Chapter 43

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Fury thrummed through Arjun, wild hot burning flames of fury blazed through him, his eyes moved to Panchaali, who lay peacefully.

He glared at Ulekha, who stood there trembling, her face pale, while she watched Arjun with eyes, her lips parted while she continued to watch the man in front of her.

“You think you could harm my wife?” He growled like an animal, Ulekha jumped back, terror slithered through her making it difficult to even think straight. How did he even enter here?

How did she not notice him enter? Questions spun through her mind as she continued to glared at the man ahead of her.

He glared at her; the hazel eyes were darkened with a wrath that made them look like raging storm.

“You. You underst..misunderstood. I was..wasn’t tr..trying to hurt her Arjun.” Her voice trembled, as she stumbled over the lie, he growled, his voice had her stumbling back as a squeak left her mouth in fear.

Arjun glared at her, his hands fisted, the thought of Panchaali being harmed arose a fury in him that knew no bound, he thirsted for Ulekha’s blood.

Over the time he had ignored her advances thinking that she would rectify her way, but she didn’t understand, did she? He glared as she watched her, his eyes burning with a fury that thirsted for his blood.

Panchaali was his, his and his alone and no one could change that fact, no one would ever dare touch her, and those who did never survived to tell the tale.

His gaze moved to his sleeping girl, seeing the serenity and peace on her beautiful face calmed him a bit, soothed his soul.

She was what he desired and needed the most and for some cursed reason fate tried to take away this one blessing that the gods had gifted him, one soul that he loved more than his next breath, one person with whom his world began and ended.

For her one smile there wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t do, he could give his life and take someone’s life as well.

His heart gave a sharp tug, while his eyes burned, his vision glazed his vision, the thought of losing her was enough to send him on his knees.

An agony so sharp pierced through his soul making it difficult to even think straight.

A sharp pain reverberated through his skull, a sickening crack filled the room, as his breath came out in a whoosh.

His hand loosened on the Gandiv, the air behind him shifted again, pain jolted through him sharper, a scream left mouth, as he fell forward, dark spots tinted his eyes, pain slithered through him making him fall on his knees.

“Arya!” The panic screamed of his wife had him looking up, his breathing came in short pants as he focused on his wife, whose face was a mask of horror. Laughter filled the room.

“Everyone Hail the king Arjun!” Taunted Shakuni, his words laced with malice.

Panchaali’s heart thudded wildly in her chest, her eyes focused on her husband, whose knees buckled and fell on the floor heavily, like a sack of potatoes.

“Arya!” She shouted, panic thrummed through her, as agony sizzled through her chest making it impossible for her to think straight.

She jumped off the bed and rushed to his side, tears flowed down her face as she looked at her husband, her heart froze as she noticed the puddle of blood around her head, his eyes were barely open as he watched her.

She rushed to his side and crouched next to him, agony burned through her heart like acid, making it difficult for her to even think straight, she picked his head and laid it on her lap.

“SOMEONE HELP!” She shouted as she cried, her eyes filled with tears, as her lehenga soaked with her husband’s blood, “Arya, keep your eyes open, please, nothing will happen. Arya!” her words, were laced with fear, as tears flowed down her cheeks.

No no no, she can’t lose him, he was all she had, there was no way in heaven that she could lose him as well.

He was the only reason for her survival, without him she was nothing, he was her very soul. And today seeing him bleeding killed her.

Agony pulsed through her, making it difficult for her to even think straight.

Shakuni wanted to laugh, did this moron Arjun really did think that he can win?

He thought as amusement filled him. a sick smile appeared on his face as he watched Arjun bleed o the floor, his hand tightened on the rod that he had used to hammer on his head, a smirk appeared on his face as a satisfaction filled him, the moment he had hammered his head had been one of the most beautiful moment of his life.

He glared at him, this moron had made his life so difficult, always talking about righteousness, righteousness, blah blah blah.

Oh, come on, there were more important things in this world than this so-called dharma. He walked up to where Arjun was lying. “WHAT DID YOU DO?! I WILL KILL YOU!” Ulekha screamed, her voice laced with menace as her hand tightened on the dagger, and launched herself on Shakuni.

Duryodhan wrapped his hand around her hair, as she thrashed, screaming and shouting profanities. “HE WAS MINE!” She shouted but before she could continue.

Shakuni pulled a dagger and shoved it hard in her neck, he smirked as he watched her eyes widen, blood filled her mouth, before the thick red liquid slipped out of her mouth.

“Mamaji! What did you do?” Duryodhan asked bored as he pushed her body on the ground.

“She had done her part and now, she’s just a nuisance. I don’t see the point of keeping her around.” Shakuni stated, his eyes moving to a very shocked Panchaali, who was watching him stunned, her eyes were widened in shock as she trembled in terror. A smirk appeared on the faces of the men’s face.

“Mamaji? Why are you doing this?” Her words were clogged with terror, Shakuni laughed, his cruel laughter bouncing off the walls in the room as he watched Panchaali.

“You really are this innocent or do you pretend to be?” Gandhar Raj taunted, his eyes shining with cruelty.

He tasked as his eyes fell on Arjun, the mighty warrior was on the verge of death, he smirked as he watched Dhananjay, the puddle of blood just seemed to increase with every passing second.

“Oh, Panchaali now you are only mine.” Duryodhan whispered, his words laced with glee, his eyes focusing on the crying woman. Anger thrummed through her, she glared at the two.

“My arya treated you both like family and this is how you repay him?!” She snapped, never in her life had she ever raised her voice on anyone but seeing her husband laying in his own pull of blood had her blazing with fury.

What had her husband done to deserve this? Nothing, he had always been kind to everyone and followed righteousness and here these men were, men who were their family were here to kill him?

For what? Property? Was money and property or the kingdom was more important than family? Having no one to love her Panchaali knew better than anyone the value of family.

It was way more precious than the wealth of the entire world.
Unconditional love could not be brought by money, no matter how rich one is, so she didn’t really understand why people ran behind money.

She glared at the men ahead of him, no matter what happened she would not let them win, she would save her husband, even if it is the last thing, she did…




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