🔸0.4 (smiles?)🔸

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October- Lillian joined the Volleyball team, even though she was dealing with the empty hole in her heart. Bella, well she had severe depression.
November- Lillian had her first Volleyball game, she was moving on with the sadness that came over here. Bella, still not moving an inch in the chair. She looked out of it everyday, whenever Charlie and Lillian were outside, they'd look up at the window...at the girl, talking about how terrible it really is. And how it really hit her.
December- Lillian was moving good with Volleyball. Bella, still sitting now looking at the snow. While Lillian and Charlie exchanged Christmas Gifts, Bella never came down to get hers, so, they brought it to her only for them to sit there.
It was now January and Bella finally got up and took a shower today, along with coming downstairs. She was sitting on the couch, her legs and knees pulled to her chest as her arms wrapped around them. She stared down at the coffee table, probably zoned out such as lost in the moment. Lillian wasn't quite sure on how she was doing, she wasn't a mind reader. But, the more she stared at the girl, the more Lillian wished she had Edwards gift.
Lillian always tried to communicate with the girl to never get any communication back. Just a small smile here and there, on good days she guesses.
Bella goes back and forth, to her room on her laptop to send more emails to Alice or, she sits on the couch, overcome with a wave of sadness. She was very hopeless without Edward. Lillian wishes that she would see her worth without her "brother" and stand up.
"Bella, you uh hungry?" Lillian asked, standing in front of her but, beside the couch. Lillian swayed the plate of Shrimp Alfredo near Bellas face. Trying to draw her in.
"No thanks" she declines. Lillian sighs, "well, if you want some, its in the microwave" Lillian says. The truth is that Lillian had already ate and she had already asked Bella if she wanted food like 20 minutes ago. And of course, the girl shut down the offer.
"You going to school tomorrow, B?" Lillian asked. Bella hasn't been back to school in a while. But, Lillian thought of the chance of her going back since she is moving around more.
"Uh, i don't really know" she replies. The flat tone still in her voice. Lillian nodded, although Bella couldn't see her reply and she knew. Lillian didn't want to keep such a awkward conversation going.

It was like she was talking to the walls, being around such an emotion-less person.

Lillian and Bella walked outside, She had finally convinced her to go to school with her. Even if it was just for today, Lillian would take it. She missed being lonely at lunch, even though she has Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric but, they never talk about anything that interests Lillian.
Lillian was very aware of Charlie following close behind them, but, she payed no mind to it.
Bella opens the door to her truck, Lillian walked over to the passenger side, Charlies hand that laid on her lower back, slightly pushing her towards it anyways. The loud car door slamming made Lillians body jump, her eyes immediately scanning to where ever it came
Lillian looked over at Charlie and Bella, he had slammed the door. Lillian opens up the passenger side door before throwing her book bag in, on the floor, and sitting on the cold leather seats. She leaned back and looked down, looking out the window at Bella and Charlie. She was now ease-dropping in on their conversation.
"Its just not normal, this behavior, quite frankly, its scaring the hell outta me, your mother, and Lillian" he tells her before bending a little and looking at Lillian, sending her a wave with a slight grin. Lillian smiled brightly and returned the wave. Once it was returned, his attention was back on Bella.
"Go to Jacksonville baby, make some new friends" Charlie spoke. Lillian didn't want Bella to leave her, she'd be lonely sometimes. But, if its best for her to leave, she completely understands. Lillian will have to stick with Charlie? Right...
"I like my old friends" Bella told him, her focus and eyes not even meeting his. They definitely met the ground though. "Pfft" Lillian makes a side comment. It was silent though and she hoped that neither of them heard it.
"You never even see them anymore?" Charlie says, a little confused on the inside. Lillian could tell by the furrowed eyebrows.
"I do, in fact, im...um, Jessica and I are going to Port Angeles tomorrow. Shopping" she says, kicking her foot and clicking her tongue. Lie.
Charlies face scrunched up in suspension, "shopping? You hate shopping" he states. Bella inhales sharply, "i need a girls night out" she replied. Lillian sat straight back up and stopped with the ease dropping. She felt that the conversation was coming to an end and she didn't want Bella looking at her weird when she got in the truck.
The drivers side door opens and Bella sat her book bag in the middle of her and Lillian. In a rush, Bella closed the door behind her and immediately started the truck. "Hey,  you okay?" Lillian asked, putting a hand on Bellas arm. A nod was all she got back in return. Lillian dropped her hand from Bellas arm when Bella decided to pull off.

"Hi Jessica, its Bella....yea, Bella Swan"

After a long talk about Bellas night with Jessica and the sight of visions from Edward, they pulled up in the driveway to Jacob Blacks house.
"Bella!" The girls heard as they got out of the truck. Lillian and Bella walked towards him but, Lillian was a bit behind her. "Where the hell have you been loca?!" Exclaimed Jacob as he picked Bella up off her feet and hugging her.
It wasn't to long before he dropped Bella back on her feet. "Hi" Lillian said with a wave when his eyes came to her. Lillian didn't see anything coming but she definitely didn't expect Jacob to wrap her up in a hug. Lillian didn't want to be rude so, she hugged him back.
"Bout time y'all came by" he said, letting go of Lillian. She stood by the truck, waiting for Bella to reveal the real reason we came by.
"I brought you something" Bella says, walking up to the truck, "its a little crazy".
Bella pulls the tarp back that covered the motorcycle's, the rusting motorcycle's. Lillian smiled at Jacob, almost laughing at his "shocked" face.
"Scrap metal, you shouldn't have" Jacob tells Bella. Lillian rolled her eyes and helped Bella pull the tarp all the way off. "I rescued them from the dump. They'd cost more than they're worth to fix...unless one had a mechanic-type friend" Bella says once the tarp was all off. Lillian cracked her knuckles, waiting for his response. She was quite nervous as to what he'd say. She didn't want Bella to be heart broken again.
"Me being the mechanic type friend? Since when are you into motorcycle's?" He questions, looking over to the motorcycles that sat in the back of Bellas truck.
"Recently" she replied, Lillian placed her hands at her sides, her fingers drumming against her thigh. "Oh, and ill pay for any of the parts that you guys need" Lillian said to him. "I get if you think that this is stupid and reckless" Bella tells him, her voice sounding a bit more clear than the last past months, weeks, and days.
"Oh its totally stupid and reckless....when do we start?" He asked. Lillians eyes shot over to Bella as her face lit up in shock. "Uhm now?" She replies. Lillian snickered at the reply. Jacob went to help with the motorcycles before he stopped his pace. "Only if blondie helps us" Jacob said, looking over at Lillian.
She looked back at him, not expecting an invite. She was just going to pay for the parts cause she knew that this is what Bella needed.
"Oh...for sure" Lillian responded. He smiles and then walks away to grab the motorcycles. Lillian looked at Bella to see a big smile across her face and that's just what she had wanted.

A smile from Bella.

Some days later, Lillian didn't know how many days it has been since Bella, Jacob, and Lillian started working on the bikes. She didn't keep count.
But, Bella is having a really fun time with Lillian and Jacob, the smiles throughout the day tells it all.
Lillian, Bella, and Jacob were now in Jacobs garage, the motorcycle parts that Lillian had bought sitting around as Jacob worked on one of the bikes. "If we're going to be working on this every day, we should probably include homework. Don't want the dads thinking that me and Lillian are a bad influence on you" Bella softly spoke. Lillian looked up from her homework and at Bella, "uhm" was all she let out as their eyes were on her. She points to the pages that were in her lap and Bella snickered, "well, just me" she tells him.
"You influence me? Please" Jacob said, a hint of sass in his voice. Lillian let out a single high pitched laugh as she wrote down some answers with a wooden pencil.
"I am older than you" Bella said, her hands going up in her jacket pockets. "Shes right" Lillian said and looked over towards him with a smirk on her face. He looks back at her while still working, "age ain't nothing but a number, baby" he said with a wink and looked more at his bikes. Lillian playfully rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to her homework.
"And i convinced you to secretly build us two-wheeled, death machines" Bella spoke up. Lillian gave her a thumbs up, agreeing with her. "God, you're right. You're like Satan" Jacob said, not to long before a voice spoke up, an unrecognizable one. "Yo Jake, you in there?" Bella stood up and went to cover the bikes with the tarp. But Jacobs muscle arm had stopped her from doing anything else. "Its cool, its just my boys" Said Jacob. Lillian raised her eyebrow at the boy before turning back to her homework. She had no time to be fooling around with some little teenage boys. Plus, she'd much rather spend some of this time on her homework and getting caught up.
"Hey jake" a boy said as him and his buddy walked up. They stopped when they saw that Jacob already had company. The guy on the left had shoulder length thick brown hair, some strands pulled behind his ear. The guy on the right had short brown hair, he looked sort of like an elf.
"Hey...this is Bella and Lillian, Lillian and Bella this is Quil and Embry" Jacob says. Introducing us to each other. Lillian held up a peace sign and dropped it as soon as they seen it. She didn't have any social anxiety or anything like that, she just wasn't in the mood to be talking right now, between homework and missing her family, she wasn't all caught up.
No, its not depressing to her, its just the sadness wave that comes once in a while. She missed laughing with Alice or Edward, or comforting them, or getting comforted by one of them. Even though they didn't act much as a family... at all. That was all Lillian had left for her, if it wasn't for Bella, she'd die from the loneliness.
"So, the bike building story is true" the guy spoke up, his name is Quil, Lillian thinks. Lillian sent a smirk to Bella, Bella already staring at her. "Taught him everything he knows" Bella said, slowly looking away from Lillians direction. "What about the part where blondie is his girlfriend?" Quil asked, pointing to Lillian. Lillians head shot up from her homework and looked over toward Jacob. A dumb expression on her face. It definitely read, "tf does he mean?"
A slight snicker left her mouth, "uh, we're just friends?" Lillian questions. A bit on the confused side. "Ooo! Burn!" Embry exclaims. The blonde girl rolled her eyes, "see, teenagers" she thought to herself. "I said shes a girl and friend" Jacob came to his defense. Shuffling some things around. "Embry? You remember him making that distinction?" Asked Quil. Embry folds his arms over his chest, "nope!" He replied, really popping the "p".
Lillian raised an eyebrow and looked over at Jacob, she could tell that he was nervous, his body was tense. He definitely didn't want that secret to come out. She could hear his fingers tapping on his denim pants, fingernails scrapping against them too.
"So, i guess you guys have girlfriends" Bella said, rescuing Jacob from the awkward conversation that went on. Jacob let out a loud laugh and pointed at Quil. "Right, Quil took his cousin to prom" he says, still laughing at his remark. Lillian managed to let a smile come to her face, and Embry laughs.
"Yeah, thats still a riot. You want funny black? Ill give you funny!" Quil yells.
Quil and Jacob were now fighting or so called "wrestling" with each other. Jacob got some good hits in along with Quil. Embry went and sat in between the two girls that were spacing apart but still managed to sit beside each other.
"I got five bucks on Quil" Embry says, making a bet with Bella. She grins at with a stiff laugh coming out.

"You're on"

-2297 words

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