🔸0.1 (happy birthday bella)🔸

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Lockers slamming and Teens talking was all Lillian had heard in that moment as she put her History books away for the day.
Lillian could have carried them in her book bag but she would rather so be organized, and keep things where the Books and things could be neat and not so tore up.
Lillian turns around, making eye contact with Bella and Edward as she began to walk towards them. "Happy Birthday" Lillian whispers to Bella before pulling her in for a hug. She was very aware of the fact that Bella didn't want her Birthday to be known of around the school, so, she kept is quiet for her. "Thanks" Bella soon replied, being the first to pull away from the hug.
"I respect your wishes so, no presents from me" Lillian smiled after talking. Bella nods her head, an smile crept on her face.
"Thanks for that too" said Bella.
Lillians eyes began squinting as she smelt a rather familiar dog smell. "What mutt did you hug this early?" She asked Bella. Edward smiled, tilting his head to the side. Bella snickered, "uhm..jake! He gave me a dreamcatcher" Bella spoke. Lillian scoffed, putting a hand over her Heart. "So jake gets to give you a present and i don't?"
Edward looked towards his sister Lillian.
"You know, i wondered the same thing" Says Edward, now looking at Bella. She rolled her eyes in annoyance at the siblings, wishing her Birthday never came.
Alice suddenly appears with Jasper, jumping for joy, "Happy!-" Alice yells, hugging Bella before getting cut off. "Shh" Bella told her. Alice pulled back from the hug, "birthday?..."
Lillian stood off to the side, and so did Edward.
"Alice, didn't i say no gifts?" Bella mentions, now holding a box in her hands.
"Ive already seen you open it and guess what? You love it!" Alice sequels. She is way more happy about Bellas birthday than Bella. Which, Lillian found funny.
"And about the green dress you'll be wearing it to your party tonight. Great color on you" Alice tells Bella. She was apparently not getting the point of Bella wanting an "Unknown" birthday.
"My party?..." Bella questions, looking at Edward and then back to Alice. Alice lets out a sigh, holding Bellas hands in her own, "please, it'll be fun" Alice pleaded. "I...i guess i can deal" Bella gives in. Lillian smirks while shaking her head. Alice definitely has her ways. Ways that Lillian doesn't have. Alice drops Bellas hands before hugging her again.
"Great! Ill see you at seven!" Alice yells, as she skipped off to Jasper, who was standing in the distance.
"Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing!" Bella calls out to him. Lillian moved up closer to the couple, Bella and Edward.
"Happy.....never mind" said Jasper until he sped off with Alice wrapped around him.
Bella look over at Edward and he just grinned at her. Bella begins to walk off with Lillian and Edward following behind.
"Vampires, you can't trust them" Said Edward before throwing his arm around Lillian as they followed Bella.
School was over, and Lillian now stood on the second floor of the Cullen house, in the living room area. Or whatever they had called it. Lillian was dressed in black flared jeans with a cropped white button up. She wasn't going to go all out for a little party with family, even though she much rather be at her home.
"Sorry about all of this, we tried to rein Alice in" Carlisle spoke. Lillian remained silent, standing to the side of Esme. "Like thats even possible, happy birthday Bella" Esme told the brown haired girl.
The bright white flash that went off made Lillians head turn to the side of her where Alice stood, camera in hand, snapping a photo of Edward and Bella. "I found it in your bag. Mind?" Alice asked Bella. Bella shook her head, a small smile coming to her thin lips.
Emmett nudged Edwards side, "dating an older woman. Hot." Lillian snickered while looking over at Edwards clueless face. Edward elbowed Emmett, trying to get him to shut up.
"What?!" Exclaims Emmett.
Rosalie stepped up to Bella, handing her a small silver box. Lillian was surprised that Rosalie had even gotten Bella a gift. Especially since Rosalie and Bella started off on a really rocky start.
"Its a necklace...Alice picked it out" Rosalie tells Bella. Lillian moved to stand beside Rosalie, and she handed Bella a blue gift bag. "Its a sweater, figured you might want one for this upcoming winter" Lillian spoke. Bella grabbed the bag and the box from both girls, smiling and nodding. "Thank you both, seriously" said Bella. Lillian nodded in return while Rosalie....well...she just stood there. Like a statue.
"Show me the love!" Alice squeals. Edward pulls Bella into an embrace, looking deep into each others eyes. And then the bright flash went off, causing Lillian to shut her eyes. But, she opened them when it was gone....when it Faded.
"For your scrap book! Now open your presents" Alice exclaims, very much excited. But, Rosalie and Lillian just wanted the party to be over. Lillian didn't even want to come but she forced herself, for Bella. Bella and Lillian are very close friends. They open up to each other about every single and little thing that happens in their life. While Lillian shops, Bella talks. While eats, Lillian talks before going to eat afterward. They both were very caught up on each other. Lillian just hopes it stays that way.
Alice dragged Bella over to a table piled with gifts. Mainly from Alice. One more from Lillian.
A huge white cake and a tall stack of china plates sat beside the gifts. Bella snickered, "Alice, me and Lillian are the only ones that even eats cake. That thing could feed fifty"
"Hope your hungry....heres this one from Emmett" Alice spoke, trying to change to subject from cake and to gifts. Lillian stood to the side of Bella, watching her take the gift into her hand. Bella shakes the box, confused on if there is anything in it or not.
"Already installed in your truck. Finally a decent sound system
—in that piece of..." Emmett immediately gets cut off by Lillian. "Hey..don't hate the truck" Lillian said, her hand held up, like she was surrendering. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at her remark. Lillian drops her hand and turns towards Bella. Bella smiles at her in return. Or as a "thank you".
"Open Esme's and Carlisle's" Alice said, handing Bella the little gift box. "Just a little something to brighten your day" Carlisle said. Bella nods slowly, small smile on her face.
"We've noticed you've been looking kind of pale lately" Esme butts in. Bella looked at Lillian, and Lillian already knew that her mind read "makeup?". Lillian shrugged her shoulders, her lips doing an upside down smile.
Bella looked back at the box trying to get it open before all that filled Lillians nostrils is blood.
Bella sticks up her finger, "ouch, paper cut"
Lillian looked forward at Jasper as Bellas blood has dropped to the tan carpet. Jasper suddenly lunges at Bella, his teeth ready to bite.
Lillian goes to grab Bella but before she could move, Edward sent her flying into Lillians shoulder, and after Lillian hit the floor, Bella hit the wall landing on top of a table, glass breaking and cutting her more. Lillian rolled over from her back, crawling over to Bella, helping her sit up.
Lillian looked down at Bellas arm, the same arm Lillian grabbed to help her up. Lillians hand was now covered by Bellas blood. "Shit.." muttered Lillian. "Shh jaz its just a little......blood" Alice said, turning her head towards Bella and Lillian. All eyes were now on them as Bellas arm bled out even more. Lillian kept pressure on it, trying to stop it from bleeding so much.
Carlisle swiftly came over to where Bella and Lillian sat, on the itchy carpet. Carlisle grabbed Bellas arm out of his "daughters" grip. "Im...I'm sorry, i cant..." Alice spoke before turning around and following Rosalie and Emmett out of the Cullen house. Esme looked at her husband before heading out too. "Ill have to stitch this up in my office" Carlisle said with a sigh leaving his mouth. He looked back at Edward. But, Edward sight never left Bellas. "Go check on jasper. Im sure he's very upset with himself and i doubt that he will listen to anyone but you right now" Carlisle told Edward. Edwards gaze suddenly shifted to Lillians, he was checking to see if she was hurt.
Lillian bleeds human blood, has a human diet, but, somehow, shes a vampire. Lillian nodded her head at him with a faint smile, "Edward?" Lillian spoke, barley above a whisper. But, she knew Edward had heard it clearly.
Edward stared at Lillian and Bella one last time before exiting the house like the others.
Lillian looked back at Carlisle, "we should get her up" Lillian told Carlisle.
He smiled and pinched her chin with his other hand before helping Bella stand on her own two feet.
Bella sat on Carlisles work desk as he wiped her wounds and stitched them up. Lillian stood silently beside Carlisle with her arms crossed over her chest. "I enjoy my work too much. Helping people, saving lives. Im hoping there's a point to my existence, even if i am damned" Carlisle stated, stitching up Bellas open deep cuts. Lillian stares at Bella but paid close attention to what words they exchanged to each other.
"Damned? You're not damned" Bella remarks. Carlisles smile tugged at his lips, but, only a little showed. "Then you and i agree. But, Edward doesn't believe theres an afterlife for out kind" Carlisle said. Lillian scoffed, "yes there is. Id make an excellent veterinarian" Lillian replies to Carlisles statement.
Bella leans her head back, "thats why he wont...he think he'd be damning me"
Lillian looks at the girl and slowly nodded to answer her question. Yes, that was the real why Edward didn't want to change her. At all. Edward wants Bella to live her full human life like how it should. With no worries in the way. But, if he changed her right now, there would be nothing to look forward too...so he says.
"If you believed as he did, would you risk it?" Lillian questions. Bella shook her head, "no. Not ever" Bella says. Lillian watches as Carlisle placed the soaked alcohol pad back in the bowl as it lit on fire. She watched it grow bigger and heard the crackles pick up.
Carlisle was burning the blood.
After Lillian drove home in her 2008 Ford Fusion. She had changed into some sleep clothes.
Lillian was dressed in white sleep shorts with a cropped white tank top. Her hair were in french braids, so that when she woke up in the morning, she didn't have to wave her hair.
She laid in her bed, the comforter stopping at her stomach, and her arms and hands over it, as she laid straight down. She couldn't help but think about tonight.
It was going to be very awkward for her and Bella to go back and talk with Jasper. Lillian let a sigh fall from her mouth as she turned to her side.
In hopes that she would fall into a deep and peaceful sleep....and thats what happened 2 minutes later.

-1957 words
A/N-How do you like this book so far? If i need any changes, please feel free to tell me so💋~

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