Chapter Eighteen: Outgoing Introvert

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Piercing icy blue eyes silhouetted by the slightest of eyeliner and mascara to highlight their brilliance, cheeks dusted with the lightest of rouge and plush lips covered with a glamorous vermilion lip gloss are what I see. My skin looks flawless at a glance, but the slightest dusting of freckles could be spotted upon closer inspection giving an impression of sophistication and playfulness at the same time.

My unruly, wavy red locks, now looking smooth, shiny and straight, cascade gracefully over my shoulders and down my back, bringing out the simplistic beauty of my face like a ruby picture frame; a small portion of it, pinned at the back with a jewelled clip, giving a clear, unhindered view of my visage.

I'm not wearing earrings, necklaces, or any other ornaments of the sort. But why would I need them, when they would just take away the attention from my face and the dress. Which, by themselves, are all I could ask for and more.

The dress. Magnificent is the only word that comes to mind as I stare in wonderment at how silly childish perennially clad in sweatpants me, could look so stylish, so snazzy, so statuesque. The luxurious full-length gown, clings to the upper part of my body, accentuating it. The plunging V-shaped neckline showing just enough skin for it not to be too risqué, but subtle in its sexiness. The generous cut-outs made on the back flaunt what's not hidden by my long hair. Two particular cut-outs reach to my sides as well, revealing the skin there, showing off my natural curves.

An embellishment embroidered in sequins covers the dress around my shoulders and the upper part of my waist before the dress flows gracefully past my feet. The emerald satin hugging me in all the right places and flattering my figure. Its rich earthy tone bringing out the very sky from my eyes and the blazing fire from my hair.

I look like the epitome of elegance in all its refined glory. And it's taken the breath right out of my lungs, as I too am left speechless at the sight that greets me in the mirror.

I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful.

"Happy Birthday June," Neha whispers.

The wetness that pools around my eyes threatens to spill over as I turn to look at her. Throat clogged, unable to articulate the huge wave of emotions that wash over me in that moment.

My voice cracks this time. "I-… I don't know what to say I-"

"You don't have to say anything," Neha says kindly. "Plus this is only the first half of your birthday present."

"This means so much to me, I-"

"Don't you dare ruin all my hard work by spilling those tears of yours, you over-emotional sap," she says, half-joking as she pulls me into a hug.

"I wasn't planning on it Damara," I reply, showing how thankful I am through the dazzling smile I send her way.

"Good. Now woman up and put on this blindfold."

"Yes, ma'am... wait what?"

"You heard me."

The last thing I see is Neha's not so apologetic smile before everything cuts to black.

~ ~ ~


A chorus of voices reach my ears as light returns to my eyes. But instead of responding with a classy ‘Thank you', a charming smile and a flip of my impeccable hair over my shoulder, I stand there like an idiot blinking the weird patches of colour out of my eyes as they adjust to the sudden change in brightness.

So much for being the epitome of elegance.

My breath gets taken away from me for the second time that night as my senses feast upon the extravagance of my setting.

The entire room – correction: loft - is decked in party decorations of all sorts, with huge floor to ceiling windows boasting the views of Paris. Colourful streamers hung from the walls and glittery confetti and pastel balloons were strewn across the hardwood floor. Plush sofas and ottomans aligned themselves against the rustic walls of the loft along with an antique piano. There was already a small area where presents were starting to pile up and the expansive free space was filled with people mingling and dancing. Off to the side, was a mini kitchen and bar that looked just as opulent as the rest of the setting.

Candles were lit, which coupled with the lights, bathed the room in luxurious golden hues, but what caught my eye the most was the "Happy 20th Birthday June!" banner that covered the entirety of the front wall and filled me with warmth.

I finally tear my eyes off the huge sign, looking for any familiar face amidst the mass of my fellow student body. Some people meet my eyes during my quest and we share a small smile before I continue to search.

I'm torn. The introvert in me wants to camouflage into the surroundings, like a wallflower, away from watchful gazes, while the extrovert in me wants to blind everyone with my dazzling smile, set hearts afire and seize the night.

And you thought being an ambivert was a piece of cake.

After much deliberation and a raging battle inside my head, I decide to drag myself out of the cocoon I've made and actually make an effort to socialise. After all, it's my party and who knows, I might even make some friends, and… there's also the sliver of a chance of me getting hit on by some hot guy, right?

Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean the impossible becomes possible. Get your head out of the clouds.

Shut up. I'm fairly good-looking. I can score a date. Just watch me.

With renewed energy and a determination to prove myself wrong (um, what the hell June?), I throw myself into the crowd, heels clacking stridently against the marble floor and dress swishing around my ankles like an emerald curtain.

The funny thing about my previous sentence is that when I meant ‘throw myself into the crowd', you must've understood that as a figure of speech, but you should know enough about me by now to know that I literally did throw myself into the crowd.

I hate my two left feet.

The end of my dress catches on the heel of my shoe and because someone up there really loves (hates) me, I fall, quite unceremoniously into the arms of a stranger.

Blood rushes to my cheeks instantly, as if on cue, and my face heats up in humiliation.

The stranger (bless his poor soul, I must be so heavy) straightens me and rests a comforting palm on my shoulder as he asks in a frantic tone, "June, oh my God, are you alright?!"

Great. This stranger knows who I am. Absolutely fantastic. Having to avoid another person at university is going to be so much fun. C'est très très bon.

Note that all italicised words are said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

Why would someone who didn't even know you attend your party?

Right. Should've thought of that before I went marching all gung-ho into the crowd.

I'm afraid to look at his face and see the eminent disgust at having someone like me being thrust upon them.

Wait. Backtrack. Pretend I never said the words ‘me' and ‘thrust' in the same sentence. I wasn't thinking.

When are you ever?

Shut up.

"June. I'm sorry. I never meant to act the way I did that day. It's my entire fault and I accept full responsibility for the consequences you might face with your boss. I was just so infuriated that you got hurt, once again, by a stupid guy and I just couldn't control myself. My emotions got the better of me and my actions were rash and I just want you to know that-"

"Hold up. Adrian?! Is that you?"

I whip my head up so fast that I almost get whiplash as I all but blurt out the words in an unladylike squawk and engulf him in a tight hug.

He returns the embrace instantly and I squeeze him tighter in response.

"Uh, June? I can't breathe. Is this my punishment or something because I really cannot breathe help-"

"I missed you, Eros. Don't ever pull stupid shit like this morning again."

His complaints stop there as he whispers, albeit a bit breathlessly, "I'm so sorry June."

"I forgive you. To be honest, I was wrong to be mad at you in the first place. You were only protecting me and I took my anger out on you. I'm sorry as well," I say as I pull out of the hug and smile at him.

He beams back at me. And it's the first time that night that I realise how handsome he truly looks in his midnight blue suit and baby blue shirt, complete with a matching bowtie. His hair is combed off his forehead giving him a more mature look as sea blue eyes sparkle in happiness. Neha must be internally screaming her head off.

Serves her right for stealing my phone.

"What about your internship? What about Noah?"

I scoff and roll my eyes and say, "Screw him. He can go somewhere and hang for all I care. It was pointless anyway. I never should've let my stupid fantasies get the better of me."

Actually no, don't go and hang somewhere I would be very distraught if that happened.

Adrian arches an eyebrow at me and a sly smile plays on his lips, "So you're saying you don't like him anymore?"

"NO!" Several heads turn our way; I smile sheepishly at them before turning back and saying, "I mean… I like him… in a completely professional way, that's all. As a mentor. A role model. But as a person, puh-lease, I so do NOT wanna date him." I try to laugh at the mere idea of it, but all that comes out is a strangled noise caught between a cry for help and a guffaw.

Adrian's eyes have a dangerous glint to them as he asks in a teasing tone, "Are you sure?"

I glare at him without venom and say, "Of course. 210% positive. And why the hell are you acting so suspicious all of a sudden?"

"If you say so," he replies nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. "And no reason. I'm going to find Neha. She looks absolutely ethereal tonight, not that you don't look any less beautiful, June. That colour suits you really well."

"Awww thanks, Adrian," I smile. He starts to retreat and I snap out of it, "Wait a minute. Stop trying to change the topic. Hey! Get back here! You can't just say stuff like that and expect me to not suspect anything. Oi! Eros!"

"Happy Birthday June," he flashes me a brilliant smile and waves innocently (too innocently) before turning around and melting into the throng of people.

A foreboding voice in my head tells me to get the hell out of here for there are only two situations in which Adrian acts like that.

1)    When he's drunk.

2)    When he's up to no good.

And I'm betting all my money on the latter.

I really should say farewell and go back home and have a Harry Potter movie marathon by myself.

But a birthday party means cake. And since I'm the VVVV…VIP, I get the most cake.

19-year-old June would stay to satisfy her childish desires. But I'm not 19 anymore. I'm 20. I'm more mature. I have my priorities sorted. I can make the right decisions.

That means I should do the rational thing and listen to my brain, instead of my stomach, which conveniently happens to be growling at this exact moment.

No June no. Deep breaths. You can do this.

Pffft who needs cake anyway? Ha. Cake is for Losers with a capital ‘L' and I am most definitely NOT a Loser.

Keep telling yourself that.

I need to leave. I have to leave. I'm going to-

"Hey Belle, did you hear? The cake's red velvet!"

Ah, fuck it. This cake better be the most goddamn delicious cake in the entire universe.


More mature, my arse.

~ ~ ~

"Where is he and why isn't he here yet?"

"Who the hell are you talking about Neha? Because if it's Adrian, he's right beside you so you might wanna look to your left sometimes."



"Shut up."

"Okay, rude."

I stick my tongue out like the mature twenty-year-old I am as Neha just rolls her eyes and grabs Adrian's wrist to look at his watch. Which just happens to be a Rolex.

My eyes nearly come out of their sockets as they widen in utter shock and surprise and I nearly spit out my drink. Nearly. Thankfully, I manage to keep my rosé champagne inside my mouth or else Neha would have my head on a platter for ruining her dress.

I know I look good enough to eat, but not that good jeez.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Nice piece of bling there Adrian."

At this, Adrian jumps a little, startled, "What? Oh, my watch? Yeah… it's pretty nice isn't it?"

"How could you even afford that?! I thought you guys spent most of your savings planning this bomb ass party for me?"

He scratches the back of his neck nervously before saying, "Uh… well, it was a present, so… yeah."

I raise an eyebrow at the anxiousness interlaced with his voice. He's hiding something.

I open my mouth with the purpose of further interrogating him, "I-"

"Urgh! Where the hell is he?! He was already supposed to be here! Don't people like him make it a point to be punctual? It's like he's doing this on purpose," Neha whines, very much like a child. I would laugh, but she looks so impatient and distraught, I just can't bring myself to.

I squeeze her shoulder and say in as soothing a voice I can muster, "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure whoever ‘he' is, will be here soon. Relax. Have some champagne. Like seriously this stuff is so good I swear." I close my eyes to savour it; the crisp acidity leaving a refreshing strawberry tinted undertone on my palate.

"Yeah, listen to June," Adrian quips in, offering her a flute, all the while beaming at her. She instantly relaxes, returning the smile and accepts the glass gratefully, a light blush dusting her cheeks, the colour very much like the rosé she's holding.

I would feel jealous, but I ship them too much to be bothered by the effect he has on her.

She then turns to me, a dangerous glint in her eyes, very much alike the one Adrian flashed me earlier, "It's ironic that you of all people think he'll be here soon."

My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. "I don't get what you're-"

This could be para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise…

Adrian's phone suddenly rings. He looks at the caller ID and his expression morphs into one of mild relief. He whispers something into Neha's ears and she relaxes even more, a small smile decorating her face. I'm pretty sure it's not just because of the sensation of their close proximity.

Correction: He's not hiding something. They're both hiding something.

"Excuse me for a sec," he briefly smiles at me before walking away, presumably to converse with whoever was calling him.

I turn to Neha, hands crossed over my chest and eyes questioning, "I demand an explanation."

She looks at me innocently (too innocently) and says, "What about?"

"You know what about Damara. Don't play games. You guys have been acting terribly suspicious this evening."

She merely smirks and shrugs, taking a sip of her champagne.

"It's him, isn't it? That guy you were worrying about? He called Adrian right?"


I knew binge watching all those episodes of Sherlock would pay off some day.

"Well?" I ask, trying - and probably failing - to be menacing. "Neha Damara, I demand an explanation!"

"Just because you demand an explanation doesn't mean I have to give you one."

She got that sass from me, you know. She was never like this before we became friends.

"Why you little-" A balloon suddenly bursts with a loud ‘POP!'

She just grins at me.

"Hmph," I pout and leave her to her drink as I stalk off stomping my feet in a defeated tantrum. Such mature. Much adult.

Much to my annoyance she calls after me in a smug tone.

"Yup. Definitely late on purpose."

~ ~ ~

I let out a huge dramatic sigh, observing the mini tornado I create as I swirl the contents of my glass, a bored expression on my face, which rests on my other hand; supine, elbow resting on the bar counter.

"Why the solemn expression June? Last I heard, this was your birthday. Come on, brighten up!" Pénélope says, taking me by surprise as she beams at me from the opposite side of the counter.

"Oh my God, Pénélope, hi!" I grin back, mood lifted instantly. "How are you? I'm so sorry I ran out on you that day."

"I'm good. And don't worry about it June. Happy Birthday by the way! You look fan-fucking-tastic. I'm surprised you don't have guys trailing after you with their mouths hanging open."

I roll my eyes and say, "Thanks, P. You're such a sweetheart." She grimaces at the nickname, much to my delight. "And why do you paint guys to be such dogs."

She makes to take my drink, but I snatch it away in time. "Because they are dogs. Ugh."

"Not all of them are."

She smiles knowingly and says, "Do you mean guys whose names start with Noah and end with Lee?"

I grimace at the name and say, "Well no, you're right there, he's actually a dog."

Her face falls suddenly at the tone of my voice. "Oh no. What happened now? I thought you two sorted everything out. I was even preparing to drag you shopping for a wedding dress by the end of the year."

I laugh at that. "Fat chance, seeing as he already has a girlfriend."

"WHAT??? REALLY?!" Several people look at us with distaste.

"Shhh, keep it down." I shift uncomfortably in my seat. "To be honest, I was surprised as well, and it took some time, but I'm over him now."

"Oh really?" She says eyebrows raised, grin back in place on her pretty face.

"What's with all you people not believing me? I am 100% serious that I do not like Noah Haneul Lee one bit."

What happened to 210%?

"Ahem," someone interrupts.

A deep husky voice chose that moment to make its presence known as a rough, calloused hand curls its slightly icy digits around my bare shoulder sending impromptu shivers down my spine.

"One second," I say with a small jerk of my head, quickly skimming over the man's face and turning back to Pénélope, who's suddenly staring at me with wide, startled eyes, the expression on her face oddly familiar. "Noah is such a-"

I cut myself off as a pang of déjà vu hits me, my brain finally catching up with my actions, and I decide to take a sip of my drink to calm my nerves before my head turns slowly, taking in the person behind me.

The long, elegant fingers connected to a crisp, black and expensive suit jacket.

And the jacket housed none other than the reincarnation of my wildest dreams and worst nightmares, staring back at me with a wide smirk and mischievous chocolate eyes.

I wish I could say I handled the situation like a true lady and I was going to, until he stepped closer and leant down, hot breath fanning over my ear as he whispers,

"Noah is such a what?"


I spit out my drink.


A/N: Well, well, well. Would you look at that? This *insert bad word* FINALLY decided to update. After nearly a year. Guys, you don't know how sorry I am.

So, quick update. I'm in my first year of university now. I'm studying... COMPUTER SCIENCE! Yay! If you must know, I'm in the University of Toronto. That's right. I'm not in India anymore.

I guess you can blame transitioning to a new country for me not writing and updating, but mostly, it's just because of my lazy-ass procrastinating self. I've been super busy and super swamped in programming code that I've completely neglected this story that is apparently well liked? (Thanks guys!)

I don't know how often I'll be updating, but I just wanted to resolve the cliffhanger in the previous chapter. With another cliffhanger because I'm evil and why not?

But all jokes aside, I really appreciate the support you've given my story so far and I hope you'll continue to support it during its resurrection.

If you wanna follow me on my other social media (#shamelessselfpromo), my Twitter is @Vidya__21, my Instagram is @vidya__21 and my Tumblr is @theenigmaticphoenix

Vote, comment, add it to your reading list, library etc. You can also follow me if you want :)

Whether you follow me or not, I love you for just reading this <3

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