Chapter 26

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"Arya!" Panchaali called as she entered their room, the man was sitting with his parchments, she sighed, she knew he was the king, but so busy that he doesn't have time for his own wife? Annoyance ran through her as she marched in the room, a frown marring her beautiful face.

"Yes darling."  He called out, his eyes not leaving the parchment that was in front of him, he read it carefully but his senses were attuned at her, well aware of every little move she made. "Will you for once leave this documentation." She complained her eyes glaring a hole in his head, he on the other hand mentally smiled at her vexed tone, she was like a cute little kitten when she got angry, "Baby girl you know I have work sweetheart." He said in a loving tone, "but can't you leave it for awhile?" She whined making him mentally awe at her adorable behavior, "Nope! I have to finish this urgently." He stated as he sighed annoyed by the amount of work that was on his plate, he hated the documentation work, if it wasn't so important he would have torn the thing apart. "But arya." She whined as she sat beside him, he felt her rest her head on his bicep making him smile, he pressed his lips to her forehead, making her sigh. "I hate you." She whispered, "I love you more my darling." He said with a smile as winked at her making her pout as he got back to work, she sighed defeated.  "What has my queen been up to today?" He asked distractedly, "Making preparations for Sinduraj's younger sisters Rajkumari Damini and Ulekha's welcome and stay." She informed, this got Arjun's attention, he looked up from the papers his gaze travelling to hers. "Those two? Why are they coming?" He asked, she rolled her eyes, "to meet Dushala jiji arya. Why else would they come?" She asked looking at him with her innocent smile, he sighed, her innocence often scared him, what would happen if some wrong person ever got to her? The thought had him shuddering with fear, like hell was he about to lose her, he pressed his lips to her forehead as he hugged her close making her smile. His hands rubbing her back, wondering why Sinduraj's sisters were coming. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. . .


Arjun held his Dhanush as he took the aim, his mind focusing only on his mark nothing else, he pulled the string his lips moving as he muttered the mantras, an arrow appeared out of no where as he released the string, launching the arrow in the air as it cut through it, whistling through the air it went hitting its mark. He smiled, a sigh of satisfaction passing through his lips, sweat dripped off his torso as continued to practice sun beating down on him. His senses were very much attuned on his wife who was collecting flowers for the evening pooja, the woman wanted to come to the forest alone,for this special flowers, like he would let her. He made it all seem like he was going to practice there and they had met coincidentally, like hell he would let her out of his sight. Though Jaydarth was not a threat anymore he had made Dhananjay realise that none could be trusted, Panchaali's beauty though a blessing was also a curse for her, her unnatural and surreal beauty pulled not only the attention of good but bad too, one that could harm her, one that would do anything to make her theirs. But what they didn't know was that he was her biggest shield, though never seen he was around, he was very much assessing every danger that could be around. He let her unaware, he let her be happy. Ignorance at times was bliss, he wanted her to enjoy it, he wanted her to be happy. The utter trust she showed in him fueled him to work harder, to protect her better. There was nothing in this world that he wouldn't do for her, he took the aim and let the arrow go, as it cut through the air piercing through the deadly scorpion, killing it, stopping it right in the tracks as it was about to stunk his wife, who moved around humming picking flowers a serene calm smile on her face, just because he wasn't looking didn't mean he wasn't paying attention to her, he was better aware of her surroundings that he was of anything else,  she was his and he would be damned before letting something happen to her. "Arya." She called, her sweet baritone reaching his ears making him look at her, a smile appeared on his face like it did every time he saw her. The calmness and serenity that he felt around her was unlike anything else, "Yes love." She asked moving towards him, the basket of flowers rightly clutched in her hand as her anklets made the soothing soft sound each time she moved. "Can you get me that raw mango? Please?"  She pouted giving him his best puppy dog eyes making him chuckle, he raised a brow at her surprised, "Am I hallucinating or did my wife just asked for a raw mango?" He teased making her roll her eyes, "aryaaa please." She whined, "But you hate raw mangoes princess." He reminded, there were a few edible things that Panchaali detested and raw mango was one of them, why was she asking for one, "you're such a meanie! I will get it on my own." She stated making him raise his brow in surprise, he really failed to understand women, one moment they were fine the very next they are angry, and his woman was having some serious mood swing issues. He watched amused as she marched across him to the mango tree and tried to pluck the fruit. A few failed tries and she was frustrate, he watched her gulp, her eyes moistened, damn he needed to hurry. He picked the gandiv and pulled the string before letting it go, its vibrations were so strong that it had all the raw mangoes falling at her feet. "There no need for tears." He said as he moved towards her, catching the tear in his palm before it could fall down. She gave him a watery smile, he pressed his lips to her forehead, his hands rubbing her arms in a soothing manner. He picked a few raw mangoes for her before guiding her forwards the chariot. He helped in the enclosed chariot before getting in too, he tapped the roof twice and it moved.

"How do I cut them?" She asked pouting, "it's not washed princess, go home and than eat."  He said bopping her nose, she shook her head, "but I want to eat now!" She whined. "Nope! You could get sick"  He said adamantly, not relenting. "No I want to eat it now!" She said stubbornly making him shake his head, "Please arya." She continued on, "No love." He said back . "But arya..." she was cut off by him, "No, means no." He stated adamantly, her bottom lip wobbled again as tears glistened in her dark eyes, he wanted to groan,what was with her and her mood swings? Just moments ago she was fine why was she so suddenly so emotional?  And since when had she become so stubborn? He tapped the roof twice making the chariot halt as he took few mangoes, "You miss better stay still, don't eat any of those I'll get this cleansed." He ordered making her nod, he jumped out of the chariot muttering about woman and their mood swings, Panchaali's strange behavior had him confused, what was wrong with her? Why was she behaving so strange?...




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