Tracer x socially awkward reader part 4

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You sat down in the cafe and saw the old woman you met when you arrived by the name of Ana. She looked over at you two and grinned.
"Good afternoon, love birds!" She greeted, chuckling.
Lena giggled and replied with "good afternoon to you to, captain Amari!"
You just blushed and gave a small wave. You sat down and sighed, still extremely excited, terrified, and nervous and many other feelings.
Lena, still standing, put her hands on the table and asked.
"What would you like, love? It's on me.. I'm assuming you don't have any money."
"Um.. I'm not too hungry.. just a sandwich please, thanks." You mumbled.
"Coming right up!" She giggled and rubbed your shoulder.
As she went up to order, Ana came over to you with a grin on her face.
"Hello there, (Y/N). How are you doing?" She asked.
You looked up nervously and said.
"Um.. I, uhh.. I'm g-good.." you stammered.
"Nice to hear that.. You know, you don't need to be nervous around us.. right?" She chuckled.
"W-what?" You muttered.
"I can tell.. you are nervous.. don't be. You live here now, so we are your family. Ok?" She said.
"Y..yeah.. t-thank you." You kept stammering.
"Any time, (Y/N). Enjoy your date!" She giggled. You blushed deeply and looked at your shoes.
"Hey Love.." you heard Lena. You looked up and she was sitting opposite next to you, putting a sandwich in front of you. "You ok?" She asked, rubbing your arm.
"Y..yeah.. you giggled nervously.
"It's ok.. no need to freak out." She said.
You nodded and felt your face heating up.
"Love.." she noticed how terrified you were. "If you want to stop we c-"
"No. I'm f-fine.. just rather nervous." You insisted.
"Why?" She asked.
"Uhh.. c-cause.. I r-really.. like you.." you muttered, hiding your face in embarrassment.
You glanced up to see Lena smiling.
"Aw.. love.. you are so sweet.." she whispered and kissed you. "I really like you to, (Y/N)." She stared into your eyes.
"Thank you Lena.." you muttered.
"For what?"
"Making me feel like I matter." You fought back tears. "Before I joined here.. my life.. was really difficult. I didn't think very highly of myself.. my mom told me that no one would ever like me.. my dad.. I didn't have one.. and no one cared about me.. I got bullied a lot as well for being so 'weird' or whatever.. it doesn't matter." You sighed.
Lena reached a hand out and stroked your face.
"Love.. I'm so sorry.." she sighed.
"Its ok.." you muttered as you kept fighting back tears.
"I care about you.. ok? You matter to me.. a lot." She whispered, while staring into your eyes.
You smiled awkwardly and said.
"T-thank you.."
"And y'know what? I think you are even cuter when nervous, or flustered." She giggled.
This made you blush.. and get flustered...
"Uhh.. t-thanks..? I guess.." you stammered, making Lena laugh.
"There ya go again.." she chuckled.
"How do you do it?" You groaned.
"How do I do what, Love?" She asked.
"'re so nice.. so caring.. kind.. I just don't get it.. why are you being so nice to me?" You moaned. "No one ever is.. why are you?"
"Because why shouldn't I? You are just the same.. as I said, you are funny, caring, kind.. why shouldn't I be nice to you..?" She giggled.
You blushed.
"You should try to not be so hard on yourself.. you obviously are." She sighed. "You aren't nearly as bad or dumb as you think."
A tear rolled down your cheek. You were unsure if it was a happy tear or a sad tear. Lena wiped it away and pulled by the shirt into a kiss.
"I.. I think.. I love you.." you mumbled nervously.
Lena blushed this time. "I love you too.." she laughed. "C'mon, let's head back to my room.."
"Ok.." you mumbled. Lena took your hand and swung it happily while walking with you.

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