Chapter 36

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Arjun entered the chess room with Panchaali, she looked around and noticed Duryodhan, Shakuni and Dushasan. Unease settled in her as she felt their gazes on her, “Arya can I go to the gardens instead for a walk?” She asked, practically pleading with her eyes, she didn’t doubt her husband’s capacity to protect her but she also saw no point in staying between all the men. He like always understood her, Arjun pressed his lips to her forehead and gave her a reassuring smile, “Be with me princess. Mata will be joining soon with Dushala. I have informed a guard to get them hear.” He whispered making her sigh, he really understood her so well. A sigh passed through her lips as she looked at her husband, all her life she had been alone, wanting nothing more than love, but didn’t get any. And now here was he, the man she loved more than soul, who understood all her little wants before she even knew she wanted or needed them. A smile appeared on her face, she mentally thanked the gods above for marrying her to him instead of someone else, she could never have a better husband than him. He was the type of the man that woman dream about, handsome, loving, caring and most importantly understanding. She was well aware of how lucky she was, unlike her not many were lucky to have a husband like hers, she recalled her conversations with Dushala and Bhanumati, a shudder racked through her body as she remembered what they had confided to her about their marital life. Unlike her arya theirs considered them a thing to warm their beds, Panchaali really wanted to help the two, but the society would never accept two women who had left their husbands, she knew how difficult the life of a woman becomes without her husband…
“Princess?” Her husband’s voice had her jolting out of her thoughts as she was snapped out of her thoughts, “What happened dear?” He asked, concern lacing her voice as she looked up at him, she shook her head and gave him a reassuring smile, she could see it in his eyes that he didn’t accept it but he decided to ask her later about it, his fingers laced with hers as he gave her a reassuring squeeze before they walked in. “Welcome dear nephew.” Shakuni said with a broad smile on his face as he looked at Arjun, who smiled, he knew this people the best, the best way to kill people like this was sweetness, he looked at the men in front of him, his hand wrapping possessively around his wife as he pulled her closer to his side as he glared at Duryodhan who was looking at her, a smile on his lips as he looked at her. Duryodhan clenched his fists at the open show of possessiveness, his eyes glaring at the man in front of him. He will take Panchaali from Arjun and make her his, even if it is the last thing he does, he was determined, Arjun met his glare head on, silently fighting a battle that he knew Duryodhan would lose, he could try everything, all he wished, he wasn’t the first one who was trying to take away his wife and surely won’t be the last. But yes, he like others would meet the same end, that every man had met the moment they dared to look at Panchaali in a wrong manner.
Shakuni wanted to slam Duryodhan’s head on the nearest wall, if there was a competition to be the dumbest man on the planet this man would excel every year in it. “Come have a seat.” He guided Arjun to the table where a chessboard sat, Arjun looked at Shakuni and gave a slight nod before he moved towards the table not leaving his wife alone for a moment, he pulled out a chair from a near by table and kept it beside his, “Seat love.” He said looking at his wife, as he pulled the chair out, she looked at him through her thick dark eyelashes’ uncertainty bubbling through her, he gave her a reassuring smile, making her move, as she sat down, he pushed the seat in helping her sit down comfortably. He tilted her seat slightly so that it faced his, “Hail the Kings and the princes, Maharaj Maharani Kunti has said that she can’t show up, she and Rajkumari Dushala has to go to the temple for some important work.” The dasi informed Arjun, who nodded, “Go to my room and get the book that is kept on my bed side.” He informed the dasi, who nodded and left. “Arjun always the perfect son and husband, an excellent man you are.” Gandhar raj said praising, “Of course Mamaji, my family is my everything. I do everything to protect and care for them. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for the ones I love.” He said, his voice calm as he looked at Gandhar Raj, whose heart thumped as he looked up at him, a smile appearing on his face, the warning in his words and eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Gandhar raj who gulped, this man was up to something he was more than sure of it now, but what was it? He thought as he gazed at Dhananjay, the man was a mixer of wisdom and power, a combination that was difficult to find, he looked at his wife, the woman who was his driving force, his nephew had indeed hit his feet on the axe with his own to hands. “Sit son.” Was all Gandhar raj could say, trying to dissipate the tension that was slowly building in the atmosphere, Arjun sat down, the game began, his one hand was held Panchaali’s as she read the book that Arjun had asked the dasi to get, she slowly lost herself in the story, he didn’t want to send his wife back to her chambers, after the incident few days back he no longer trusted anyone around her, he rubbed his hand as he played chess. “The strategy you are applying is something I don’t understand.”   Gandhar raj stated as he looked at the chess board, it was obvious to Arjun that the man was not speaking about the game in front of him but his next move against him, he smirked as he looked at them, “Now that’s the point isn’t it? If the enemy knows what I am planning how will I win? Plus, I like to see my prey sweat a bit before I hunt them.” He said nonchalantly, though his eyes blazed with a warning that had Gandhar raj’s heart thumping in terror, he looked at Arjun and forced a smile, “Of course Of course.” He said, before he turned silent, the game moved on, he failed to understand why Arjun was letting most his pawns get sacrificed, a smirk appeared on his face as he looked up at Arjun, who had a thoughtful look on his face, “Check.” He said victoriously, “You let so many of your pawns die, now see Arjun I am about to kill your queen, and soon the king shall follow.” He smirked, his gaze telling Dhananjay that he was speaking of more than of the game, Gandhar Raj’s eyes widened as Arjun moved his bishop, “No one touches my queen Gandhar Raj and those who do, death awaits them with open arms. Check mate.” He whispered, his eyes blazing with fire as he glared at the three, warning dripping from his words, Shakuni was still in shock, he had never expected that move, “I like to give my prey a sense of security, the feeling that they are winning before I tore their throats out.” He stated with dead calmness, the three nephew and their uncle gulped as they looked at the fire in his hazel eyes, “Let’s go princess.” He whispered with a smile on his face as he looked at his queen, he looked so calm like he wasn’t just threatening the three just movements ago, he held his out towards his wife, who looked up at him with a smile, she laid her hand in his before the two left, Arjun opened the door for his wife letting her go first before he turned around and looked at the three, “And unlike you all I don’t give empty threats.” He stated in a deadly calm voice before shutting the door behind him with a resonating thud, that had the level of terror zapping higher in the room. . .




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