Chapter Twelve

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Owlflight woke one morning, almost a moon later, with his fur bristling and his muscles tense. He didn't know what made him feel so bad about that morning; he just somehow understood that something wasn't right, something was going to happen.

The kits were learning quickly. Owlflight took it upon himself to teach them to fight as well as hunt, though he didn't think they'd ever need it. To his surprise, Robin was learning as well as his siblings, though he was hesitant and often let prey escape because he waited too long.

He tried not to let his kits see just how nervous he was that day. StarClan was telling him to be careful; not necessarily that something would happen.

"Can we please learn to fish today?" Cloud asked. "Hunting mice is too easy!"

"I want to learn battle techniques. I'll be the strongest fighter in the world!" Stone hissed. Robin, as usual, stayed silent. Owlflight thought for a moment.

"We'll learn fishing today." He decided, much to Cloud's delight. "But be careful, okay? We'll go to the river, it's hard to hunt in the ocean."

"But the river is dangerous.." Robin muttered. There was a river on their island, but it was down in a small gorge.

"We'll be careful." Owlflight said dismissively. Is this what StarClan is trying to warn me about? He thought, his stomach twisting.

As they neared the gorge, Owlflight realised he was probably right. He was about to call Cloud and Stone back, but before he could, Cloud let out a cry and disappeared over the edge, hitting her shoulder on the stone before disappearing into the black river.

"Help her!" Owlflight gasped, images of frozen Echokit dancing in his head. "Hurry!" He leaped down onto a rock jutting out of the river, but Cloud's white head whipped by before he had a chance to grab her.

Stone was leaping down a little ways off, managing to grab onto his sister but being forced to let go when he nearly fell in himself. "She's bleeding!" He hissed to Owlflight.

Robin suddenly moved from where he was standing at the top of the gorge. He bounded down the side of the river, then leaped down onto another rock several fox-lengths ahead of Cloud. He was able to grab onto her scruff and tug her onto the rock.

"Good job." Owlflight breathed a sigh of relief. He trotted over to them, realising that Cloud was really hurt. She was laying in the grass, soaked in muddy water and panting heavily. Blood seeped from her shoulder where she had hit it. Owlflight doubted that she would be able to stand.

"We... We need to help her.." Owlflight sighed. "We need to see a medicine cat. Stone, help me get her to clan land." He picked Cloud up and shifted her so that she was sitting awkwardly, halfway on his back. Stone grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, and the three wabbled towards the shore, Robin following awkwardly behind.

When they managed to get to the beach, Owlflight noticed storm clouds rolling in. He hoped they'd reach camp by the time it started to rain, but they had no such luck.

It began to pour as soon as they got to MudClan territory, and the mud caused them to nearly slip in the river a few times as they hobbled upstream towards the waterfall.

"Intruders!" Came a sudden call. Owlflight skid in the mud in surprise, slipping into the river. The current swept strongly at his hind legs as he tried to get a grip on the mud, but it was no use, and moments later he had disappeared into the black water.
But he was only there for a second before a cat had fastened their grip in his scruff and pulled him out of the river. "Owlflight!" Came Spiderpaw's relieved voice. "I though we were going to be attacked. I didn't recognize you in the rain!"

Owlflight realised that they'd been spotted by a border patrol. Three MudClan cats stared at him, wide eyed. Shadeclaw, Blurrypelt, and Spiderpaw. "I've missed you." Spiderpaw went on. "Your kits have grown so much!"

Owlflight purred in delight. "Yes, they have. But we didn't return just to see you; Cloud injured her shoulder in the gorge. May we see Brownfur?"

"Of course." It was Shadeclaw who spoke, his gravely voice sending shivers down Owlflight's spine.

But he had no time for distrusting Shadeclaw now. His daughter was in danger. He allowed Blurrypelt to carry Cloud to camp, although he kept a close eye on them. Stone and Robin followed silently, watching the cats as they traveled upstream and into the cave.

As they shuffled towards Brownfur's den, the brown tom poked his head out. He blinked at the cats. "Owlflight? Is that you?"

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