed any help settling in." He asked, his head tilted to one side.
"Um, sure.. I don't really know where anything is."
"Alright.." he blushed. "Shall I show you around?" He stool out his hand for you to take.
You nodded, he was about to retract his hand nervously but you gladly took it, your hairs standing on end as he gently wrapped his hand around yours.

"So, this is the Mission Room.." he started, gesturing to a large metal door.
"That's where 76 gives us our assignments for any missions."
"Good to know."

The two of you then came to a stop near your room.
"And that, is my room." He pointed to the door next to yours.
"Oh cool! We are next to eachother."
You cried.
"Ah, yeah! Nice." He smiled, flashing shiny teeth.
"Well.. that's it I guess.." he let go of your hand and blushed again.
"Would you.. like to come in..?" You mumbled.
"Uhh.. s-sure!" He chuckled.
You entered the room and you threw your bags onto our bed.
Sitting next to him he blushed, you found this adorable.. which made you blush.. so you both basically just sat there for a minute, blushing silently.
"Y'know.. you are very pretty.." he chuckled.
"Oh.. t-thank you!" You giggled nervously, brushing your hair back.
"Not a problem.." he brought his hand to the tip of his hat. "M'lady.." he tipped it. Then the two of you shared a laugh.
"You.. you are pretty cute to.." you smiled.
"Haha, is that so?" He grinned, blushing.
"Yeah." Your smile widened, you really like Jesse.
"Well.. I should go.. I have to run an errand for 76." He sighed, standing up.
"Maybe you could drop by later.. say 10?"
"Yeah!" You tried to hide your enthusiasm.
"Lovely.. I'll be on my way then.."
"Wait." He stopped and turned around to find himself with your arms wrapped around him.
"It was great talking to you Jesse.." you mumbled.
He hugged you back and chuckled.
"The pleasure is mine darlin'

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