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Day 4: Thu, May 2nd, 12:35 PM

"....I-I think s-sleeping o-only m-made it w-worse..."

"I-I woke u-up... a-and the i-images c-came ag-again..."

"B-but this time... I-It w-was an en-entire s-story..."

"T-they weren't j-just o-one p-picture... I-It showed the entire pr-process... I-I'm r-really, r-really scared...."

"...I-I'm cr-crying, I n-need to c-calm down b-before I i-interact with an-anyone ri-right now...."

"Jű§þ whəņ ýøű'və łø§þ þhə wįłł þø łįvə, ýøű §əə þhə §űņ"....
Į đøņ'þ þhįņķ þhąþ'§ høw Əłį §əə§ įþ, çąņ'þ ýøű ģűý§ §əə þhąþ?

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