Blood Moon

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TW/// A Lil bit of gore

Moondrop was wandering around the Amusment Park. It was so weird being his own Animatronic now...really weird. It was also weird being active during the day,even thought it wasn't day at the moment.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a thump and a scream. Someone got hurt!

He rushed over,to find that Rosie had hit a desk accidentally,and had scraped her shoulder on the same desk when she fell.

Moondrop hissed in sympathy.

"Stay here,Jean Bean. I'll be back with First Aid."  True to his word,he took off quickly,and came back with a first aid kit.

Rosie looked up at him,fearful. Moondrop put a hand on her non injured shoulder.

"No,it won't hurt. At least,I'll try not to make it hurt."

He began treating her wound,with her wincing in pain every now and again. He quickly got done,letting her go.

"There,that was easy. Now be careful. Bye now!"

And them Moondrop put his new jump upgrade to use by leeping back to the the Day Care.

Sometimes he loved doung the night patrol. As he was heading back to the Day Care,he looked at the Blood Moon.

A beautiful sight.

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