Blood of the Innocent

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TW// Blood, Gore, mentioned Sacrifice and Child Death

*Inspired by the tale The Scarlet Truth*

The Scarlet King bared his fangs as he snarled at his daughter and her three friends.

[Do you think I enjoy bathing the the blood of innocents? I don't. I HATE it.] He spat, snapping his fingers.

He took the form of a small child.

[Guess why I took this form. Guess.]

All four were silent.

[That's right. Children make up the highest percentage sacrificed to me. CHILDREN!] He roared.

[THE FACT THAT EVEN A SINGLE CHILD HAS BEEN SACRIFICED TO ME IS A DISGRACE!] He snarled, transforming back to his main form, slamming his fists on the sides of his throne.

[Every single death caused by the Foundation to contain those 'anomalies' is counted as a sacrifice. Children included. The Foundation is WRONG.]

He looked at the four, who were unable to say anything.

[I am not the Scarlet King because I bathe in the blood of the innocent willingly. I am the Scarlet King because I am forced to bathe in the blood of the innocent.] He spat.

He gazed at the four trembling women below him. They reminded him of his brides.

[I never had a choice. I was made because blood was spilt in my name. Blood must spilt for me to live. Why can't it be the blood of sinners? The blood of the damned? The blood of the guilty? Because that's boring. Because the people willing to spill blood fit in that catagory.]

He snarled at them, glaring at them with all of his eyes, even forming more to look at them.

[Then you'll see why I am past redemption. I was born as a villian. You can't fix what was always broken. I was evil, and I never had a choice. Between the Daevites, Anafabula, I never had a damn choice in the matter.]

He turned his back to them, before glancing at them.

[And that is my truth. The Scarlet Truth.]

And then he spread his wings and flew away.

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