21|𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨

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Please, to avoid confusion I have to refer you guys back to the beginning of chapter '18| Yet to Begin'
Because both chapters are kind of connected

Midas Dion Brume


Averting my gaze from the night sky with it's prominent stars and moon, I raised my wristwatch just below eye level to check the time which read, 10:30pm on the dot.

It was time.

I quickly took out the black nose mask which was deep into the pocket of the baggy sweatpant I wore, as I held it by the stripes and put it around my ears, afterwards, conducted some adjustments so as to properly secure my nose and mouth from being visible.

After that, I wore my headphone which was yet to be connected to my phone, and placed the black hood over my head thereby complementing my appearance to a more mysterious one.

I needed not to be told on the gloominess my outfit portrayed on the outside, as this wasn't the first time I was dressed like this for my usual night escapades.

I let out a sharp breath obstructed by the mask I wore, after I'd look down the railings and saw the distance from where I was to the far ground of the compound.

This wasn't new to me and I was certainly not scared of heights, but tonight as I looked downwards, I began to relive memories of my first night here, and those thoughts on how agitated and scared I was on that day, seemed to impede me from moving or taking another step forward to leave.

My grip on the edge of the balcony railings instinctively tightened just about the same way it did on the night which initiated all of this and most importantly, a new me.

I really had to snap out of this in order to avoid wasting time and digging into buried past.

"You do realize that he is at home, right?"

I could recognize that voice anywhere, it was as usual calm, collected and relaxed with sheer sass at the sharp end of every word she conveyed.

Before I turned to face her, I already imagined her to be standing with legs crossed, together with both hands on the hips and eyes evidently boring holes into my back.

When I eventually turned around, she almost looked exactly like the image I had of her in my head, the only difference was the faint vexation exuding from her right foot which impatiently tapped on the floor.

"What if he gets a whiff of what you're trying to do?" She asked, switching her arms position to a fold.

I sighed, totally annoyed at not only her question but the sudden interruption.

"What do you want Ese?"

"He is around and yo_"

I brusquely cut in on her words, by raising my hand up to put a hold on whatever she was about to say.

"As you can see, I was on my way out before you showed up so what exactly do you want?"

She sighed, then paused for some seconds before she continued. "We need to talk Midas."

"Now is clearly not the time to talk, you know I'm already late so let's save this conversation for later." I explained, trying my best to make her see reasons with me, but she still appeared to be unconvinced.

"That was the same thing you said when we came back from school, enough of the excuses Midas, we seriously need talk!"

Ese could be a tough nut to crack at times, I just needed to delicately approach this in a civil manner and so, I casually strode over to where she was and placed both hands on her shoulders.

Squarely facing her with our eyes balanced in a stare, I saw something which I sincerely loathed.

It was ever so casually taking shelter in where it didn't belong.

I didn't like the sight of what I saw and that was, the pure livid emptiness which had been dwelling in not only her eyes but also the whole of her.

It was never supposed to be a part of her.

It wasn't meant for her at all but I couldn't just change things when this, was the clear outcome of what took place after mother left.

I just had to painfully accept this part of her, because even after all these years she'd been in therapy, I still couldn't see any change in her.

She was fading by the very second that passed by, and I couldn't do anything.

"Can you stop staring like some creep and start talking." Her voice roughly pulled me away from my thoughts, as I was again met with the absence of anything joy related from her.

"I know that whatever it is you want us to talk about is very important, but I also have something important to carry out tonight, and the more time I waste here, it's going to really affect me a whole lot so please, let's postpone this."

"Do you really think I'm not also affected by you continuously disregarding my urgent need to talk to to?"

"I never disregarded your need Ese, just try to understand that_"

"I don't need to understand anything Midas. Your so called friends bullied Janice and I_"

Hold up!

"What do you mean by my friends bullied you and Janice?"

"You're not even aware of all that really went down at that court." she scoffed, as she roughly yanked my hands off her shoulders. "You should have seen the manner in which your friends treated Janice and I, Idia even had the audacity to slap me, pull my braids, and as if that wasn't enough, she also pushed me and my friend to the floor."

All she said was becoming too hard for me to process because, why would Idia do all of that and the others?

I knew too well that Idia was capable of doing every bit of what she mentioned, but what left me in utter disbelief was the fact that she could dare to even lay a finger on my own sister.

How could she? And the others? What exactly happened yesterday in my absence.

I was definitely not going to take this lightly because Ese sounded too serious to be joking around, she wasn't even the type to laugh without care, talk more of joking.

"I'll definitely look into all you've just said but before then, try to get some sleep. It's almost eleven."

"Says the one who is about to jump over like a thief and run off to God knows where,"

I chuckled at her statement, and brought out my phone, connected it to my headphone and on a minimum volume I played Wishing well by Juice WRLD from my Spotify playlist.

"Good night kiddo," I said, trying to tousle her hair when she almost broke my hand by the force she used in sending it off her braided hair.

"Calm down nah!"

"Expect worst if you don't behave yourself and get out!"

I was already used to her tone and her having no filter at all, so I barely ever took her words to heart because, Ese hardly minced her words.

"Abeg chill, as if you were not the same person begging me to stay some minutes ago, you're really unbelievable." I said, as I lightly chuckled in true bafflement.

"Well leave or I'll raise an alarm."

That was definitely not an empty threat.

I quickly raised my hands up in mock surrender, as I slowly retreated backwards until I reached where I was to crossover.

Here goes nothing!

I exhaled, as I increased the volume of the song although it was still low because I preferred it this way, since my aids were still secured behind my ear.

"Tell Irene I said hi!"

Was the last thing I vaguely heard before climbing down.

Do like that by Korede Bello boomed from the club as I could hear the loud impact the song made as my headphone was now disconnected and around my neck.

"Hey BigE!" I greeted the tall, fierce looking hefty bouncer, with his intimidating ripped physique.

I was so sure this guy did more work outs than the almighty John Cena, because his bulky body didn't even allow one to see what was behind him. He was so huge and that signature scowl of his sure could send a scaredy-cat to the grave.

Well meet BigE, anyone who was familiar with this place knew him to be as tough as he looked, very hostile and whenever he spoke his tone was always so deep with just few words expressing what he meant.

And as expected, he didn't even budge in response to my greeting. The other guy beside him who seemed less stern, accessed my face before he gestured for me to go in.

I gently sent a brief nod over to the guy as I made my way towards the entrance, and on entering this place with the disco ball at the far center illuminating the whole arena, I immediately got whisked into the world of Empire Club.

And the whole place was just starting to get really crazy because here, the night had barely just begun with swarms of people huddled up around the whole place, going about their business.

The song blaring around was not exempted in this crazy practice as it mainly contributed to the whole madness of crazy dancing, multiple make out sessions and some other crazy shit I definitely didn't care about.

I was wholly focused on my sole aim tonight which was centered on meeting Bamidele and Irene.

Even though the former was the main reason for all this, I still wanted to feel Irene's dull eyes on me. Feel her presence alone in the midst of others and receive the serene indifference in her voice as she spoke.

I wanted to see the actual her, not just the gloomy front she always put up before everyone, but the true Irene beneath those bleak moist green eyes, however, a sudden wave of doubt on if I could truly witness up to even an inch of that her, immediately surged up like bile in my throat the moment I finally laid my eyes on her.

As I'd reached my final destination here, which was at the rooftop and upon seeing her stiffly sitting with her arms folded and legs crossed on the long bench the three of us usually occupied, I slowly began to loose every bit of hope I'd firmly held on to with each step I took towards her, but not just her because, I almost forgot that he was supposed to be present.

"Eleven.....twenty.....three Dion, you're surprisingly on time."

The tone she used was lazily sharpened at each spoken word, coupled with the curtness her demeanor conveyed, that wasn't a first, but a part of me was still left to think on if she was annoyed, but I still knew otherwise.

"I'm always on time Irene, yesterday just happened to be different." I spoke in my defense but it was certainly of no use.

"Save your explanation for those who wants to be fooled. For now, let's get down to business." She outrightly dismissed my words then, slightly tilted her head to face Bamidele who was lazily seated in a slouched position at the far end of the bench, as he operated his phone.

He must've felt the intense pressure of the pair of eyes on him as he slowly directed his attention to us, his observers.

Upon beholding our presence, his attention slowly centered on me who'd just arrived but, he wasn't startled, instead, his lips momentarily curled up by the side in a full blown smirk.

At first, the smirk looked contemptuous but after some seconds, a wide smile slowly took over, as he leapt up and suddenly tried to extend his hand for the usual bro handshake.

But, I didn't think twice before disdainfully ignoring him as I went over to plop down on the space he previously occupied.

He looked disappointed but soon recovered from it, as he strolled over to the nearest rail beside the long bench, and rested his arms on it.

There was enough space for him to sit since the bench was wide in length, but he didn't, and I guess the reason for that act was because he'd clearly fucked up, big time.

His presence gradually made my blood to boil as it slowly occured to me on what he'd done.

My anger might've subsided some hours after the encounter I had with Irene at the library, but on seeing him and worst his casualness as though everything was fine, pricked my irritation and anger further.

"Did you receive my message?"

Of course that was the dumbest way to slice into the brewing tension, and heavy silence in our midst because he definitely knew the answer to that.

"Damn your stupid message Bamidele! Damn it!" I flared up

"I never wanted to call them but I just had to."

"You surely had another alternative, and that was calling me, that would've been a better option than phoning them!"

"I must not call on you every time Midas, for goodness sake! it's not your responsibility to deal with, he's supposed to_"

"Supposed to what?" I asked.

And that question alone left him dumbfounded, as he intently stared at me.

In that moment, I was more than sure that our thoughts wavered over to the same thing, which was undeniably the answer to that which he might've forgotten.

We both already knew it and I could see the sudden stream of realization melded with a bit of denial, flow across his eyes, as he looked blank and at the same time, greatly overpowered by the truth.

"He doesn't care." His voice barely came in terms with himself as he spoke as though this was his first time to register that all too familiar piece of information

It was an already known fact, but he was very stupid to have forgotten a detail so small yet, it's weigh on everything and everyone it came across, was so intense.

"You know he or rather, they, do not give a flying fuck about their welfare,
so why did you have to call them when you're aware of how it always ends!"

He knew, Bamidele had the knowledge of the type of person that man was, but yet, he was still stubborn and his behavior was just so childish.

I wasn't really expecting less from him though, because he was always quick to make stupid decisions with or without anyone's opposition, and once Bamidele sets his mind to do something, he was sure determined to achieve it against all odds or repercussions.

"I just had to try. I mean, you have to see the state they're in. And the most horrible part of everything, is the fact that he is fully aware of all that is going on but he's turning a blind eye."

"Then you leave him Bamidele! They have been surviving well without him all these years, so I don't see the need to suddenly get him involved! It makes no sense at all."

It didn't take a minute to leisurely swoosh by after all I said, before a sudden silence charged with 'discomfort' casually intruded our midst like a thick fog heavy on its aim to disperse it's product. I felt the heaviness of this 'silence', it was skillfully webbed in tension as it befell upon us, leaving no room for anything to slash through it.

And I was unbothered or maybe nonchalant but in summary, my eyes were still on Bamidele whose figure was motionless with his head downwards and hands on the railing.

He appeared to be in deep contemplation and that was reasonable, but I already predicted the outcome of whatever it was that currently lingered in his thoughts because, Bamidele and good decision making could barely ever or never, coexist in the same context.

He was that bad at reasoning so I wasn't even expecting to receive a logical or befitting response from him.

Lo and behold, as he finally spoke, his following words didn't even try to differ from what I'd previously imagined.

"You know what actually makes no sense?" He asked, as he averted his attention from staring into oblivion, to focus on not only me, but also Irene who I'd momentarily forgotten was seated not too far away from me.

"Is the fact that you think you are always right!" He furiously in a low but audible, and almost threatening voice, directed those words at me with a rage so pure yet, he seemed to have controlled it to an extent as I noticed he was clenching and unclenching his fist, and that was an old habit of his which he always used in reducing his temper .

"To hell with him Midas!" His sudden outburst was definitely expected of him, and I wasn't a bit fazed by whatever show he was putting on.

As expected, he continued. "Do you think my actual aim of calling him was to remind him of his forsaken responsibilities?! Come on now guy!" He stressed on, with hands making unnecessary gestures all over the place as if words couldn't fully convey what he truly meant.

"Just because you and Ese are fortunate to live freely without worrying about anything or without living from hand to mouth, doesn't mean others have it that way. Life is so hard, and I am more than sure that you haven't even experienced half of what I, have been through. So don't just sit there and lecture me when you know absolutely nothing!"

Maybe a part of his rants were true in the sense that, the silver spoon he so much yearned for with each passing day, was gracefully bestowed upon someone like me, who he thought was unworthy of such luck.

Perhaps, he wasn't so stupid to have deliberated on that aspect but the others, he was obviously rambling on about some biased shits he concluded without thorough judgement, he was too shallow minded for me to even bother myself about all he spewed out or whatever went through his head.

But regardless of my indifference throughout his whole ranting session, I still couldn't deny the fact that a small part of me still cared mainly because, I'd always seen through the so called 'mature' front he always had on right from the minute we met.

He was currently just being his typical self, who was not only dense but also deluded with the idea that he could be a hero to those around despite the daring oppositions and absurdity of his rash decisions.

After he came to a halt on his words, the subtle clench of his jaw was too apparent, same with the fury in his eyes which alone, spoke voluminously in place of actual words. And in that moment, I began to discern what was happening because this meant, his impending words were produced heavily after little to no contemplation.

"You know what's going to happen from this moment onward?" He asked, eyes gleaming in sheer mischief as a tad bit of dread slowly washed over me. I calculatedly awaited the outcome of that burrowed gleam flitting across his visuals, knowing fully well it wasn't going to end well.

Casting a sideway glance over to Irene who now seemed engrossed in what he was about to say, I noticed the smug look she gently had on, as though Bamidele had finally gotten to where her interest had solemnly rested on.

Over the years, I'd automatically mastered a lot of things pertaining to her, most of which she wasn't going to take seriously if I were to bring it up, but this pleased look she had on was definitely not one of those looks I'd steal a glance at from afar, and feel the usual sparks or tingles accompanied by her.

I'd already interpreted her whole expression the minute it broke out from her regular facade of aloofness. It's interpretation didn't in any way help to even lessen the trepidation which, ever so slowly, started to creep up on me.

Irene look pleased with herself, or what we knew, Bamidele was about to say. Either of those cases were definitely the reason for the plastered lopsided grin formed at one side of her lips.

"There's really no need for me to inform you about that. Just know that from now henceforth, you better abstain from meddling into anything concerning me, and when I say me, I mean every bit of my business including Somadina and my mother."

To me, he didn't actually mean what he just said but I couldn't also disregard the amount of seriousness infused into his whole expression and words.

"Consider this a favour from me because, you never really cared about them from the whole genesis. And I'm definitely sure you must've wished death upon my mother the minute you found out about Soma's existence, accompanied with the whole havoc her birth caused to not only you, but also Ese."

That was it! He was definitely crossing a line, a thick one of which he knew I wouldn't take seriously.

Bringing up shits about our past was so out of discussion, he knew exactly what and what not to say but all his brainless self wanted was to deliberately provoke me.

"So let's just stop all of this pretence and go back to the way everything was before we met. It wouldn't be so bad, after all, this is a win-win for the both of us since I'll be finally off your back and," He paused, as he pocketed his hands and chuckled mirthlessly.

"I will have to go back into dealing since that's clearly the only means to hold my survival on the streets."

I knew it! Knew he would make the foolish decision of venturing into that old habit again, just because of his desperation to prove some reckless point.

"You can't do that Bamidele-"

"Who says I can't? I can and I will!"

"You will, for what exactly?!" I asked, as my voice rose more than I'd intended.

"To survive Midas! To freaking survive on the crazy streets because it's not as easy as you think! How will you understand when you have servants at your beck and call. You're the exact definition of those privileged kids who doesn't give enough value to what they have at their feet, because why should they even bother? When Mummy and Daddy is always there!"

That was definitely the last straw, which drew me out of my sitting position over to where he stood, and in the twinkle of an eye, I'd already pounced on him. I was too furious to even think rationally at that point in time. The only way I could act out, was the rage coated punches I aggressively hurled across his face, without taking a second to consider the amount of damage I was causing, through each blow he received.

Despite how he tried to shield his face and defend himself, by struggling unlimitedly against my fisted hold on his collar and brutal punches, he still could not withstand even the smallest bit of aggression from me, as I made sure to cause just, or more than enough impact on every single blow.

He struggled and infused so much vigor into each relentless twist and turn movement he made, until I noticed a slight slip in his determination to not yield.

Only a slip of it, was enough to break him into visible shards which my heart took a long pause at the sight of his sudden accept of defeat.

It was too real to be true.

The image of him suddenly giving up by not trying to wrestle his way out of my hold and damage was quite ordinary, but what left my whole being to become still as an incoming punch took a quick halt midair, were the faint watery lines sliding across his face.

And in that moment I saw it.

Saw the broken barricade which he built in order to cover up the frail part of him which he didn't want to come in terms with.

Maybe I was wrong for all I'd just done. But also, maybe a small part of my actions were right in the sense that, Bamidele for once, really had to see past the big hero which he always copied from the moment he figured something like that existed.

Because to him, life was a bed of roses without thorns, to those born with the so called silver spoon he desired and so, he could actually go to any possible length just to not only attain that shit but, to desperately please and meet up to the rich standard in every possible way he could, even if it meant to deal with those substances and interact with those people just for money.

He was so wrong. Faulty, in so many places that I couldn't point out even if I were to try. So just maybe, hitting some sense into him was the ultimate remedy.

So I thought, until a very familiar voice from behind, mockingly clapped her hands and laughed so heartily in a way that a random person would've mistook for being an amusing laughter whereas, her chortles were plainly coated in sheer derision, one that strung my heart so hard that I had to turn in order to have a proper view of her.

Turning didn't change anything, instead, her laughter appeared to increase at the sight of me finding interest in the cause of her uncontrolled laughter.

I chose to ignore her by redirecting my attention back to him, but only to find a replacement for the previous waterworks show he'd been putting on, as a lazy, worn down smirk flickered over his lips.

He just had to pull this stunt when my balled up fists had already lost the urge to charge on him instead, I began to realize that this was all planned by the both of them and I once again, foolishly fell for their stupid games.



Where do I start from?

I'm kind of confused on where to start but let's just say-

I'M SORRY 😭🙇❤️ ( I'm literally on my knees)

Like, I'm really really really really really really really really really (multiplied by five times or more) sooooooooo sorry 😭 for taking so long to update

Omoooooooo I never intended to put this book on hold, that was never on the plans I had for this book but what can I say? Life happens 😅🤧

I know that's not a valid reason but I'm really sorry and I promise to do better 💞✨❤️

so this chapter has been on my draft works for a while so I just thought of touching it up a bit before updating

I know it's a bit tacky but I promise to make it up to you guys.

Happy new month ✨💞❤️

Thanks from
Vahny 🌹✨✨❤️..........

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