Chapter Six: The Deafening Silence

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He looked calm, but I could tell he was strung up, like a panther waiting to pounce on a harmless, innocent deer. Hold up, since when were you the innocent one here?

I couldn't blame him for being angry right? I was the one who kept him waiting and all he wanted to do was... give me some advice on how to be more punctual? Yes that must be it.

Well now I feel like a jerk. Good for you, June. Now's really not the time to be quoting Selena Gomez. How many times have I said "not the time" today? A lot.

Anyway, I came here with the idea of impressing him and all I end up doing is making a huge mess out of things. A mountain out of a molehill.

Idioms aside, I decide to swallow my pride and apologise. But then...

"I used to have a high opinion of ParisTech. Plenty of graduates work here and not even one of them was anything below excellent. Except maybe you."

He spat out the word with distaste despite his face revealing a calm mask of indifference.

"I really must applaud you Ms. Holmes. You've singlehandedly managed to ruin your entire university's reputation in just... 5 minutes? Wow. I'm really impressed. I didn't think it was possible."

All thoughts of apologising went out the window - or should I say wall. That hurt. A lot. How would you feel if your role model and inspiration says you've disappointed him more than anyone else? Heartbroken. Yes. I wanted to cry. I wanted to smash through those windows and fall.

But the sadness ebbed away into anger. Anger because he thought I was incapable of being mature. That I was not fit to study in my university. And no one, I repeat no one tells me I'm not good at something I've worked nearly three quarters of my life on. No one. Not even Noah Lee.

I could feel my face becoming red again. But now, it was for a different reason. I turned to look at him directly and was just about to give him a piece of my mind when...

He was smirking. The bastard was smirking.

Albeit it wasn't a full on smirk. That would be too much to expect from Mr. Emotionless Lee. But I could see the slight twitching of the corner of his mouth. And his eyes were twinkling with a slight sense of mischief.

Do I even need to mention that he looked sexy as hell?

And then it hit me. He was doing the same thing to me. Pushing my buttons. He's testing me. On how I handle the situation. This realisation still didn't take the hurt out of his words but I now had to rethink my game plan.

You should act calm. Mature women don't burst into a fit of rage. They express their malcontent with a passive and neutral expression and inject the poison through their words.

Wow, brain. You finally said something worthwhile. I'm so proud I think I might be tearing up a bit. And you wonder why he thinks you're immature. I knew the moment wouldn't last.

So calm and collected, eh? I could be calm and collected.

With a face so neutral it could rival even Lee's I said, "Forming opinions already, on someone you met, as you said, just 5 minutes ago? Wow. And here I thought you were a businessman Mr. Lee."

I could tell he was not expecting that because his smug expression dropped into a scowl. Now that didn't look as good on him.

But once again, as quick as Road Runner being chased by Coyote, his mask of indifference was once again in place.

What happened for him to build such a wall around himself?

But as quick as I won, the tables turned, once again.

My mouth went dry as he shrugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

Don't look at his arms. Don't look at his arms. Don't you dare look at his arms.

Guys with their sleeves rolled up are my weakness. Make that guy, Noah Lee and well... you can find me in a hospital suffering from abnormal heart palpitations, throat dryness and temporary paralysis.

He started walking towards me. With slow, calculating steps. And to say he looked hot would be the understatement of the century.

As he stepped closer, I started walking backwards. To tell you the truth, he was quite intimidating.

It was like an unspoken tango. Every step he took forward, I took backward until...

"Oof!", I exclaimed as the back of my knees hit one of the plush chairs and I landed unceremoniously like a sack of potatoes.

I had to get up before he-

Too late. There he was. All 6 feet and etc. towering over me. I felt so small compared to him. So helpless.

He grabbed my arm and hauled me up. And due to the fact that he was already so close. I ended up with my head on his shoulder and arms around his waist.

My eyes widened with alarm. I should move. I should. But I was kinda hugging Noah Lee and my stomach was too preoccupied with butterflies for me to be paying much attention to my brain.

He smelled so heavenly. Of musk, sandalwood, a hint of vanilla and something else I couldn't really place. I was drowning in happiness and the scent invaded my senses making me light-headed in all the right ways.

Mind you, this all lasted for two seconds tops. Because as soon as he heard me sigh. He pulled back. On hindsight, I wonder why he didn't do it sooner.

He looked shocked for a second but like the usual routine, it was gone as quick as it came.

There still wasn't that much space between us. And so I could feel his warm breath ghosting over my face as he smirked oh God and whispered in his silky baritone,

"You must be feeling hot Ms. Holmes. Why don't I help you take off that coat of yours and we can get started with the interview."

I could feel my breath hitch in my throat. And I think he did too.

Hhnnnnnnn Oh no, he made the eloquent sarcastic part of my head turn to mush. That was not good.

I swear I could've died right then and there and I'd still be the happiest person in all of Earth, heaven and hell.

I could feel my knees start to buckle as my senses drowned in him. Hhnnnn is all my brain manages to come up with again.

I try to hide the affect he has on me. But I'm not Kate Winslet hence my acting skills aren't that good as I try to maintain my balance, stay upright, un-flush my tomato red face and most importantly, stay effin' calm.

I was quite proud of myself for having done so for a mere half a second.

But then all hell broke loose as soon as he placed his large and oh so artistic hands on my shoulders and started pulling my coat down my shoulders.


How the hell he makes taking off a bloody coat feel this good, God knows. I'm not a sensitive person, but even through all the layers I could feel the slight manly roughness to his hands. Probably from typing all that code.

A small gasp makes it's way out of my throat. Great now he's gonna think you're some weirdo who gets off on people removing their coats.

Glad to have you back brain. Hhnnnnnnn Or not.

After several agonisingly amazing seconds that felt like hours, my coat is off my shoulders and on the back of the chair I had fallen into.

I was floating on Cloud Nine.

Then I was shaken out of my haze by a deep voice asking, with the slightest hint of amusement,

"Earth to Holmes. Hello? Anybody there? Earth to Holmes."

I snap out of it with a yelp. And come face to face with the smug bastard.

I probably looked like an idiot with my half-lidded eyes, heavy breathing and boneless jelly-like posture. What? I told you he could turn people into a puddle of goo.

I looked... well... quite affected by him and judging by the look on his face, he knew it too.

I just wanted to smack the smirk off his beautiful face. Or even better, kiss it off. Wait. Bad June. Very very bad.

I realised he was waiting for me to speak.

Uh oh.

I called upon everything holy to make sure my voice remained steady and unaffected. And so obviously,

"I- I uh um c- well uh I- I guess w- we sh- should start t- the interview?", I rasped out breathlessly.

I told you they hate my guts.

He raises his eyebrows at how my voice sounds but doesn't comment as the mask once again takes it place.

Fuck you and your fucking mask.

And as flawless as usual he drawls in an uninterested tone,

"Alright then, let's start. Ask your questions." He goes over to his desk and sits on the edge, sleeves still rolled up.

I tried to hide my disappointment at his tone. I hadn't even affected him a little? Am I that unappealing?

I sigh and take a seat in the surprisingly comfortable seat as I scavenge for my recorder and the sheet of paper having the questions.

"Okay. What made you realise that video gaming was the way to go? I mean, there are many paths for a gifted programmer like yourself, why this industry?"

I breathe a sigh of relief. I sounded professional and calm.

"I liked playing video games. I mean, who doesn't. It's like a movie in which in which you're the main character and the choices you make affect the outcome. Wait. I take it back. Video games are way better than movies."

My eyes widen as I hear my own words from before replayed back to me. AHHH he thinks the same thing!

"All my teachers said I had a talent when it came to coding. I already had a passion for video games. It was a sealed deal really. Naturally, I chose to take up video game programming."

"Wow. That's very interesting. I didn't know that about you", I said and immediately regretted uttering the last sentence.

He raises his eyebrows, "And how much, pray tell, do you know about me already Ms. Holmes? I'm dying to know." He drawls in that annoying sexy way of his, the last sentence practically dripping with sarcasm.

"Look that's really not important right now." I blush.

"Whatever. I didn't really care anyway. It's not the first time I've come across a pathetic fangirl who fawns over me."

I huff irritatedly. "For your information, I never really gave two shits about the way you looked, okay? If you must know, I'm where I am now because of you. You are my role model, my inspiration. So dismiss that stupid fangirl theory of yours. I admire you for your achievements and hard work. I know you're not just a pretty face. So don't you dare assume I'm one of those girls."

And then all there was, was a deafening silence. Goddamn oxymorons never stop stalking me.

I couldn't place the emotion on his face. But it was gone again. Seriously? How does he do that?

"Then let's find out if you actually bite or if you're just bark." Hold up what? I would love to bite him. You dimwit, he doesn't want you to bite him. He's questioning your knowledge.

Oh no he didn't.

"As much as I'd love to be quizzed by your great asshole self. I don't really have the time and neither do you. You're a busy man and I'm a busy woman, so let's get this interview over with."

How I managed to sound so professional still baffles me.

"You don't look that busy. But yes I have a meeting soon. Let's take a rain check on that 'quiz' as you call it."

Wait. Is he insinuating that we might see each other again? Oh please let the answer be yes.

I shrug and continue.

"How did you come up with the idea of Just Dance? Because I know you came up with it first. Those other games are just spin-offs of your original creation."

"I was just lazing around in my office. It can get quite boring. And I felt the sudden urge to dance. But I'm not that quite good at freestyle. And then I realised that so many other people feel the same way. They just wanna dance without all that extra hassle and thus Just Dance was born."

"Wow. That's awesome. I didn't know you could dance."

"Trust me hon. You don't know anything about me."

He called me hon.

"Alright then. Were there any times in your life where you felt like everything was against you and you wanted to give up?"

"Obviously. I had so many. People think it was all fun and games and I magically got my spot here because of a few successes. It wasn't. I had to work. I had to earn it. You know how many times I had to debug the code for my first game for it to even work properly let alone be successful. It was anything but easy.

I slaved day and night. And I still do. Except now, in a more lavish setting. I've failed so many times and I've wanted to give up so badly. But I didn't. Everyone I knew in Korea was against me. My parents, my friends. Everyone. They thought I wouldn't get anywhere. But I vowed that I would show them one day. I vowed that the next time they'd see me, they'd be living in an extravagant home paid for by me. And...", he faltered.

"And so you did. You showed them. You showed them all", I finished for him with a soft smile.

And I was rewarded greatly as he smiled slightly. "I did. Didn't I?" He whispered shyly. And wasn't that adorable.

I felt a sweet warmth work it's way through me at the sight.

Then it went away again as he switched back to his persona of indifference.

He glanced at his watch. Which was Rolex by the way.

He cleared this throat and said in that deep voice, "How about you ask a couple of questions and give me the rest? I'll email you the answers by this evening. I have a meeting in 10 minutes."

"Okay. I'm fine with it. Any advice for aspiring programmers or just anyone else with a passion in this field?"

"It's not going to be easy. Trust me. I know. But you should persevere. You shouldn't give up just because someone puts you down or you don't get what you want right away. It takes time. You need to work for it. But eventually if you strive, you'll make it and then you can tell everyone who doubted you to kiss your arse."

"Haha", I giggled. Since when do I giggle?

A ghost of a smile was etched on his face. But it went away the second I stopped my giggling.

And so I decided to ask him a question that wasn't on my list.

"Are you really as cold and aggressive as the media makes you out to be? Or is it just an act to get them off your back?"

"What makes you think it's an act? I am who I am. What gives you the right to question me?", he says with a touch of menace in his tone.

I decide to push a little more.

"Come on, you can't tell me that the happy, goofy endearing boy I saw when I was 14 would've disappeared to be replaced by this without a reason." I say as I gesture to him.

I might've poked a bit too hard and so he burst.



"You have to."

I preffered the fit of anger way better than this. At least he was showing some emotion then.


"Just leave. Please."

I looked up at him to see that he had his back to me.

I knew that carefree, happy boy was in there somewhere. But I couldn't do anything about it at the moment because I hadn't even conquered Level 1. I didn't have enough XP for that much intimacy... yet.

I grab my coat, shrug it on and go towards the door. The only thing heard was my heels clacking on the floor.

I open it and just as I was about to leave I say, "I'm definitely taking a rain check on that quiz."

I wasn't going to let him get away that easily.

And so I make my way to the elevator and leave him in his office to brood in the deafening silence.


A/N: Do they hate each other? Or do they like each other? Even I don't honestly know at this point. The tension between them is so much at the moment.

But look on the bright side, June actually made Mr. Cold, Hard, Emotionless smile. Even if it was a small one.

Look at him smirking. It's too much for June and I to handle. Just look at him. And then you have sarcastic and sassy June in the next gif. And of course, their adorable smiles <3

Tempers rose near the end of the chapter. Why is Noah so touchy when it comes to that subject?

And I hoped you liked the interview. I tried my best to come up with the questions and answers. By the way, I was still embarrassed while writing this chapter you know.

Next chapter is coming soon! So stay tuned. Vote, comment, add it to your reading list, library. You can also follow me if you want :)

Whether you follow me or not, I love you for just reading this <3

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