Tracer x socially awkward reader part 6

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The next day was actually pretty busy.
76 started your training for real... and seeing as Tracer is your mentor..
You had to fight her.

"So, Love I gotta tell ya somethin'" Lena said, with an odd smile.
"Uhh..what's that?" You asked.
"76 wants me to kick your training up a notch." She leaned against the wall.
"How..?" You mumbled.
She just grinned and your heart started racing.
She pulled out her pulse pistols, still leaning against the walls.
She giggled as your face went white.
"What..?'re kidding right?" You mumbled.
She stood up and took one step towards you, shaking her head.
You took a step back.
Suddenly she blinked over to you, directly in front of you.
"Don't worry, Love.. I'll go easy on you!" She giggled and disappeared.
"Oh..shit.." you mumbled and grabbed your rifle, slowly walking forward, looking around you cautiously.
"Hey there Love!" You heard behind you. You yelped and jumped around, shakily pointing your rifle at the direction of the noise. Nothing there.
Then you heard distant giggling.
"L-Lena?" You called out.
"Yeah, Love?" She giggled. Your head bolted in all directions and saw her standing on a ledge above you, leaning against the wall again.
You immediately pulled up your rifle and aimed it at her.
She giggled. "Go on then, Love.." she whispered to break the silence.
You pulled the trigger and she disappeared again.
"Fuck.." you muttered.
You felt someone kick the back of your leg, tripping you up instantly. You slammed onto your front and felt a gun pressed against the back of your head.
Lena yawned jokingly.
"Ow.." you mumbled. "You.. said you.. would go easy.."
"I did.. I didn't do anything for two whole minutes.." she chuckled.
"Can I get up now?" You muttered.
"Nope!" She laughed. "Sorry Love but you gotta stay here!"
You tried to get up but felt Lena's knee pressed into your back.
"I don't think attempting to move is a very good idea.." she giggled.
"Pleease.." you groaned.
"Oh fine.." she chuckled, getting up. She helped you up but you nearly fell back again, she grabbed your shoulders to stabilise you.
"You ok there, Love?" She giggled.
"My everything hurts.." you mumbled, making her laugh.
"Aww.. did I hurt you?" She whispered, teasingly as she stroked your cheek.
You squinted at her jokingly and sighed. "Whatever.." you laughed.
"C'mon Love.. I need to tell 76 how you did." She grabbed your hand.
"How did I do..?" You asked.
"Not too bad.. most new people are too scared to even aim their weapon." She shrugged.

You reached 76's office and Lena knocked on the door.
"Come in." You heard the grizzled voice behind the door as Lena opened the door.
"Hey, I'm here with (Y/N) training report." She greeted.
"Alright.." he mumbled, handing her a sheet. "Fill it in there."
She started writing as you stood awkwardly behind her, not sure of what to do.
"Take a seat (Y/N)." He gestured to the seat next to Lena. You sat down.
"There!" Lena said, handing the SHES back to 76.
"Ok, thank you Lena.. I'd just like to ask (Y/N) some questions.. dismissed." He said.
"Alright.. see ya later Love." She said as she left.

"So, tell me (Y/N).. how have you been settling in?" 76 asked you.
"Um.. g-good.." you mumbled. "Lena is, uhh, helpful.."
"Great.. now how is the training? Scary? Difficult?"
"Y-yeah.. it, um.. its.. scary.. and kinda.. I dunno.. yeah.. scary" you stammered.
He nodded. "Understandable..." he said. "No need to worry though.. everyone is nervous for the first while.. you'll eventually get the hang of it. And Lena is a great teacher.. she knows her stuff.. she won't start firing until she thinks you're ready."
"Ok.. t-thanks.."
"So.. as a new member of Overwatch.." he grunted, pulling another sheet out. "You need to fill in a short application form." He put it in front of you with a pen.
You started writing.
Name - (Y/N) (L/N).
Age - 19
Sex - (M/W)
Eye colour - (E/C)
Hair colour - (H/C)
Height - (Height)
Weight - (Weight)
Etc etc.
After you were finished you handed the sheet back.
"Thank you.. ok, that'll be it, (Y/N).
Dismissed." He grumbled.
"T-thanks.." you muttered as you left.

On your way back saw Lena talking to Jamison, you considered going up to them but walked away. You didn't really know why you did that, but it just makes you nervous in situations like that.
"Hey, Love! Over here!" You hear Lena call you over.
You slowly turn around and start shuffling over to them.
"G'day Mate." Jamison greeted.
"Uhh, h-hi.."
"How did it go?" Lena asked.
"F-fine.. he just asked me a couple q-questions and.. gave me, uhh, an application form.. thing." You muttered, looking at your feet.
"Cool.. anyway.. I'll see you later Jamie.. we gotta go.." Lena took your hand and waved at Jamison.
"Alright.. goodbye" he waved back and walked off.
"You ok, Love?" She asked.
"J..just really.. sore.." you groaned.
"Was I too rough? Sorry.." she sighed. "I had a feeling I shouldn't have done that."
"N-no.. it's fine really.. I uhh.. just I'm not used to it yet.." you mumbled.
"Ok.." she smiled, kissing you on the cheek, you blushed intensely.
She laughed.

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