six: night out

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Minseok decided on a buffet... all you can eat and he's making me pay.

"i paid last time why do i have to?" i whine as we wait in line.

"because you're the eldest, you had more time to make more money than me." Minseok quickly retorts.

"why did i hire you again?" i tease.

"because i'm a prodigy." he replies sassily.

"i'll pay." Hyungsik seemed to get annoyed by our bickering.

"but oppa, it's your first time out with us. you're our guest!" i say dismissing the idea.

"OPPA?" Minseok eyes widen and he gasps making people stare at him like he's crazy.

"why'd you shout?" i ask ready to smack his head.

"n-no reason. i'm just surprised." his eyes wander everywhere but my own.

"excuse him, he has no common sense." i say to Hyungsik who just chuckles.

"you never call me oppa." Minseok sulks.

"you're like a year younger than me." i said.

"yeah but girlfriends always call their boyfriend oppa no matter the age." he says matter of factly.

"what are you my boyfriend now?" i gasp as i take a step away from him. we usually do this but never in public.

Minseok grabs onto my arm and shakes me a little too much i begin to see the world blurry.

"Nari noona!! give me attention." he whines.

"you crazy kid! let go of me! i'll pay! i'll pay!" i try to convince him and he finally releases my arm. he has a cheeky smile on his face and Hyungsik bursts out laughing.

"are you guys actually dating?" he asks.

"no!" Minseok and i say in unison.

"she's an old lady." Minseok said.

"and you're a baby."

"you're so immature."

"no you are!"

we cross our arms and huff out, turning our backs to each other. at this point families and staff are looking at us weirdly but we don't care. of course a second later we burst out laughing and Minseok wraps his arm around my shoulder and leans on me as we have our laughing fit.

i see Hyungsik become uncomfortable so i just pull his arm so we're all basically in a group hug.

"Nari noona is quite affectionate." Minseok tells Hyungsik who has a flustered expression on his face.

"don't expose me!" i blush as my face is literally in Hyungsik's chest.

"t-table for three?" we hear the waiter say as he stares strangely at us.

we break the hug and i see Hyungsik's ears are a crimson red.

i watch as Minseok stuff pieces of crab meat down his mouth. i know he works out and will burn off all the calories but i didn't expect him to eat like it's the end of the world. the buffet is all you can eat and each person costs $20 so i guess it's not too bad. i pick at my steak and fried rice, just watching Minseok eat in front of me made me full. Hyungsik sits beside him and he's also eating like it's the end of the world. i don't know why but he went straight to the desserts first and now he's inhaling churro after churro.

twenty minutes later Minseok and Hyungsik managed to eat five plates each and i only ate three. i would've eaten more but the satisfied faces on the two males made me feel full. is this what it feel likes for a mom to watch her sons eat a lot so they become big and strong?

"i feel like alcohol." Minseok said with a dream like daze in his eyes as he pat his full belly.

"i'll drink to that." Hyungsik agrees.

"Nari noona, can you be the designated driver?" Minseok asks hopefully.

"you want alcohol? you'll just throw up all you've eaten today!" i retort.

"we'll drink responsibly, we promise!" Minseok begs.

i roll my eyes. "fine."

i'll never take them drinking again. in the club Minseok and Hyungsik are so close to each other someone from the distance could think they're grinding on each other and that's exactly what it looked like to me. the two males were so deadbeat drunk i don't think they could see how retarded they looked. i roll my eyes as i sip on sprite.

i looked at what i'm wearing, jeans and a crop top with my jacket hanging on my chair behind me. no one approaches me, probably because i look sober and i'm not all dressed up in a little black dress. no one approaches Minseok and Hyungsik because they look like a gay couple taking over the dance floor.

i miss my babies, i thought to myself as i check the time on my phone and it's 11pm. how did time skip so fast?

from the corner of my eye i see a large man drag a drunk woman behind him and i could clearly see his smirk and i could easily see his mouth form the sentence, "i'll take you home."

my eyes widen as i see him exit the club and my curiosity and expecting the worst case scenario i followed the man and woman into the alley. my high top converse shoes don't make any sounds as i walk quickly on the concrete ground.

my eyes spot a dog in the garbage cans looking for food and i momentarily get distracted as the two turn the corner. i'll come back for you, i thought to myself.

peeking around the corner i see the man strip the woman, who looks like a teen, of her skirt and i see her panties being pulled down. what do i do? i begin to panic and realize the police will just take too long to arrive and my dimwit friends are drunk and useless. i do the most logical thing.

i grab a pipe that laid conveniently near my foot and i hold it like a bat. if i'm correct the man should be as drunk as a sailor and i can smell the alcohol from where i stand.

i scream at the top of my lungs as if i'm charging into battle and i swing the pipe aiming for the man's head, i began whacking him with all my strength and he eventually wobbles to the ground with a thud. i run around in circles around the man quickly as if i'm beating up a piñata.

"YAH ARE YOU CRAZY? PERVERT HOW DARE YOU? SHAME ON YOU. SHAME ON YOUR FAMILY. SHAME ON YOUR ANCESTORS. SHAME ON YOUR COW!" i realize i just quoted Mulan so i just continue hitting every body part not paying attention to what the pipe makes in contact with.





with one final blow to the man's head i stop as he goes limp and stops moving. i hold the pipe triumphantly. the girl is sobbing while sitting on the ground and has her skirt back on.

"sweetie are you okay?" i quickly made my way to her and gathered her shivering form in my arms.

"w-what just happened?" she asks weakly.

"you have to stand up, let's get out of here it's not safe." i say as i carry her bridal style. i feel like the male heroine and i had a small smile but it quickly faded when i scolded myself to be serious.

the girl only mumbles incoherent words and she didn't have a phone on her or any bag, so i couldn't tell if there's someone out there who's worried sick about her. i know Hyungsik and Minseok are probably dead drunk right now in the club so i made my way to my car first, carefully placing her in the back seat, making sure to cover her up with my jacket, i swiftly make my way back inside the club.

i find Hyungsik and Minseok passed out on the lounge.

"did something happen in my past life to become this unlucky?" i groan to myself as i place my hands on my hips. wait... did i gain weight? i felt rolls. why do i feel like my bones are so... weak? i brush it off as i make my way to smack the two males upside the head.

"YAH! you crazy bastards! get up we're going home!" i shout over the music. when they don't stir i grab Hyungsik by the ear and scream, "YAH!" his eyes don't even flutter open. i do the same thing to Minseok but no response.

"excuse me miss? what are you doing?" i hear a deep voice behind me.

i turn around only to come face to face with a very tall man with red hair. he looked sober enough too.

"m-my f-friends are passed out." i said the exhaustion written all over my tone.

the man chuckles and proceeds to carry Hyungsik bridle style. i can see the man's triceps bulge out.

"i'm Chanyeol by the way, do you have a car?" the red head asks me. i just nod and grab Minseok under his arms and heave him so his legs drag on the ground, his shoes making a squeaking sound on the floor.

Chanyeol situates Hyungsik in the passenger seat while i place Minseok in the trunk, an uncomfortable moan leaves his lips and i blush profusely.

"thank you Chanyeol-ssi." i bow to him before i enter the car.

"i guess you're that one friend they pick as designated driver." he chuckles nervously.

"it sure did end up like that." i smile warmly.

"may i know your name?" he asks quickly when i open my car door.

"Nari. Park Nari."

"goodbye then Nari-ssi." Chanyeol waves slightly before heading back inside the club.

"what am i going to do with these rascals?" i ask myself as i stare at Hyungsik and Minseok who take up my bed, their long legs are wrapped around each other. the girl i saved was taking a shower since she woke up when i arrived at my clinic. i had learned her name is Jennie. Kim Jennie.

currently there are four rooms being used, my own bedroom occupied by my two friends, Yoongi and Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok, and Taehyung is all by himself. i only have one guest room where an actual bed is. i guess Jennie will sleep there tonight if she wants to.

i wait for her in the guest room after i checked up on my pets, they're all sleeping so i didn't bother to wake them up.

i had given Jennie clothes so i was expecting her to change in the bathroom but she came out with only a towel wrapped around her. i didn't mind much since we're both girls but she immediately yelps in surprise.

"you scared me!" she manages to say.

"s-sorry." i didn't know what to say.

she immediately heads back into the bathroom and changes into the oversized shirt and sweatpants i gave her, the clothes looked really big on her, even though she's taller than me she's very skinny. i immediately felt self conscious.

she sits next to me on the bed and hangs her head low.

"i'm sorry for causing you trouble." she says looking at the floor.

"it's nothing really, if i were in your position i'd want someone to save me." i pause seeing her cheeks turn red. "are you hungry?" i ask standing up.

"i have a killer headache do you have medicine?" she asks shyly.

"of course wait here." i pat her leg and walk out. i shut the door behind me and a small smirk forms on my face, Jennie is very cute, just what kind of life does she have that made her drink so much she couldn't think straight?

i made hangover soup and came back with water. medicine won't really help her lose the headache so she has to bear with it until tomorrow.

i see her all snuggled up in the blankets, her face is puffy and makeup-less so it made her look like an angel. she slowly gets up again and smiles widely as i set the tray on her lap.

i watch her eat and a satisfied chuckle leaves her mouth. "this is delicious." she compliments.

"i'll leave now okay?" i pat her head but i feel her hand wrap around my arm.

"Nari unnie..." she says sadly.

"what is it?"

"stay with me." she pouts.

i feel my cheeks heat up.

"you need to rest." i say softly.

"what if the man gets me again?"

"he won't, i promise."

"Nari unnie... you saved me, i have to repay you." she slurs, i realize she's probably still a little tipsy.

"don't you have school or something tomorrow?" i ask with wide eyes.

"i do but my first class at university starts at 1:00pm." she said with a normal tone. in just minutes she managed to eat the entire plate of food.

"you'll be okay, i promise." i say when she makes eye contact with me again. i see she's done with her food so i reach to take it back to the kitchen. for a second our faces are close but i didn't look her in the eyes.

my eyes widen and stare straight into her closed ones as her small hands grab both my cheeks and her lips desperately latch onto mine. i set the tray back down on her lap because i don't want to spill it and i try to wiggle out of her hold but it's surprisingly strong. her head now tilting to the side since our noses were also pressing into each other. i tap on her shoulders to make her stop but she seemed really into it so i just let her continue until she felt satisfied. she makes a sort of moaning sound and breathes heavily as she opens her mouth more so her tongue massages my lower lip.

after a couple minutes she lets go of me and my cheeks feel flushed. she has a smirk on her face and her eyes roll back and she eventually passes out.

my first kiss was with a girl.


this one was for the gays you're welcome

word count: 2378

we on a roll y'all

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