Chapter 1

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So wattpad is on weeds again and hence it is showing this book under public domain. But I would like to clear it that all the rights to this book are reserved.

Copyright © 2020 by RadheyPanchaali

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Infringement of the same may draw severe legal charges.

Kindly note this story has mature themes. May not be appropriate for every age group, if you wish you could just skip the mature part as I will be putting warning from where it starts and ends, so you won't miss anything important!


Panchaali's POV:

"Panchaali! Panchaali! get down here right this moment!" Mata Kritika's voice had me jumping up in fear as my hand knocked on the glass that was kept on the kitchen counter making it fall on the ground and shatter.

"Mata?" I asked as I rushed towards her, not really caring about the broken glass at the moment. "Where is the red saree that I brought for my daughter Kirti?" She shouted furious as she looked at me, her dark eyes glaring at me with so much hate like I was a pest and not her daughter.

I trembled as I moved towards the section where I kept the saree, I pulled it out and laid it on the bed carefully. "The jewelry?" She demanded, I moved towards the beautiful wooden box and got out the jewelry, the beautiful jewelry was something out of this world, "the footwear?" She asked, her teeth gritting together as I looked up at her, I lowered my eyes instantly and got the shoes and kept it next to her bed, she hummed and made a motion with her hand for me to leave.

"Suno!" She called out making me freeze as my heart beat wildly in my chest, "The food better be ready before its lunch time." She warned me making me nod. "Now leave! I don't want to see your ugly face more than needed." Her voice was sharp, I know what she said was true that I was ugly, she never failed to make me realise that, even it being the truth my heart still hurt at her words, weren't mothers supposed to love regardless of what they looked like.

I bit my lip as I walked towards the kitchen my heart silently bleeding, I recalled how few weeks back I was born from the fire of the yagn, I was supposed to make my family happy but I was miserably at the job.

All I brought was disappointment to them, tears traced down my cheeks as I walked down towards the kitchen, it wasn't my fault that they didn't want me, I didn't know why the gods forced my father to accept another child when clearly after bhraata Dhrishtadyumn, what did it get them? Nothing, I just became the unwanted burden on them.

I broke out of my trace as white blinding pain ran through my body making me shut my eyes and hold back a scream, as my eyes travelled down I looked at the huge piece of glass that had pierced through my foot, blood was everywhere.

The daasis looked at me with shock and pained, they stepped forward to help me but I shook my head. "No don't if mata saw you she will hurt you. I don't want that to happen." I requested as I lowered myself to the ground, the pain wanting me to scream but I stayed quite, not wanting anyone to worry.

"But Rajkumari..." The dasi protested as her gaze looked at my bleeding feet, I forced a smile through my tears as I shook my head, "Don't worry I'll manage, you get back to your work, if someone saw you talking to me or helping me they'll tell mata and you'll be punished." I almost pleaded, I couldn't take the guilt of another poor servant being beaten to death because they tried to help me, I sighed as she left, my eyes trailing back to my bleeding foot.

I caught the jagged piece of glass between my fingers, and pulled it out, a loud cry left my mouth as the agony had me greeting my teeth. I forced down the pain and limped to where the water was kept, I washed my feet wrapped a piece of cloth that I tore from my saree.

There was no time to waste as I got down to work, if the food was not prepared mata would do more damage than I would like to experience now.

My feet was throbbing with pain, like I had another heart down there. By the time I finished I was a mess, my breathing was coming in slow pants, my leg was throbbing as my breathing was coming in short pants.

I walked back to my room, now that the food was done, no one would bother me, I threw myself on the cot, I looked around the around my room, it wasn't really much, a small bedroom with just a small cot a table and some sarees. The room was too dark and there wasn't much to protect me from the cold just a thin blanket.

"Are you okay?" Whispered Sumitra, my mother's handmaid, the only one my mother never punished as she was her good friend. I shivered in the cold but nodded, she lowered herself to my cot and it creaked under our combined weight.

"Oh dear child." She whispered as through she was in pain, I wanted to ask her what was wrong? Why was she crying? I didn't want anyone to waste their tears on me, I didn't deserve it.

She pressed her lips on my forehead making the constant pain in my heart ease a bit, she was the closest thing I had to a mother. My head swarmed as dark spots danced in my vision making me blink rapidly but it was no use as I soon lost myself to the darkness that promised me pain free reprieve for a few hours.


The next morning when I woke up, it was like some magic was cast around the palace, "Panchaali!" My mother's voice jerked me out of my sleep as I sat up, "from now on you won't be staying in this room and especially won't wear this ugly clothes. You'll be staying in the second royal wing that's empty, and wear the clothes and jewelry I give you. I am going to have some important guests here, Rajkumar Arjun and his family, he will be here to marry Kirti so you better behave!" She glared as her voice dripped with acid making me nod at her, "and you shall behave as a royal don't forget your damn etiquettes." She spat one final time before she turned around and leaving me to blinking like a moron, what did just happen? I thought confused as I scratched my head.


Third Person's POV:

Kirti glared at the dasi, "You low born creature how dare you touch my hand!" She shouted as she glared at the dasi who was whimpering on the floor, the poor woman had lost her balance and held the closest thing to prevent her fall and that unfortunately was the hand of princess Kirti.

"Forgive me Rajkumari." The dasi whimpered as she kept her head bowed, tears tracing down her cheeks as she trembled in fear. Kirti was having none of it as she raised her foot and kicked the woman making her double over in pain,"oh ho Kirti, you shouldn't be doing this now child. You! Get out of the room you lowly being." The queen spat the last words at the poor woman who was crying on the floor, neither of the royal women spared her a look as she left.

"Mata why did you stop me?" She almost yelled, her mother glared at her, "mind your tongue young lady, don't forget I am your mata." She said angrily making her daughter look down at the floor angrily, "By tonight Rajkumar Arjun and his family will be here to see you, but if you did any stupidity and spoiled this relationship I'll personally kill you. And be careful, Vasudev Krishna is going to be here too, that man is very smart, in fact if you can get him to marry you all the better. But by the end of this festivals you better have one of them ready to marry you." She warned her daughter, "oh relax mother, who has ever been able to resist my charm?" She smirked cockily making her mother smile at her and laugh.


Vasudev smiled as the city of Panchaali came to his view, "What are smiling at Arya?" Satya questioned as she looked up at her husband's face, he smiled at her, "I am going to make another friend soon." He said making her look up at him, "What do you mean?" Satya asked confused, "Don't try to understand aryas complex words as you'll get more confused I have stopped trying to find their meaning long ago, when time comes you'll too understand." Rukmani teased him making Satya laugh while a beautiful smile appeared on his face as he looked amused.

"Hopefully this friend of arya won't be a competition for Arjun." Satya teased making Arjun chuckle, who was riding beside their chariot on his horse.

"At least I won't whine like baby the way you do when Madhav doesn't pay you enough attention." He teased making Rukmani and Krishn laugh, "that's way better than whining for mata's attention." Satya shot back as she stuck her tongue out at him, "Very mature." He said sarcastically, with a smile on his face, "Says the guy who sleeps in his Mata's lap." She teased, "ha! It's better than fighting over your spouse." He teased, making her pout. "Aryyyaaa make him stop. " she whined childishly. "Madddhhaavvvv make herrrrrr stopppppp." Arjun mimicked her voice making Krishna huff, "Rukmannnnnniiiii make them stop." He whined childishly to her, she laughed at their tactics. "Okay kids no fighting." She said in a stern voice making them laugh as she too laughed.

"Planning on growing up anytime soon you all?" Asked Bheem with a smile, "Nope!" The four said together making him chuckle. "When will we reach Panchaal's palace Bhraatashree?" Nakul asked Yudhisthir who rode beside him.

"Shouldn't take much time once we enter the city." Dharmraj replied, "What would Panchaal be like?" Sehdev asked curious about the new place. "I don't know about Panchaal but the youngest daughter of King Drupad is the most beautiful girl in the world." Krishna said making everyone look up at him. "An innocent soul like her is rare to find Paarth." Madhav said successively making Arjun look at him. "What's her name?" Satya asked curious. "Draupadi." He whispered her name like a secret. Arjun's heart jolted hearing the name, "Paarth ki Panchaali. Dhananjay ki Draupadi " Nakul teased making Arjun's heart beat rapidly, his cheeks turned a slight red as he blushed.

"Careful Nakul your teasing almost had his heart jumping out of his chest." Satya teased making Arjun give her a mock glare. "Satyaa." He said in a fake warning voice, "Aryaa." She called her husband in the same tone making Krishna laugh. A new chapter was about to begin for both Paarth and Panchaali...


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