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This is my first Mikayuu OS and it's dedicated to AkabaneKiira666 because she made me watch this anime and ruined my life in 2 days, this will be the first of many Mikayuu OS

Did that vampire just-? Shit. Not Guren, he can't die. I swear I'm going to kill that vampire- no, I'm going to kill all of them, they killed my family... and Mika... and now Guren? This isn't how it's supposed to happen.

I rush to them, pure rage filling me, I get my sword and run faster "you damn vampire, you get away from him right now!" I shout as I get closer to them.

The vampire doesn't move for a few seconds, but I can hear him say something "another reckless human, what annoying pests-" he turns to me "no way... is that-" and I stab him in the chest. But-

No, no, this isn't happening... but I have seen those eyes before, I have seen those eyes everyday since I was a child, but it can't be, he is dead, I abandoned him and he died, is this Asuramaru trying to get control over me?

Mika... is that really you? I don't know what to think right now, there's no chance he survived, he can't be alive. But this isn't Asuramaru either, he looks older, therefore, it can't be the demon

I am frozen, I can't find the strength to pull the blade back, but I can't find the strength to speak either, "Y- Yuu?" He says, his voice is merely a whisper, I see Guren getting up surprisingly fast and getting his black and red sword, taking Mika's out of his chest and I pull my sword back, the clash between Guren and Mika's swords is so strong it sends Mika a few meters away.

"What's wrong with you, Yuu?!" Everyone in my team comes to me, shouting, Guren slaps me "you had him! Why didn't you make the kill?!" He shouts angrily.

"I- I" I stutter looking at Mika, who's sitting up, Ferid Bathory next to him smirking "I can't" I say almost inaudibly, everyone around me looks at me in shock as I approach the vampire squad "is it really you, Mikaela?" I ask, he looks at me and I realize that his eyes aren't like the other vampires', they are blue, the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen, just like when we were kids, he takes a couple of steps to me "it is you, right, Mika?" I say, tears forming in my eyes as I realize he's still alive.

"Yuichiro" he simply says, it's him, I know it is, and I have missed him so much in the past four years, I didn't realize that until now, I missed him so much I just want to run to him, but I cannot do that, all my life I've wanted to kill every single vampire I could, but now... Mika is with them, but why? He was the one who planned the whole escaping thing before everything went terribly wrong... did they brainwash him? Or did they do something worse?

"Let's go, guys! We have to kill them!" I hear Shinoa say, the whole squad goes towards the vampires, but I can't, I see all the vampires fighting back, except for one, both of us are frozen, looking at each other, "Yuu!" Shinoa calls, I look at her but I still can't move, I look back at Mika, he's looking at the other vampires, I see Ferid about to kill Guren and my legs finally decide to cooperate with my brain, I run to them and try to stab the vampire, but suddenly he isn't there.

"Watch out!" Guren says

Before I have time to react, there's a hand on my shoulder "I've waited so long to get a taste of your-" I turn my head slightly to see Ferid, but a red blade cuts his arm and I turn, shocked to see Mika holding his sword.

"Lay a finger on him and you're dead" he threatens, he has changed a lot, but at the same time, he's the same, Ferid walks to him and tells him something, Mika glares at him and comes to me. Now, for some reason I don't really know, I'm sitting on the floor, with every step he takes closer to me, I can feel my heart beating more and more rapidly "let's go, leave everything behind and escape with me"

My eyes widen, I really want to say yes, but the fact that he's with that scum concerns me more "escape? What are you talking about? And why are you with those vamp-" he gets closer to me and picks me up in bridal style -my heart is literally beating out of my chest right now- I can feel myself blushing, but I try to stop myself from kissing him right here and now "what are you doing? Let me go!" I demand, he obeys and we get to the roof of a gas station.

"The short version is that you shouldn't be here" he suddenly says, I shouldn't be here? Why not? I hear Shinoa scream and turn to where we all were, she's getting bitten, and so are the others, I turn to Mika "don't go, Yuu... please" he pleads lowly, I turn back to my friends and start running towards them, but before I can even get off of the roof, Mika jumps on my back "they are using you, please... trust me and come with me somewhere safe"

I try to stop myself from telling him what we both want, but when I realize it's too late "if there's somewhere safe for both of us, I'm in" he smiles and I begin wondering stuff, he takes my hand and takes me as far from the battle field as possible "when did you become a vampire? And who did this to you? And why are your eyes still blue if everyone else's are red? And-"

He suddenly stops and looks at me "stop asking so many questions I can't answer if you don't give me any time to, Yuu" I look down sheepishly and he chuckles "you haven't changed a bit, I love it" I smile at him "well, to answer your many questions, the night you successfully escaped, the queen turned me because she needed me for I don't know what, but I'm not fully a vampire until I drink human blood" he explains. He hasn't drank any human blood? How has he survived this far?

More and more questions pop up in my head, but this time I keep them to myself, we get to an abandoned place -not that everything isn't abandoned but you get what I mean- and he stops "is this safe? Are you sure they-" he covers my mouth and I frown, but I shut up immediately... why does he have such an influence on me? I am beginning to hate it. He drops his hand and glances at me before walking towards the entrance, I stay in place until I hear someone screaming in fear. I walk closer and see a group of children, they seem terrified of Mika and that makes me feel terrible, why would they be? I get that they are humans and he's a vampire, but his eyes aren't red.

Mika turns to me as I walk inside the place "stay outside, Yuu" he says, I can't tell if that's a threat or if he is protecting me from something else that's in here, I take a step closer to him and he glares at me "get outside, Yuu" he says more threateningly now, I don't leave, I don't want to leave him alone with whatever might be there "I don't want to hurt you" I frown, why would he hurt me? He is a harmless halfvampire, then I realize that's what he means, he needs blood, he's still a vampire after all.

The kids have ran away by now, we are alone "hurt me? As in putting me through a painful experience?" I walk closer to him and he takes a step back, "come on, Mika, you are harmless, you've always been" I say truthfully "and whatever it is you might do, I can take it"he looks down and I walk closer to him, he doesn't look up "what's wrong?" I ask when I realize he's stopping himself from doing something, he shakes his head, but he should now by now that I don't give up easily when it comes to protecting someone I really care about "Mika, tell me, what is it?" He shakes his head again and I sigh.

"You're making this harder than it should be, just leave and be safe, please" he begs, I frown, he may not want to tell me whatever it is, but he knows me better than this, it takes more than that to make me leave a situation like this "Yuu, please... leave"

"Leave? You told me to come here and run away with you and now you're telling me to leave?" I admit that I'm slightly pissed off, but I know he needs me, I know him and whatever it is that's bothering him, he can't take it alone, even if he wants to "well, I'm not, you should know that" he sighs, knowing he'll have to tell me.

He looks at me "you should know that I'm not telling you, too, but you keep insisting" he says annoyed that I am not obeying him "Yuu, I can't fight this any longer, please leave, now" I frown, fight what?

"What can't you fight?" He breaks the eye contact and walks away, sitting behind one of the shelves, I notice blood on the floor, is he hurt? "Mika..." I trail off, he doesn't look at me, he doesn't move "Mika, please, let me help you" I really want to help him, but I can't if he doesn't tell me what's going on.

He looks at me and, in the blink of an eye, I'm laying on the floor, him on top of me, he starts unbottoning the top of my shirt, but I stop him "I- I need..." he starts, I look at him in the eye, I know he needs blood, but I don't want him to live like this.

"I'msorry, Mika... this is my fault, I left you alone that day" I say,apologizing for the thousandth time since I saw him again just a fewhours ago "I can't let you live like this" well, that's great, Imade it sound like I'm going to kill him now.

He looks at me in the eye and jumps back, realizing what's happening"shit... Yuu, I'm sorry, I-" I walk to him but he takes a step back "don't" he says sternly "I don't trust myself right now,don't come closer" I look at him, he looks genuinely sorry, it makes me feel terrible "Just- just leave please" he says, I shake my head

"Are you kidding me, Mika? You're dying and you want me to leave?!" I say, maybe a bit too loudly, he flinches and I take his hands in mine"if you drink blood, will you get better?" I ask concerned, he nods hesitantly and I open my shirt, uncovering my neck "do it" I tell him

He shakes his head "No, I won't become a monster, I have been fighting this whole time so you wouldn't see me as a monster, I'm not doing it" he says determined, I look at him, he has got to be kidding me.

"Well, if you were just going to die, you should've done it alone in a corner" I retort, he frowns lightly and I know I will get what I want, which is for him to be alright, like I've wished for four years, "and if you die I... I'll- I'll have to start crying" I say, he looks extremely done with me right now, if we weren't in this situation it would be really funny "I just got you back, I can't lose you again, Mika"

"So you're saying I have to become a vampire so you don't have to cry?"He questions in disbelief, I nod, "you're unbelievable, I have to become a vampire because of you"

"Well, I'm offering, it's not like you're attacking me, and yes, you have to, do you have any problem with that?" I say sassily, he looks at me and takes a step back, I sigh and take my sword, making a small cut across my arm, which begins bleeding immediately, I know I'm a dick for doing this, but I couldn't care less.

"You're a terrible person, you know that?" Mika suddenly says, tears running down his face, his blue eyes shining.

I shrug "maybe, but you're the one who made this terrible person part of your family" I say, he smiles, I had just called him my family once, and it was on the day I thought he had died just like the others

"Biggest mistake I've ever made" he says, I chuckle, he looks at the blood dripping from the cut to the floor and I smile encouragingly, he looks at me and he jumps to my neck.

My heart is beating faster than ever as I wrap my arms around him, he bites my neck and... should it be feeling this good? I don't know if this is how I'm meant to feel right now, it feels so amazing that I can't put it into words. We fall to the floor and I push us against a shelf, his right hand on my knee and my left hand tangled in his hair, this can't get any better... probably.

"Welcome back, Mika" I whisper, he stops biting and looks at me, I gasp lightly as his eyes turn red, he's a vampire now, there's no doubt, and I'm more than glad to be the first human he's ever bitten, I can't really tell if I loved him more with blue eyes or red, he looked extremely good with blue eyes, but now he somehow looks as good or maybe even better than before.

"Yuu..." he says lowly, getting my attention back "you know that there's no turning back now, right?" He asks, I nod, he's 100% a vampire now, if there's any chance of him being a human again, it will be harder than before.

"I wouldn't want it any other way, Mika" I state, he tilts his head to the side, God, he's literally the cutest thing ever, and even now, he manages to look innocent all the time, I love him so much

"What do you mean?" He questions confused.

I'm not going to say it, Yuu don't tell him, make something up, this isn't meant to happen, especially not now "I love you" shit. Well, now I have to wait for a reaction and then probably run away after ruining the most amazing friendship I've ever had.

He stays silent for a few seconds and I begin to panic internally, he frowns lightly... fuck, fuck, fuck! "You... you love me?" I can see tears forming in his eyes, and I know I fucking blew it, but I can't lie now, I nod, looking down, feeling ashamed "I-"

"I know you don't, I just wanted you to know, because-" I start, but my heart skips a beat when he kisses me, what is happening? Is this really happening or he sucked too much blood and I passed out?

He pulls back blushing and smiling "I love you too, idiot" he says, I feel like I really am dead or about to because my heart is pounding and it's all I can hear right now "Yuu, are you alright?" Mika asks worriedly

"Huh? I- uh... yeah, I'm fine, it's just that... I wasn't expecting you to love me back" I trail off, I don't even know what's happening anymore, it does really feel like I lost too much blood or something because I'm suddenly getting dizzy.

"Neither did I" he chuckles "but come on, we didn't get to our destination yet" he says, picking me up in bridal style again. I love it, I really do, but I would never admit it too him.

"I have legs, you know, I can walk by myself" I complain, he laughs at my statement

"Yeah, but I don't want you to walk after you cut your arm for me to give in and suck your blood" I chuckle, he's adorable "and I want to carry my princess wherever you want me to" I would normally hate someone calling me princess, but I will be his princess if he is my prince.

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