Tracer x socially awkward reader Part 2

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You lay on your bed, looking through your items. You forgot to bring a coat. All you had for clothing were jumpers, shirts and the like. You dropped your bag next to your bed and closed your eyes. You drifted off to sleep


you were in a dark room. You didn't know why you were there or what was going on. Your eyes adjusted to the brightness and you saw your mom at the end of the room. Standing in a corner, staring at you with a blank emotionless look on her face.
"M-mom..? Is that you?" You cried happily. "MOM! I missed you!!"
You ran towards her to hug her. When you hugged her she didn't move. No response at all. You cried onto her shoulder.
"I missed you.. so much.." you mumbled. You looked up at her to see her staring at you, still with a blank expression.
"Mom..?" You said.
Your mother's face slowly grew in anger as she looked at you.
"Why..?" She growled.
"W..what..?" You asked.
She grabbed you by the shoulders and held you at arms length. She started to change shape, into an almost demonic look. She looked dead. Her eyes were empty and her mouth had razor sharp teeth. Her skin was grey and her hair was jet black.
You gasped.
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" She screamed in a deep, booming demonic voice.
You fell down and started to back up.
"Mom.. what do you mean? What did I do?" You cried.
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" She repeated.
You started crying.
"What did I do?! I'm sorry!" You yelled.
"I guess I don't have any more sons/daughters" she whispered, barely audible.
You grabbed her hand. She pulled it away and smacked you.
You curled into a ball and continued crying.
"YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU ARE A WASTE OF SPACE!!" She roared down at you in her demonic voice.
"STOP!! MOM STOP PLEASE!!" You cried.
She continued her barrage of degrading words.

"(Y/N)? WAKE UP!" You heard Lena yelling. Her hands were on your shoulders, shaking you.
You looked around the room and brought your legs up to your chin and cried.
"(Y/n) what's wrong? Are you ok? Talk to me please love." Lena said.
You cried harder.
"I'm nothing.. I'm a waste of space.. I'm useless.." you muttered to yourself over and over as you cradled yourself, still crying.
Lena dragged you up from your lying down position and put both hands on the sides of your head, directing it to look at her.
"(Y/n)! Look at me! What happened!" She asked.
You didn't respond, trapped in your own mind.
She shook you to get you into reality.
"(Y/N) ANSWER ME" she yelled.
You stopped talking and looked at her. You slumped and started crying.
"I'm sorry.." you mumbled.
"Calm down. You're ok.." she whispered. "What happened?"
"I..had a nightmare.."
"About what?"
"...m..m-my.." you started and broke down crying.
Lena lifted your chin to look at her.
"Relax.. you're alright. Take deep breaths, love." She purred into your ear. "What was your nightmare about? Normally, nightmares don't have that much of an effect on people."
"It was about.." you mumbled.
Lena sat down on your bed and pulled you with her.
"Talk to me. What happened?" She asked as she put an arm around you.
Tears formed in your eyes.
"Um.. I, I was in a dark room with my mom.. I hugged her and said I missed her, but she just stared into space. Then she.. then she turned into a demon.. her eyes were empty and stuff.. she said 'why did you do this to me?' I asked her what I did and she started screaming at me.." you started as you took a deep breath. "Then.. then she said 'I guess I don't have any more sons/daughters' and she hit me.. she kept screaming.. she.. wouldn't, stop screaming.." you broke down in tears and started shaking.
Lena hugged you, tightly, putting her chin on top of your head and slowly stroked the back of your neck.
"Shhh.." she soothed as you cried. "It's alright.. it was just a dream.. it's not real."
"It is.. t..the week before she died.. the last time I saw her she said that stuff.. she called me a waste of space and useless.. *cough* she.. said I wasn't her son.." you cried.
"Oh.. I'm.. I'm sorry (y/n). It sounds like she wasn't a very nice person." Lena muttered.
You shook your head.
"She.. she's right, isn't she.." you mumbled.
"What!" Lena yelled. "No she isn't! (Y/n) you are NOT a 'waste of space'".
You cried harder.
"She's right.. I am useless, aren't I.. I can't talk to people without seeming like an awkward freak! I can't do anything of use to anyone!" You cried.
"Stop it.. you are not useless.." Lena soothed.
"How do you know.." you mumbled.
"First of all I'm a very good judge of character.. you seem like a very nice girl/boy to me.." she started. "Second of all.. you got in here for saving the life of an old woman didn't you! Not just anybody would do that.. you are of use to people.. you saved someone's life!"
You looked down while crying. You started shaking uncontrollably. Lena lifted your head up to look at her and tightened her hug.
"And about your social anxiety.. you will get over it.. people grow out of these things. What age are you?" She asked.
"Eigh.. eighteen." You mumbled into her shoulder.
"Yeah.. you still have a long way ahead of you in your life.. you will get over your social anxiety.. I promise you.. and I'm the mean time.. to me you seem like a very genuine person." She whispered. "There's a reason why 76 asked me to show you to your room, he noticed how nervous you were and apparently you seemed to like me the most..he's a good judge of character to."
You looked into her deep, calming brown eyes.
"When I left you to 'train'.. I was really going to 76. He asked us before you came to say what we thought of you after you went to your room. Everyone thinks your nice.. after just meeting you.. I told him you seem like a very gentle, kind person.. just from the vibes I got from you." She said, staring into your eyes.
"Y-you mean that..?" You asked.
"Every word, love.. you are not useless.. you are not a waste of space.." she purred. "You are tormented person.. I can see you have gone through some serious struggles.. but most people wouldn't have been able to cope with what you have been through. You are a very strong girl/boy."
You hugged her, tighter than you've ever hugged anyone before.
"Thank you.." you whispered, crying half sad, half happy tears.
Lena hugged you back. "No problem, love."
"Lena..?" You asked.
"D..did you mean what you said earlier? Outside here.."
"What did I say?" She cocked her head to one side.
"T..t-that I was... c-cute.." you mumbled.
Lena laughed. "Yes.. I did.."
you smiled.

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