Hidden in the Sand

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We were playing in the sand,
And you found a little band.

682 lifted his head from the dirt that surrounded him. He had spent so long searching for his sister. But, with all the things that disgusting Ultimate Despair group had done….he wasn't able to find her anywhere. He lifted himself up and kept searching.

You told me you fell in love with it,
Hadn't gone as I planned.

682’s heart sank when he found what he believed to be his sister’s body. It smelled like her, looked like her, bled like her…it was her. Tears fell from his eyes as he let out a sob. That sob turned into a low, deep, snarl. They would pay. He sprinted off into the distance.

When you had to bid adieu,
Said you'd never love anew…

682 could never love any human again after what they had done to his sister. They were disgusting. So disgusting. He swallowed the last of his most recent catch. Never again. They are all disgusting monsters, and he had been an idiot for thinking otherwise.

I wondered if I could hold it,
And fall in love with it too…

He heard a familiar voice.
“Brother? What have you done!?”
[Sister?! Oh god, it's you!]

He rushed over to his sister, hugging her tighter than ever. And then he realized something.

[Wait…you're not a-]
“I'm not dead…I'm not. They wanted you to believe that. So you would kill them all.”

A deep snarl escaped 682 again, but a gentle press to the front of his snout by his sister Rosie silenced him.

“682….killing them all is only giving them what they want. Lets show them, life can be as much as a blessing as a curse.”

682 could only reply to that motion with a simple nod. 

[Get on.]

You told me to buy a pony,
But all I wanted was you.

And then, the two rode off into the sunset, together forever. At last…everything was okay again.
Now then, where was 682 gonna get Rosie that horse she's always wanted? She deserves the best horse he can get his hands on.

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