Sheer Strength

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Using sheer strength alone,Boulder smashed the brick to pieces with his jaw. The crowd started clapping,hooting and hollering. Boulder picked up another heavier brick,and smashed it to pieces just as easily as the first one this went on for a while,until it was time to head in for the night. Being content with his meal,he slowly fell asleep....only to be jolted awake by the sound of shattering glass. He grabbed the robber's leg and broke it into several pieces as blood flowed out of his mouth as she screamed,waking everyone else in the house up. Boulder kept attacking the robber until Cinder pulled him off,giving the large Drednaw a pat on the back of his shell. The Pokemon team looked at what Boulder had did,and decided to let the robber go. She limped off into the night,never to be seen around Rosie's park again.

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