Chapter Three: Idly Laborious

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Now that you know about my friends, I can carry on with my flashback.

So, after high school, I decided to pursue my passion, which was video game development. I worked super hard and barely slept throughout my last year to get into École Polytechnique (ParisTech). One of the most esteemed universities in Paris. The day I got my acceptance letter was one of the happiest of my life. I even got a scholarship. So yay me!

My parents, though reluctant to let me go, accepted the fact that their little girl was growing up and needed to live her life. Of course I had to promise them multiple times that I would call once in two days if not everyday.

My friends also ended up getting into the universities of their dreams. Neha got into Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her parents were extremely proud and so was I. And Adrian got into Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Which was again, his dream come true.

But what excited me most was the fact that all three of us were going to study abroad in the same city. Sure, Vancouver was amazing, but Paris... the city of lights and love - not that I'm going to find any - now that's a city I've always wanted to visit.

So we packed our bags, cried some tears and bid farewell to our families. We ended up getting a not too shabby apartment in Paris where all three of us live together.

The university life is sweet. I've made a couple of friends there who speak fluent French and are teaching me at the moment as well. They tell me that French is the language of love. I told them that I think that's a load of absolute bullshit. Surprisingly, they just laughed and said, "You'll see, mon ami." Honestly, French people are weird sometimes. And so cryptic.

As my days at uni go on, I only find myself falling in love with programming. I've already made a few of my own games. But that's just for me and not for anyone else. The first game I ever made was in 8th grade. When I took a day off from school for reasons I do not wish to disclose yet. I still have it but I can't play it unless I have someone else. This game's very close to my heart and I only wish to play it with someone I love.

But aside from all the new things I'm learning and the mouth-watering gastronomy of the city. There is one more reason why I was beyond ecstatic about going to Paris. And his name is Noah Lee.

How do I even begin to describe what he means to me? He's my role model; my inspiration. The reason why I'm miles away from home pursuing my passion. He's the best programmer in the entire world. At least according to me. His first successful game was at the young age of 16. I was 14 at the time and once I saw his picture flash on the screen of my laptop, I was a goner. Sure he was lanky limbed and super tall with huge nerdy glasses, but that wasn't the point. I still considered him to be attractive. I thought, if he could do it, then so can I. And I strived to be as great as he was.

After that, his rise to fame was instant. Since then, he's been the head programmer of many super successful games; all of which I own. He even started the Just Dance franchise; a game which I slay all my opponents in. He's the CEO of Ubisoft, France at the moment. The headquarters of Ubisoft, which just happens to be in Paris.

Just being in the same city as him makes me fangirl. Only a little because I'm June and June does not fangirl under any circumstances. I heard he's filthy rich now and a super successful businessman with an ice cold hard exterior. I haven't seen his pictures in a while though. He barely allows photos of him to be taken.

So fangirling aside, (is that a word?) my professor requested someone from our class to interview Mr. Lee for the university's magazine. And to tell you I raised my hand the second I heard his name fast is an understatement. My poor shoulder might never be the same after experiencing such speeds.

The task was simple. The appointment was already made and the questions were already prepared. They just needed someone who knew a bit about him and the subject for the interview. The squeal I let out when I was chosen was extremely uncharacteristic of me. And anyone who spoke of it again would have to deal with me and my fist.

The rest of the week went by in a haze. And now I think it's time to go back to the present.

Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts for we are metaphorically travelling through time, yet again...


A/N: So you guys finally have an idea as to where June's crush on Noah stems from. And yes, there are hints as to June being a good dancer, but maybe she's just good at Just Dance. Who knows?

Like June's bedroom? It's quite aesthetic if you ask me :D By the way, those were the names of real universities.

Noah Lee is played by Park Chanyeol of EXO. He is currently my no. 1 celebrity crush if you must know. That's why he was automatically the male protagonist without any questions asked.

Noah is probably not gonna make an appearance in the next chapter. But he definitely will after that so you guys have to wait just a little more.

And the gif is of adorable nerdy Noah. He's quite attractive, am I right? If not, I'll definitely convince you later on.

Chapter Four is coming soon! So vote, comment, add it your library, your reading list etc. You can follow me if you want :)

Whether you follow me or not, I love you for just reading this <3

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