P.S. I'm Sorry

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My heart feels cold—like concrete drying in my chest.

The heartbreak was unexpected, as they always are. One minute, you're on the top of the world. The next, you just want to bury your tear-stained face in all your pillows and consider pining at your ex's front door until he loves you again and takes you back.

I should get Liam out of my system, but I don't know how. It's been four days since he broke up with me. We planned that he'll finally introduce me to his folks on Christmas eve and we'll spending the evening together, but Liam suddenly called it quits with me right before Christmas break.

I can feel more tears teasing the corners of my eyes.

I lazily slide off the bed and pad my feet to my window. The windowsill is filled with snow. The ladder that leans on the wall outside, leading to my window, has been blessed with snow too.

I open my window and the cold breeze blows snow inside my room. I swing one leg over the window frame and onto the first step of the ladder before swinging my other leg over too.

I look around in case Michael is making out with his hookup again, but he isn't outside. The coast is clear.

One step at a time, I climb down the ladder. On the second-to-the-last step, I jump off. My feet plunge into the snow and make two feet-holes.

My vision is blurred with tears as I walk down the sidewalk. I've been doing this every morning since the breakup—leaving the house to mope around town.

I bump into something tall and hard, and quickly hold it to steady myself. My feet wobble, tired of daily strolls and not getting enough energy food.

Big arms wrap around my waist and pull me in. For a second, my heart stops beating and I look up, wishing it's Liam, but I gaze into a guy's deep brown eyes. Liam's eyes are green.

"You okay?" The guy asks, looking concerned.

He looks familiar but I don't remember seeing him around. Staring isn't really helping. He's too blurry.

His arms are still wrapped around me. He's staring at me too, trying to remember who I am. I grip his shoulders tightly, my nails digging deep, and I lean close to him. A tear rolls onto my cheek, but I don't care; I have to stay focused.

Before he decides to pull away, I press my lips on his and close my eyes. I think about the times Liam and I made out. I think about Michael constantly hooking up with the town's rebel. I think about my Mom and Dad's pending divorce.

Maybe this is what I need—to do something with someone I don't know. To forget about Liam for a while. To get my heart in check and do whatever I want, so I kiss him harder but...

He's not kissing me back.

Oh God.

I peel my lips off his and back off. I swipe my lips with the back of my palm like I can erase what I did.

I just kissed a stranger!

"Kellie Hampton?" He whispers and I look up. My eyes widen when they meet his. My tears had fallen when I closed my eyes so he isn't a blur anymore.

He's Nathan, the guy I had a crush on before Liam. If Nathan hadn't left town a week before Liam asked me out, I probably would still have a crush on him.

He's barely changed. He still has the birthmark under his left eye, keeps his sand-brown hair mid-length and wears a custom-made headband that has his name printed on it.

I shake my head like a delusional person and back away fast. I turn and run away from him.

When I stumble on the lawn of my house, I don't go to the side of the house and climb the ladder, I go in through the front door. I run up the stairs, ignoring Mom calling my name.

I rush inside my room and bang the door behind me. I fall on my bed and bury my head in the sheets.


I've made a huge mistake. I kissed Nathan! I hope I never see him again. I don't want to step outside my room ever again!

Someone knocks on my door.

"Kellie?" It's Mom. "Someone's here to see you. Says his name's Nathan. He's coming in, honey."

No! Not here!

I quickly sit up, my heart beating faster than ever. I'm about to tell Mom not to let him in when my door swings open and Nathan steps in. I bite my lips, begging him with my eyes.

"Hey." His eyes study my face.

Please, don't turn me down too...

He scratches the back of his head. "Look, I'm leaving town today so I can't stay long. I don't know what made you do that and—"

I raise a hand, interrupting him. I can't take any more embarrassments.

He gives a wonded look and nods. He withdraws his left hand from his front pocket and stretches it out to me. He's holding a post-it note. When I don't reach out to collect it, he drops it on my bed.

"Your mom gave me the post-it. Call me anytime if you want to talk."

He walks out of my bedroom and shuts the door behind him. I pick the note and read its contents. He's written his phone number and address.

I open the first of the set of drawers beside my bed and take my pack of post-it notes. I couldn't apologize, but I'll send post-it notes to his address everyday until I can forgive myself.

I take a pen lying on the drawer, tear off one post-it note and write three words on it: P.S. I'm sorry.

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