Chapter 14

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Panchaali's hair were left to air dry as she moved out of the bathroom, her long tresses were wet, as droplets of water fell on the ground every once in a while. She moved in her room, a smile appeared on her face as she looked at her sleeping husband, a soft smile was playing on his face as he looked so very innocent, her heart thundered in her chest every time her eyes fell on him. She couldn't believe she was already married, her fate had played such games that her heart thunder in her chest looking at him.

The soft tinkling of her anklets had Arjun waking up, but he held his eyes closed and pretended to sleep as he laid there. He sound sense her as she sat next to him, sparks zapped through his body as he felt her soft touch had warm feelings unfurl in his chest.

A gasp left her mouth as she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and she was pulled, her body fell on his, making her gasp and blush as he swirled with her, so she lay under him, caged in between him and the bed, her heart thudded violently as he looked at her, her cheeks turned a beautiful red as he smirked looking at her.

"Now if this isn't the best way to wake up everyday." He whispered in her ear making her heart thud in her chest, shyness filled her as she looked at him through her lashes, "Were you spying on me dear wife?" He teased, "You know staring at sleeping people is actually considered rude." He whispered sensually as he nuzzled her neck making her hum. "We're you being rude to your husband?" He teased, as he began to trail kisses down her neck making goosebumps break throughout her body as her body buzzed with sparks every time he touched her.

"Arya everyone is waiting." She whispered, "Let them." He replied as he kissed his way down to her neck. Her hands fisted on the bed sheets as he sucked on her neck making sparks zap through her body, "Arya." She gasped, "I love it when you call me your arya." He whispered, making her heart thud violently in her chest. "Arya." She whispered again, his lips claimed hers as his hands moved to her hair, she gasped as he slipped in his tongue, their hearts were beating in sync, her addictive taste had her heart thrumming in her chest, he smiled against her lips, his hands caressing her cheeks making sparks ignite every time he touched her. He kissed his way down to her neck, kissing and sucking down her jawline to her neck.

"Arya." She moaned making his heart jolt sharply, he pulled back as he laid his forehead against hers, his breathing coming in short pants, "I am so lucky to have you as mine." He whispered breathing in her addictive and soothing scent that calmed him and made him feel grounded, she looked at him and smiled shyly as her cheeks heated a beautiful shade of red.

Arjun kissed her forehead as he sighed, "Do we really need to go?" He whined childishly making her giggle, "Yes." She whispered, "Whyyyyyy me??? " He whined like  a child, she giggled harder, "come on Arya, go have bath." She said in between giggles, he sighed as he got up and moved to the bathroom, "This is not over!" He said making her giggle, as he smiled and moved to the bathroom.


Panchaali moved to the mandir, that was in the back gardens. Arjun was giving surya argh when he heard a very sweet and melodic voice sing, it had him freezing. The baritone had him mesmerised, it was soft and peaceful, he couldn't stop himself from following the voice. He had heard this voice before, the first night he had come to Panchaal, to be precise.

He instantly recognized his wife's voice, sweet and melodic, that made him feel at peace as he felt the sharp pull towards her, he followed the voice to the mandir, where many servants and guards stood around, all looking hypnotised by the voice, just the way he felt.

No one dared to enter the palace mandir, from outside one couldn't see in but could hear the words clearly.  He walked in, a new kind of peace settling on his soul, calming him and soothing him all at once, his eyes searching for the face that sung the aarti. He moved in a trance as he removed his footwear out, he walked in the mandir mesmerised, his eyes seeking for the face that was singing, where was she?

As he moved a bit more inside were the words were clearer, the tones and rhythms perfectly sung. He saw a woman's back to him, the aarti came to an end and she stood up. Arjun's heart nearly tripped out of his chest, as she turned around. His wife was looking beautiful, more than ever. There was a glow on her face,as her wet hair were left loose on one side of her shoulder, she wore no jewelry. Just her lehnga and odhnis, a coral odhni around her body another one on her head. She gave him a shy smile as she walked up to him and she held out the thaali of pooja to him, he cupped his down-turned hands over the flame and then raise his palms to her forehead first and said, "May all your wishes come true priye." He prayed before he took the aarti for himself, making her heart thud violently in her chest. He cupped the back of her neck with his hand as he pressed his lips to her forehead, his eyes shutting automatically as he thanked the gods above for giving him such a beautiful present for a lifetime. Her heart melted at seeing his care for her, she bend down to touch his feet, she stood up and took a ladoo from the thaali and held out to him, "Arya prasaad." She said and he snapped out of his trance, she placed the ladoo in his hands.

He moved forward and took a pinch of sindur from her thaali and put it in her maang and cupped her cheek with one hand. He pressed his lips to her forehead, "I thank the gods for giving me the most precious gift of my life." He said as he pulled back, her heart fluttered as her cheeks turned a light shade of red. "Arjun we are getting late for practice!" Called Bheem making him sigh, "I will see you soon. Take care." He whispered as he presses his lips to her forehead and turned around and left. . .


She moved around the room saying the mantras as she tried to purify the room from every evil with the aarti. Her one hand held the thaali while the other hand moved over the flame and to the direction of the room, her lips moving softly as she whispered the mantras. Draupadi put the thaali on the table next to the bed and sat on it, " Arya?" She whispered confused as she turned facing the door,he stood there,wearing his cotton white dhoti and simple plain cotton angvastr, that he wore for his practices. Why was he early so back?

He moved swiftly in the room, his face a mask of seriousness, "get my clothes Panchaali, I'll take a quick bath, we were practicing when we got the a message from Hastinapur stating that Kakashree Vidur would be here soon. Bhraata Yudhisthir wants us all ready for the meeting." He informed her briskly, making worry pull in her chest as she looked at him, she nodded and he moved to the bathroom, he had already taken a bath but the practice had him sweating and the sand stuck to his body, he needed to wash the grim off.
Panchaali moved around the room, getting his things ready, she pulled out his clothes and laid them on the bed.

Arjun exited the bathroom, worry and questions running through his mind, why was Kakashree Vidur coming here out of no where, he sat on the bed, his hand moving in a robotic manner as he towel dried his hair. A smile appeared on his face as he felt her hands take the towel from her, he wrapped his hands around her waist, his head laying on her stomach as she stood there, he kissed her soft skin and nuzzled her chest as she rubbed his wet hair after bath, he had worn his white silk dhoti with golden embroidery, only the jewellery and angvastr were left. She smiled down at him as she wrapped his arms around his shoulders, since he was sitting and hugging her his head reached to her chest, she caressed his hair making him forget about everything, making him loose his every sense. All his worries disappeared as he relaxed himself completely in her touch. She sighed as she pressed her lips to his forehead making all the tension in his body disappear, he felt more calmer and relaxed, her touch anchoring him, her gaze met his as she gave him a soft smile,"Don't worry everything will be fine." She whispered softly making him smile, he let her go as she smiled, she moved towards where his angvastr was kept and passed it to him, he smiled at her as he shook his head, she blushed as she helped him wear it making him smirk at her. He began putting on the other ornaments as she clipped the neckwear in place. She turned around to leave, "Draupadi wait." He said making her turn around, she watched as he moved towards her with a smile and a box in his hand.

He pulled out a beautiful mangalsutr and  wrapped it around her neck and clipped it in place. "To the world's best wife, who knows me better than myself, the one who is my everything."  He meant every word that he whispered in her ear as he kissed her forehead, his lips lingering there a bit longer, making her heart thud violently in her chest, her eyes meeting his as she looked at him through her lashes shyly. "Got to go. Everyone must be waiting in the meeting room." he whispered making her nod, he pressed a quick kiss to her lip before turning around and leaving. . .




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