Chapter 21

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"Panchaali!" Arjun called as he entered their chambers, she looked up from where she sat folding the clothes, a smile playing on her lips as she hummed, "arya?" She looked up as she heard his voice, a smile appearing on her face, as she looked at her husband, he looked exquisite with his neck long hair fluttering near his neck, his body glistening with sweat, she blushed as she gazed at him, he smirked as he walked in his room like a predator who was moving towards it's prey, a smile played on his lips as he watched her squirm under his intense gaze.

"See something you like wifey?" He teased, his voice husky as he winked at her making her cheeks turn a brighter shade of red, her eyes lowered. He smirked, he loved to see her squirming and embarrassed, she was just so adorable. He put his finger under her chin and made her look up, the hazel orbs clashed with the dark ones, love and devotion swarm the later one. He couldn't stop the smile from blooming on his face as he lowered his head to kiss her forehead, his lips lingering there a bit more than needed, he wanted to back away but the close proximity and the feeling of completion that washed over him every time he touched her was something he could never put in words, the utter devotion and love that she had him always made him feel a bit scared, what if he lost her? Or broke that trust that someday? He would die. He ran his fingers through her long curls, his heart jolting in his chest, the soft rhythmic thump became wild, like they always did when she was around.

He lowered his head as his eyes fell on the soft luscious lips, the soft pink colour of those had him mesmerised, as they were slightly parted, beckoning him to come and taste, pulling him in, he felt her tremble in pleasure in his arms as gooseflesh broke throughout her body, her face was a mixture of shyness and anticipation, the perfect picture of love she looked. He traced her cheeks, marvelling her soft cheeks under his fingers, the perfect painting that god her made her, why was she so beautiful? How did she manage to make him forget everything when he saw her? What was it about her? The velvety soft cheeks under his fingers were like magic, a miracle, she was a miracle in his life, her presence was. His lips curved in a dreamy smile, every time the same reaction, every time he thought that maybe today he won't get lost in her and every time he failed.

His fingers touched her soft pink lips, the rough pad of his warrior hands were not used to touch something so delicate, it was like touching the petal of a beautiful flower, his callous hands were not accustomed to hold someone so delicate and precious, he was used to the hard rough world of war, the gore and blood. The fleeing of a watching the light in the eyes of person dim when they died, he was used to people cry and beg, he was used to the violence and destruction, to him it was his life, the war. But now, she's here,with all her love and devotion, the elegant beauty, who made his world tilt on its axis with just a smile, he was not used to the feeling of someone holding so much power on him. He was not used to the feeling of love, the fluttering of butterflies that she made him feel every time she was around, he was a warrior for god sake! Not a teenager to feel all this. But she made him feel, she made him alive, she showed him that a world existed out of gore and blood, that there was a greater happiness than winning a war,that losing in love is the best feeling one can ever have. He erased all the space between them, his lips caressed her soft ones, barely touching. He wanted to say something, the put all his feelings that he had for her, but that was not just possible. How does he explain it to her who she was to him? How important one smile of hers was to him? How the mundane task of just folding the clothes felt like the world's most interesting thing when it was she who did it? How does he explain to her that when she walked every time in a room,his eyes could only focus on her? How does he explain the love he had for her? Was it even love? He felt so much more than simple love, he loved his family and friends but when it came to her,it was a totally different thing. This feeling of over protectiveness, the over possessiveness that washed over him because of her, it was maddening, an anger worse than he felt ever before yielded him to do things that he could never think of before, but she brought out the best in him too, he wanted to be a better king and husband, a better warrior, a better son and brother to his family,everyday, all because of her.

His lips delicately claimed her bottom one, he could feel her tremble in his arms as she shivered, her eyes shut as her breathing sped up. He smirked at her responsiveness, he traced his fingers on her waist, the smooth, soft creamy skin of her waist felt delicious under his rough finger pads, his lips moved in sync with his fingers, kissing her in a teasing manner, his tongue sneaked in between her parted lips and wrapped around hers, playing and teasing it. She trembled violently as her heart thumped in her chest, his hand on the small of her back tightened even more making her chest press into his hard one, his other hand travelled to her head as he roughly tugged at the odhni on her head making it come undone under his touch. He clutched her hair in a strong grip, the silky strand in his hand made him want to tighten his hold, the predator in him was ready to pounce out and claim her, it was like he was being pulled in some dark world of pleasure,where he was the predator and she the prey. So delicate and innocent,ready for him to devour. The mental image of her being his prey made him growl, her whimpers just adding to his arousal, as he felt himself get lost in this feeling, the more primitive and instinctual part of him came flooding out. His hazel eyes darkened as he roared like a wild, dangerous being, his chest rumbling with his growl as his breathing came out in heavy pants, his instincts were ruling his brain as the sense of good and bad vanished, the complete primitive haze descended upon him.

Her hands tightened on his back making her bangles clank, her heart thudded in her chest as she felt her husband's hand tighten in her hair making her scalp burn with slight pain, but she couldn't focus on it as his all too consuming kiss had her feel nothing but pleasure. He pushed her against the pillar, his hands on wither side of her as his hard body pressed into her soft ones, fear and arousal tinged her body, his hold was more rough, he was being more animalistic, it scared her and made him crave even more, it was a weird cocktail of feelings. Her heart was thumping in her chest so wildly that she feared it will break thorough her chest, he was making her body come alive in a different way, feeling that she never felt before pooled in her.

Her core thrummed as heat pooled in her abdomen, what was happening? She craved his touch more, she wanted him more. His eyes were heavy with desire and something more darker and sinister as they clashed with hers, her breathing stopped as she realised what it was. She had often heard about warriors going in this darker haze where they craved blood and killed everyone, mercilessly, they forgot the sense of right and wrong. It was like a dark part of them was awoken, a more wilder and dangerous side. But why was he in this haze now? She failed to understand, a moan left her mouth as she threatened to loose all her thoughts as her husband bit her bottom lip when he noticed she was getting lost in her mind.

"Eyes on me wifey." His gruff voice, sounded animalistic as he half growled the words making her shudder, "arya." She moaned his name as he smirked, "That's right sweetheart, moan for me." He whispered darkly in her ear making her shudder, as his eyes glinted with a dangerous intent. "You're so beautiful princess, every time I look at you I get lost. I crave to touch this soft skin more than my next breath, the need own and claim you rides my senses every time I look at you. Do you know how tortuous it is to watch this gorgeous body from afar, knowing it's mine but not being able to claim it. It's torture at its best." He growled, his gruff and husky voice sending bolts of pleasure down her spine, her chest moved up and down rapidly as she breathed heavily, with his words he was unfurling an unknown part of her that she never knew existed.

He kissed her roughly, his love, his need, his desire, all came flooding in that one kiss,which had her legs turn jelly. Her body was thrumming with pleasure, a sea of pleasure pulling her under it. Warm feelings flooded in her soul, making her feel emotions she never knew existed, he kissed her like there was no tomorrow, like without her he would die. The intensity of his kiss had her legs go jelly, she was no longer able to hold herself up as she felt intoxicated in his love, drunk on his touches making the reality fade, he was overpowering all her sense, his manly fragrance of musk had her in daze, she tasted his minty and some mysterious taste as she kissed him, his hands roaming around her body had her tactile senses in a crazy drive. His growls and roars of pleasure where only thing she could hear while only she could see was him, he was dominating all her five senses, her very soul, he was everywhere. It was like her world was made up of him, she was drowning in the world of ecstasy, losing herself completely in all the feelings. This man here, was her life, her arya had done everything for her, he owned her very soul, she wanted to be his, in every sense of the world. There was nothing she had which wasn't his already, her soul belonged to him, her mind and heart belonged to him, she belonged to him. Her very identity as a woman was his, his wife, he could claim her, could do whatever he pleased, she wouldn't stop. He loved her and that was all the assurance she needed, even in this dangerous haze that he was in she trusted him, her husband could never harm her, he protected her, stood like a wall in between her and every danger,why wouldn't she trust him?

A loud gasped left her mouth as he kissed his way down to her cheek, his lips tracing their way down her jawline to her, her neck, sucking and biting, her toes curled, the sparks making her forget everything. He looked at her as he pressed his lips to her, making her forget about everything, her heart thundered in her chest as she looked at him, his intense gaze met hers making squirm, how did he do that? How did he manage to make her lose her mind every time she saw him? He caressed her face making her blush, "You're the most precious to me. You rule my heart Ranisahiba, I love you so much." He whispered, his gaze holding hers, tears stung in her eyes as she heard him confess, I love you, three very simple words but were enough to shake her world, three simple world that held the power to make and break lives, three very simple words that were the very essence of human life, the path to nirvana. Love, a word that each one craved, a feeling that fibered the world together. Finally someone loved her, the great warrior prince who could have anyone if he willed, he chose her. She didn't understand why but she was more than happy. Her soul was singing as warm butterflies made her heart thrum, "I love you so much Ranisahiba, I don't think I can put it in words." He whispered as moulded his lips to hers, "I love you arya." She whispered against his lips, her heart thrumming as she confessed, his heart sang as he heard her confess, he couldn't put his happiness in words, he didn't know how to express it with words, so he slammed his lips against hers and poured all his love in it, with everything he loved her, with his very last fibre, the intensity of the kiss had her overwhelmed, the love that she felt in that kiss made her dizzy, making her forget almost everything. It was like he was kissing her soul, she felt his hand undo her odhni, her jewellery, making her forget about everything. Sparks ignited through her body as she moaned, her touch making her forget everything, she squirmed under his touch. Her body heated as he undid her clothes, she surrendered herself to him being his with everything that she was. . .


Hey everyone!
I miss you all so much!
So I was finally able to get sometime to write, I miss updating,
I miss your comments, The network issues here are so much. After ages I feel I have received some network. I'm sorry for all the late replies in advance, I am here our in the market today for some shopping now so I was able to get the network so I decided to update this chapter! Nirvana is how it felt. 😂😂😂

I am just venting here 😂😂😂 I never knew I will miss pressing publish option so much, but i did 😂😂😂😂.

So the bottom line is I'm going crazy without any network! And I have to stay without Internet till 13! How will I survive???😭😭😭

Anyway I miss you all!

Take care!



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