Chapter 31

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"Panchaali you have to terminate this pregnancy." Arjun's word rang throughout the room making Panchaali freeze, kill her child? Kill their child?! Her ears buzzed, the thought harming her child made her heart thrum, all the happiness that she felt earlier vanished into nothing as hot burning pain replaced her soul making her forget how to breath. She couldn't believe this, it has to be a dream, her arya wouldn't say this to her. No he wouldn't, never, he did everything to protect her how can he think about terminating this child. Her breath hitched, eyes glossing over in tears, the slithering agony burned her heart, the dreams that she had seen just moments ago were shattered.

She gulped,the pain tightening on it making her chock, her hands trembled as they caressed her stomach, where her child rested. The pain in her took the form of tears and rained down her cheeks, her mouth opened and closed but no words came out, what should she say? What was left to say? Her heart was thrumming, killing her slowly, the thought of harming her child made her stomach crunch, her body buzzed.

"Why.." was all she could ask, one word but held zillion questions, why was he doing this to her? Why was he trying to harm their child? Why kill her?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Her soul cried, she felt betrayed, she trusted him to protect her! He can't take away their child! Their babbbbyyyyy! The little innocent soul had done nothing to deserve this?! How does he expect her to live after...?!!!! She couldn't even complete the thought, the she couldn't harm her child. No she wouldn't, she would die before letting that happen. Fury blazed as agony fueled it, never in her life had she opposed anyone, she had taken all the injustices that happened to her but today she refused, she was a mother now,if she could create a life she could protect it as well.

"You have to understand love, the ved has told that if you continue this pregnancy I could lose you Panchaali." The pain in his voice rang throughout the room making her look up at him, her heart squeezed in pain, "And you thought my life is more important than our child arya?" She asked as she looked up at her husband, pain thrumming through her, his face contorted in agony, "I can't lose you." He said tears glazing in his eyes as he looked at her, "and I can't leave without our child." She sobbed her, tears tracing down her cheeks as she looked at him. "You think I am a monster? That I don't care for my child? That I am happy to kill my own child?! It is killing me to just think about aborting my child! My own blood, I want to die, it kills me. But I can't lose you. I might survive losing my child, but I'll be dead if something ever happened to you." Arjun broke down, his pain taking the best of him, tears traced down his cheeks as his body wrecked from tears that traced down his eyes, his heart thudding in agony. "I won't kill my child arya!" She shouted, stepping away from him, stumbling back, not letting him touch her. "I would rather die than live after killing my child! I don't want a life where I don't have my child!!" She screamed, never had she raised her voice but this thrumming pain in her making her chest squeeze, Arjun's eyes blazed as he glared at her, "I won't let you kill yourself! If I have to force this abortion I will!!! I can't lose you!!" He shouted blazing through him, the thought of losing her drove him to insanity, to the brink of madness, tearing him within. The image of her laying lifeless was enough to tear him to pieces, to make him forget about everything. Her heart thudded in her chest as her breath knocked out of her chest, his anger had her stumbling back. How could he say that?! Her heart squeezed even further, cracking as her soul tore into pieces, the man who had sworn to protect and love her would forcefully abort their child?! His child?!

Her breathing came in short pants as it picked up, tears blurred in her eyes making her trembled violently. "Nothing in this world is more important to me than my child! I would end my life arya if you forced me!!" She screamed, the thought of losing her child driving her near the brink of insanity, making her heart thud in her chest, her heart thrumming in her making her breath hitch, she can't lose her baby. How can she lose her child? How can her mother kill her child and leave? Her throat tightened making it difficult to gulp, her husband wanted to abort their baby, the man she trusted wanted her child's life. Rationality wasn't her strong point in this moment, maybe she would have understood if she was a bit calm but in this moment she was just a mother, a mother whose child was being threatened, the wife in her was curled up, hurt and tattered, bleeding internally at the thought of losing her child, her breathing hitched,her eyes glazing in tears, she trembled as the ache in her chest reached to a point where she couldn't breath, where she couldn't even think straight. Pain was all she could feel, she felt broken, completely shattered, her mind felt broken from all the pain, what a life she had, her family never wanted her and now the she loved the most wanted to take away her own child, the broken trust, tears tracing down her child.

Arjun was breaking, seeing her break tore him to pieces. He could see he was losing her that she would forever hate him after this, the one woman who he loved the most would hate him. The thought killed him, she was the one person for whom he could do anything, if protecting her meant gaining her hate than so it be, his soul cried at the thought of losing his soul, his Panchaali, the very essence of his soul. The father in him was already dying and now the husband in him was slowly stepping towards the pyre of his death, each step making him lose his mind, each step bringing him closer to his death. He would protect her, he knew he deserved her hate, he wouldn't argue with her on that but he wouldn't let her die.

Panchaali's legs gave out as she fell on the ground, pain thrumming through her. How had the happiest moment of her life had turned into this disaster?  Her hand touched her stomach, she wouldn't let anything happen to her child, she dies if he does, her husband was a stubborn man, a protective one,a warrior but no power was greater than the love of a mother, she will protect her child, if she has to go against her child for it than so it be, there wasn't a thing that she wouldn't do to protect her child. The thought of going against her husband killed her, so much ache, so much agony, she had went through the worst but never regretted being born but in this moment she did. She really wished in this moment that she was never born, everyone would have been happy without her, everyone would have been in better conditions. She had spoiled everything, tears after tears traced down her cheeks.

"Be ready Panchaali, I am getting the ved, don't force my hand, I will force the abortion if I have to." He stated, before he turned and left, he knew he sounded like a monster, but from within he died that moment as he walked out, Panchaali watched her husband leave. He wouldn't budge, she looked at the open balcony doors, she'll die with her child than live without him. . .




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