Welcome to Gravity Falls!

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--PIE perspective--

"Johnny how much longer? I'm so bored!" Johnny Ghost moaned from the back seat of the totally legit white van. His dark brown hair was covered by his grey hoodie, and his amber eyes seemed a bit restless, "I wanna do SOMETHING. Are you trying to torture me?"

"Sir, I'm trying not to run over anymore wildlife, you know about my lack of a driver's license." Ghost's partner-in-crime, Johnny Toast replied, instantly hitting a raccoon. Toast continued to concentrate on the road, while Ghost fumbled with the GPS.

"Man, we are WAY out of Littlebutts... I don't even think we're in North Carolina anymore." he handed Toast the device, "Where does this say we are?"

"Sir, you need to learn to read..."

"My arrogance is none of your beeswax, Johnny." Jumping a bit as the van hit a pot hole (or another small animal), "So what does it say?"

Toast waved his hand over an all- red area,"We're in Oregon, sir, and that is the largest amount of ghosts in one area I have ever seen." Toast replied, looking back to the road, just in time to swerve away from a porcupine, "I think half the animals here have a death wish."

"Maybe you could slow down a couple hundred miles?"

Toast rolled his eyes, "Ha, ha. VERY funny sir. I'll have you know I'm going the speed limit."

"Yeah, right." Ghost looked out a nearby window to the passing trees. He was quiet for a few minutes before Toast began to slow down the car. "What is it Johnny?"

"Theres a sign here for a place called 'Gravity Falls' under the title it says 'nothing to see here, folks.'" Ghost just kind of stared at him for a bit

"Are you messing with me again? If you are, its not funny." Quick look from Toast, "Well, either way, people usually only say that there's nothing to see when there's something going on. Do you think the Acachalla's live here?"

"I think their kid's are coming for summer camp. And, yes even Spencer." Toast continued driving and a few animals actually managed to be spared from the car's roadkill rage, but in the process they crashed into a nearby tree and the totally-legit-white-van's hood was completely smashed in. "Crap. You okay back there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But why does this keep happening? This is the twentieth car this  we've gone through this year!" Ghost checked out the GPS to see if there was a mechanic close by, and instead saw higher ghost ratings than the black cat stuffed animal one of their unpaid interns carried around. "Johnny, check this out."

"Wow. There much be a really powerful demon nearby for that much of a reading. I say we investigate that."

"Way ahead of you! Leave the machine gun, pistols are more for scouting missions." Ghost said, getting a multitude of supplies, including two different guns, a med kit, and a few tools for specific banishing. "How about no bombs as well." he suggested, watching Johnny pile up on grenades and molotov cocktails.

In less then five minutes, they were stocked up and ready to investigate.

--Mystery Twins perspective--

"Ah! Finally back!" Mabel flopped backwards onto her bed, laughing as her pet pig, Waddles, climbed up after her and began licking her face, "oh I missed this place so much!" She patted the bed and smiled. Her already long brown hair had grown with her over the year, but apart from that she didn't look much different. She didn't act much different either.

"Mabel, we need to unpack before we an do anything," Her twin brother Dipper Pines called from the other side of the room, putting mystery books on a nearby shelf. Dipper also looked a lot alike, his only difference being he got a slight haircut and he was taller than he was before. Mabel was still taller though.

Mabel balled her fist and hit her palm, "your right! And I have a clever way of doing it!" She walked over to her back and dumped everything onto her bed. "There! I'm unpacked!" Dipper just shook his head and continued doing his unpacking, sorting his books in alphabetical order, and putting the journal on a bedside table, the golden hand on the brown cover shined in the light.

After awhile of setting back up their room in the mystery shack, a loud explosion came from the woods, as well as a shout of surprise. Dipper and Mable instantly knew what to do and where out of the house before you could say grazing Gublin foragers gorged on my gourd (A/N- IDK I wanted to mention gublins). Mabel launched herself around with her grappling hook, which she had become more skilled with over the school year, while Dipper navigated by foot, his nose almost shoved in the journal, and occasionally tripping on some big rocks. Around the center of the wood, they stopped. Well, Mabel stopped and Dipper ran into her. Some rustling came from a nearby bush and out stepped a man in a grey hoodie with amber eyes and a look on his face that instantly explained he had lost something. He was calling for a "Johnny" and Dipper wondered if the man had a dog, while Mabel thought of more exotic pets. The man walked into a clearing and looked around a bit until he saw a stone hand sticking from the bushes. He seemed to joke to himself about it and ended up grabbing the stone hand in a handshake motion.

Mabel just stared while Dipper looked ready to scream.

The man was shaking the petrified Bill Cypher's hand.

--Johnny Ghost POV--

Even when I tell Toast to leave the grenades, what does he do? He brings landmines and detonates them over flying eyeballs. I might have screamed a bit when I saw the winged things, but my phobia of birds can mess with my life when I least expect it. During the detonation(s) we got separated from each other, and now I had no idea where he was or if he was even in this dimensional plane, so I was stuck searching the woods, despite the horrible feeling I had.

When I reached a clearing, there was a little stone hand sticking from a nearby bush, all posed for a handshake. I decided that Johnny would want me to keep things lighthearted, so I decided to make a joke about it.

"Hey, if I shake your hand, will you tell me where Johnny is?" Obvious silence from the inanimate object. "You drive a hard bargain Mr. Hand, but I'll do it." I grabbed the hand and moved my arm like I was doing a little handshake. I laughed to myself, "Well THAT was super dumb. I'd better get back to it, thanks for the laugh Mr. Hand... What the?" The hand felt more 'fleshy' so to speak, and when I looked, the entire world looked bleached of color. The hand was black and sleek, and led to a literal floating yellow triangle with a top hat and pitch black limbs. A single eye sat smack dab in the center of the triangle, and it seemed to be that he was smiling. 

"Howdy!" The triangle took off his hat in one hand and dipped it in an introductory fashion, "The names Bill. Bill Cypher." Bill hadn't let go of my hand yet and I was getting pretty uncomfortable.

"Uh... Hi, Bill? My name is J-"

"Oh, I know who you are, Hoodie! I know everything about you." Bill plopped his hat back on his head while I just stared at him. 



I shook my head, "Okay, this is getting weird. May I have my hand back now? I have something I need to be doing. I mean, apart from hold hands with creepy stalkers who may or may not be a demon."

"Sorry I can't do that." Bill shrugged a bit and I could feel a prickle of fear run down my spine.

"Why not?" I began to try to pull my hand away a little but he held on tight.

"Well you see," slight pause from Bill (I'm assuming for dramatic effect), "I still have to drain your life force from your body!"

"WHAT?!" I shouted, beginning to pull my hand away harder, once again his grip tightened, and I thought I heard a bone crack.

Bill's eye slitted and grew red, "Now this is going to hurt a lot." A sudden sharp pain ran up my arm and through my entire body when he said that. I began to use my other hand to get the one attached to Bill away, but the pain continued to grow.

"JOHNNY! HELP!" I began to scream for my partner, hoping he could save me. Whoever this triangle was, he wasn't going to show mercy. My entire body felt like lava was being poured on it, and I tried screaming louder.

"Ugh. Stop shouting, Hoodie. It's very distracting." Bill's grip had almost broke my hand and I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks and I squirmed and yelled harder.

I could hear rustling in nearby bushes, or was that just the ringing in my ears? I thought I heard Toast and I began to shout again. Through my tears I could see a blurry figure walk up to me. "Sir what's going on?"

"HELP HE'S STEALING MY LIFE FORCE FROM MY HAND!" I shouted. The world was getting blurry though, and not just because tears were blocking my vision. Everything began to spin, and I thought I felt someone begin to pull me away from Bill unsuccessfully. "Everything's spinning..." I muttered and I felt myself lose consciousness.

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